The Praemium Application Programming Interface (API) enables your organisation to access account, investment, investor or model information from our systems securely and on demand. This can be used in a batch or real-time nature depending on your needs and data lifecycle.
This site provides you with full details of each of the endpoints in the API, including parameters, validation tips, and what to expect in our response.
If you are interested in using our API please contact your relationship manager or support team. They can answer any queries you may have and ensure all our compliance and contractual requirements are met. If you are not currently a customer, please register your interest with our sales team by visiting your local contact page
After your request to use our API has been approved, you're ready to start developing, please contact our Client Services team to obtain credentials that allows access to our test environment. Once your application is fully developed, you can request credentials for the Production environment. We have a number of different endpoints available based on our products, roles and regions.
If there are any endpoints that you require and we have not listed, please contact for further information. Alternatively our Upload Centre and automatic file/data exchange (via SFTP or other supported protocols) is available for the bulk collection of data or management of users, accounts or settings.
Investment or Model Managers can access and manage their models via a specialised set of APIs. This includes the setting or updating of investment selection, accessing model FUM, Performance and other information.
Next Steps
To get started with the Praemium API, you need to first gain access.
If you are an existing customer, please contact with your local relationship manager or support team.
If you are new to Praemium, either as an advice firm, investment manager or entrepreneur seeking to build a product on top of our platform – please get in touch via the contact page for Australia or International.
The process for gaining access is as follows:
1. Contact your relationship manager or sales/support team, who will provide you a terms of use document
2. On acceptance of the terms, a login will be created that allows you to access our Test API, product access will be granted upon request, and more detailed documentation relevant to your type of product subscription will be accessible in developer portal
3. After your successful development and testing, you will be granted access to the live environment
Product Subscription
Product subscription key is required for accessing corresponding endpoints and should be added to your request header as below:
x-pps-subscription-key: d3e30ecd1ab345...
Please log into our developer portal to subscribe to a product and generate corresponding product subscription key. Either primary key or secondary key can be used. If there is no product available after logged in, please contact your relationship manager or sales/support team to request access.
In order to access the Premium API, you will need to be granted a OAuth 2.0 client to authorise your application.
Applications that try to access the API without a valid access token will receive a 401 (Unauthorized) response.
To make calls to the API, get access token via our token endpoint and add access token as the Authorization header value in each HTTP request.
Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImt...
POST Access Token
This endpoint returns access token that can be used to access public API endpoints.
Header Examples
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Header Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Content-Typerequired | string | Must be application/x-www-form-urlencoded |
Request Parameter - Body Examples
Request Parameter - Body
Parameter | Type | Description |
Client_idrequired | string | OAuth 2.0 client ID provided by Praemium. |
Client_secretrequired | string | OAuth 2.0 client secret provided by Praemium. |
Response Examples
# 200 - OK
"token_type": "Bearer",
"expires_in": 3599,
"ext_expires_in": 3599,
"access_token": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGc..."
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
token_type | string | Token type is always Bearer. |
expires_in | integer | After how many seconds an access token will expire. |
ext_expires_in | integer | Extended lifetime of access token if value of this field is greater than value of expires_in. |
access_token | string | Access token that can be used to access public API endpoints. |
Specifying a Version
The API is versioned so that we can continually release new features and improvements without affecting existing implementations.
To specify the API version, simply add the HTTP header x-pps-api-version to each request as shown below:
x-pps-api-version: v1
Documentation related to previous versions can be found here.
Response Codes
The Praemium API communicates data and errors through standard HTTP status codes. Generally the following pattern will apply:
# 401 - Unauthorized
content-type: application/json
"Message": "Access token is missing or invalid."
Response code | Description |
200 | OK |
202 | Accepted |
204 | No Content |
400 | Bad Request |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
404 | Not Found |
405 | Method Not Allowed |
422 | Unprocessable Entity |
429 | Too Many Requests |
500 | Internal Server Error |
Rate Limiting
# 429 - Too Many Requests
content-type: application/json
retry-after: 36
"Message": "Rate limit is exceeded. Try again in 36 seconds."
The Praemium API limits requests made to each Praemium service.
The default is 500 requests per minute. If you hit the limit, the API will return HTTP code 429 (Too many requests) with a header "retry-after" (containing the number of seconds until a request can be made again). If you genuinely need to make more requests, please speak to our support team.
Set up Identity Provider
Identity Provider (IdP) has to be set up before you can use the SAML SSO. To set up IdP, you will need to provide the following:
- X509 Certificate
- Issuer of SAML token
Destination applications
To determine a destination application that users will be landing, you will need to add "Application" attribute/value into your SAML Assertion/Token. The followings are the supported values:
- Platform (Platform & Reporting)
- Adviser (Adviser Portal)
- Investor (Investor Portal)
If no "Application" attribute/value is provided, users will SSO into Platform & Reporting by default.
This endpoint returns a SAML token for login to Praemium platform.
Header Examples
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Header Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Content-Typerequired | string | Content type needs to be application/x-www-form-urlencoded. |
Body Parameter Examples
SAMLResponse={base64 encoded string of your SAML token}
Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
SAMLResponse | string | The value of the SAMLResponse parameter is the base64 encoding of an SAML token. |
Response Examples
# 302 - Redirect
This endpoint is to authenticate a user's access to the Praemium API. It returns a URL that contains a one-time security token. By accessing this URL, an authenticated user will be logged in without having to specify the user's credentials again.
Header Examples
Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImt...
x-pps-subscription-key: d3e30ecd1ab345...
x-pps-api-version: v1
Header Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Authorizationrequired | string | Access token. |
x-pps-subscription-keyrequired | string | Product subscription key. |
x-pps-api-versionrequired | string | API version of the endpoint. |
Request Parameter - Body Examples
"UserId": 1234,
"Application": 0
Request Parameter - Body
Parameter | Type | Description |
Applicationrequired | enum | ID of the application the user will be sent to once logged in. Platform = 0, InvestorPortal = 1, AdviserPortal = 2, ApplicationPortal = 3. |
UserIdrequired | integer | ID of the user to log in. |
Parameters | object |
Response Examples
# 200 - OK
"SsoUrl": ""
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
SsoUrl | string | SSO URL. |
Account Setup - Straight Through Processing
Our API allows for a straight through paperless electronic applications process. This allows for accounts, applicants, users and digital signatures to be created and linked directly through API and for a seamless integration into your existing application workflow.
Step 1: Create Account
POST SMA Account
This endpoint creates a new SMA account in the system.
Header Examples
Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImt...
x-pps-subscription-key: d3e30ecd1ab345...
x-pps-api-version: v1
Header Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Authorizationrequired | string | Access token. |
x-pps-subscription-keyrequired | string | Product subscription key. |
x-pps-api-versionrequired | string | API version of the endpoint. |
Request Parameter - Body Examples
"Name": "Miss Jane Smith",
"AdviserId": 37309,
"PdsId": "AU5",
"EntityType": 0,
"CurrencyCode": "AUD",
"IsConsolidationAccount": true,
"BankAccounts": [
"Bsb": "012012",
"AccountNumber": "6555567",
"AccountName": "Miss Jane Smith",
"CashContributions": true,
"SmaWithdrawals": true,
"PayoutIncome": false,
"FeeOffset": true,
"RegularContributionPlan": true
"Fees": [
"Id": "AU5794",
"FeeType": 0,
"Value": 1,
"IsPercent": true,
"IncludesTax": true
"AccountSetup": {
"InitialInvestment": 4234,
"InitialTransferValue": 23,
"CashInvestmentMethod": 1
"Models": [
"ModelCode": "MACAUD",
"ModelPercent": 100
"FeeInstructions": [
"ModelCode": "MACAUD",
"Percentage": 100
Request Parameter - Body
Parameter | Type | Description |
Namerequired | string | Account name. |
AdviserIdrequired | integer | Adviser ID to create the application under. |
RegisteredName | string | Account registered name. |
EntityTyperequired | enum | The entity type of the account. Individual = 0, Trust = 1, Corporate = 2, Partnership = 3, Superfund = 4, Joint = 5. |
PdsIdrequired | string | PDS ID of account. |
CurrencyCoderequired | string | The currency code of the account. |
IsCorporate | boolean | Is the account a corporate. |
FeeConsentTyperequired | enum | Ongoing = 1, FixedTerm = 2, NotCharged = 3. For NotCharged only Establishment fee can be provided. |
FixedTermFeesStartEndDate | object | The date range of the fixed term fee consent for the account |
FixedTermFeesStartEndDate.TermStartDate | date-time | The start date of this fee consent. |
FixedTermFeesStartEndDate.TermEndDate | date-time | The end date of this fee consent. |
OngoingFeesAnniversaryDate | object | The Anniversary date of the ongoing fee consent for the account |
OngoingFeesAnniversaryDate.AnniversaryDate | date-time | The anniversary date. |
Fees | array | Account fees. |
Fees.Idrequired | string | Fee table id, allowed values can fetched from GetPDS endpoint. |
Fees.FeeTyperequired | enum | FeeTable = 0, Contribution = 1, Establishment = 2, Termination = 3, Withdrawal = 4, Ongoing = 5. |
Fees.Valuerequired | double | Value of the fee. |
Fees.IsPercent | boolean | Whether the fee is a percent. |
Fees.IncludesTax | boolean | Fee including tax. |
Modelsrequired | array | Account models. |
Models.ModelCoderequired | string | Model code. |
Models.ModelPercent | double | Percentage of the model. |
BankAccountsrequired | array | Bank accounts. |
BankAccounts.Bsbrequired | string | Bank account BSB. |
BankAccounts.AccountNumberrequired | string | Bank account number. |
BankAccounts.AccountNamerequired | string | Bank account name. |
BankAccounts.Usagesrequired | array | This allows you to define a regular cash addition or withdrawal from the account. |
FeeInstructions | array | Model allocation to deduct fees. |
FeeInstructions.ModelCoderequired | string | Model code. |
FeeInstructions.Percentage | double | Percentage of the model. |
IncomeInstructions | array | Model allocation to reinvest income. |
IncomeInstructions.ModelCoderequired | string | Model code. |
IncomeInstructions.Percentage | double | Percentage of the model. |
SecurityTransfers | array | Security transfers. |
SecurityTransfers.SecurityId | string | Security ID. |
SecurityTransfers.SecurityType | enum | |
SecurityTransfers.Quantity | double | Quantity of security. |
SecurityTransfers.OutsideOfRebalanceQuantity | double | Quantity of the security outside of rebalance. |
SecurityTransfers.HoldingType | enum | IssuerSponsored = 0, Chess = 1. |
SecurityTransfers.SponsorOrIssuer | string | Is the security held with a sponsor or issuer. |
SecurityTransfers.ParticipantId | integer | Participant ID. |
SecurityTransfers.HinOrSrn | string | Is the security transfer held under a HIN or SRN. |
SecurityTransfers.Comments | string | |
SecurityTransfers.TransferExistingHin | boolean | |
SecurityTransfers.Direction | enum | In = 0, Out = 1. |
RegularWithdrawal | object | Bank account to be used for regular withdrawals. |
RegularWithdrawal.Amount | double | Amount of regular transaction from the account. |
RegularWithdrawal.Frequency | enum | Monthly = 1, ThreeMonthly = 3, SixMonthly = 6, Annually = 12, Quarterly = 13, HalfYearly = 14. |
RegularWithdrawal.CommencementDate | date-time | Commencement date of the regular transaction. |
RegularWithdrawal.TerminationDate | date-time | Termination date of the regular transaction. |
RegularContribution | object | Bank account to be used for direct debiting regular contribution plan. |
RegularContribution.Amount | double | Amount of regular cash contributions to the account. |
RegularContribution.Frequency | enum | Monthly = 1, ThreeMonthly = 3, SixMonthly = 6, Annually = 12, Quarterly = 13, HalfYearly = 14. |
AccountSetuprequired | object | To be used for regular SMA accounts. |
AccountSetup.InitialInvestmentrequired | double | Initial investment of account. |
AccountSetup.InitialTransferValue | double | Estimated total in-specie value for transfers into the account. |
AccountSetup.CashInvestmentMethodrequired | enum | Initial investment source. BPay = 1, Direct Debit = 2. |
Response Examples
# 200 - OK
"Id": "AU400000",
"Code": "SMA00400000"
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Id | string | Unique application ID to be used as an application reference. |
Code | string | Account code. |
POST SuperSMA Accumulation Account
This endpoint creates a new SuperSMA Accumulation account in the system.
Header Examples
Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImt...
x-pps-subscription-key: d3e30ecd1ab345...
x-pps-api-version: v1
Header Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Authorizationrequired | string | Access token. |
x-pps-subscription-keyrequired | string | Product subscription key. |
x-pps-api-versionrequired | string | API version of the endpoint. |
Request Parameter - Body Examples
"Name": "Miss Jane Smith",
"AdviserId": 37309,
"PdsId": "AU5",
"EntityType": 0,
"CurrencyCode": "AUD",
"IsConsolidationAccount": true,
"BankAccounts": [
"Bsb": "012012",
"AccountNumber": "6555567",
"AccountName": "Miss Jane Smith",
"CashContributions": true,
"SmaWithdrawals": true,
"PayoutIncome": false,
"FeeOffset": true,
"RegularContributionPlan": true
"InitialInvestmentAmount": 5000,
"InitialInvestmentType": 11,
"Fees": [
"Id": "AU5794",
"FeeType": 0,
"Value": 1,
"IsPercent": true,
"IncludesTax": true
"Models": [
"ModelCode": "MACAUD",
"ModelPercent": 100
"FeeInstructions": [
"ModelCode": "MACAUD",
"Percentage": 100
Request Parameter - Body
Parameter | Type | Description |
Namerequired | string | Account name. |
AdviserIdrequired | integer | Adviser ID to create the application under. |
RegisteredName | string | Account registered name. |
EntityTyperequired | enum | The entity type of the account. Individual = 0, Trust = 1, Corporate = 2, Partnership = 3, Superfund = 4, Joint = 5. |
PdsIdrequired | string | PDS ID of account. |
CurrencyCoderequired | string | The currency code of the account. |
IsCorporate | boolean | Is the account a corporate. |
FeeConsentTyperequired | enum | Ongoing = 1, FixedTerm = 2, NotCharged = 3. For NotCharged only Establishment fee can be provided. |
FixedTermFeesStartEndDate | object | The date range of the fixed term fee consent for the account |
FixedTermFeesStartEndDate.TermStartDate | date-time | The start date of this fee consent. |
FixedTermFeesStartEndDate.TermEndDate | date-time | The end date of this fee consent. |
OngoingFeesAnniversaryDate | object | The Anniversary date of the ongoing fee consent for the account |
OngoingFeesAnniversaryDate.AnniversaryDate | date-time | The anniversary date. |
Fees | array | Account fees. |
Fees.Idrequired | string | Fee table id, allowed values can fetched from GetPDS endpoint. |
Fees.FeeTyperequired | enum | FeeTable = 0, Contribution = 1, Establishment = 2, Termination = 3, Withdrawal = 4, Ongoing = 5. |
Fees.Valuerequired | double | Value of the fee. |
Fees.IsPercent | boolean | Whether the fee is a percent. |
Fees.IncludesTax | boolean | Fee including tax. |
Modelsrequired | array | Account models. |
Models.ModelCoderequired | string | Model code. |
Models.ModelPercent | double | Percentage of the model. |
BankAccountsrequired | array | Bank accounts. |
BankAccounts.Bsbrequired | string | Bank account BSB. |
BankAccounts.AccountNumberrequired | string | Bank account number. |
BankAccounts.AccountNamerequired | string | Bank account name. |
BankAccounts.Usagesrequired | array | This allows you to define a regular cash addition or withdrawal from the account. |
FeeInstructions | array | Model allocation to deduct fees. |
FeeInstructions.ModelCoderequired | string | Model code. |
FeeInstructions.Percentage | double | Percentage of the model. |
IncomeInstructions | array | Model allocation to reinvest income. |
IncomeInstructions.ModelCoderequired | string | Model code. |
IncomeInstructions.Percentage | double | Percentage of the model. |
ContributionSourcesrequired | array | SuperSMA source of fund information. |
ContributionSources.SourceOfContribution | string | Contribution source. |
ContributionSources.ExpectedAmount | double | Expected contribution amount to be transferred. Set if ContributionSources.EntireBalance is false. |
ContributionSources.EntireBalance | boolean | Whether the entire balance of the external fund account will be transferred. |
Transfers | array | Contains details on other SuperSMA account(s) to be transferred to this account. |
Transfers.TransferFromAccountId | string | Account ID of the other SuperSMA account to transfer to this account. |
Transfers.TransferMethod | enum | WholeAmountWithClose = 0, WholeAmountKeepOpen = 1, SpecifiedAmount = 2 - whether the source account will be kept open. |
Transfers.Amount | double | If Account.Transfers.TransferMethod is WholeAmountKeepOpenSpecifiedAmount, the amount to be transferred. |
OtherContributions | array | Contains details of other assets that will be used to fund this account. |
OtherContributions.ContributionType | enum | Concessional_Employee = 11, Concessional_Personal = 12, Concessional_OtherFriendsAndFamily = 13, NonConcessional_Personal = 21, NonConcessional_SpouseAndChild = 22, NonConcessional_FirstHomeSaverAccount = 23, Exempt_CGT_15Year = 31, Exempt_CGT_Retirement = 32, Exempt_PersonalInjuryElection = 33, Other_GovernmentCoContribution = 41, Other_LowIncomeSuperContribution = 42, Downsizer = 43. |
OtherContributions.ExpectedAmount | double | Expected other contribution amount to be transferred. |
EmployerContributions | boolean | Employer contributions. |
IsConsolidationAccount | boolean | Is the account consolidated. |
InitialInvestmentAmountrequired | double | For SuperSMA Accumulation accounts: the amount of cash that will be invested in the account. |
InitialInvestmentTyperequired | enum | Concessional_Employee = 11, Concessional_Personal = 12, Concessional_OtherFriendsAndFamily = 13, NonConcessional_Personal = 21, NonConcessional_SpouseAndChild = 22, NonConcessional_FirstHomeSaverAccount = 23, Exempt_CGT_15Year = 31, Exempt_CGT_Retirement = 32, Exempt_PersonalInjuryElection = 33, Other_GovernmentCoContribution = 41, Other_LowIncomeSuperContribution = 42, Downsizer = 43. |
ContributionType | enum | Concessional_Employee = 11, Concessional_Personal = 12, Concessional_OtherFriendsAndFamily = 13, NonConcessional_Personal = 21, NonConcessional_SpouseAndChild = 22, NonConcessional_FirstHomeSaverAccount = 23, Exempt_CGT_15Year = 31, Exempt_CGT_Retirement = 32, Exempt_PersonalInjuryElection = 33, Other_GovernmentCoContribution = 41, Other_LowIncomeSuperContribution = 42, Downsizer = 43. |
RegularContribution | object | Contains details of the regular contribution plan for this account. |
RegularContribution.Amount | double | Amount of regular cash contributions to the account. |
RegularContribution.Frequency | enum | Monthly = 1, ThreeMonthly = 3, SixMonthly = 6, Annually = 12, Quarterly = 13, HalfYearly = 14. |
AdviserServicesProvidedrequired | array | The services provided by the adviser: Review of your account = 1, Strategic superannuation advice = 2, Investment advice on your account = 3 ,Contribution strategy = 4, Insurance in superannuation strategy = 5, Withdrawal advice (lump sum and/or pension) = 6. |
Response Examples
# 200 - OK
"Id": "AU400000",
"Code": "SMA00400000"
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Id | string | Unique application ID to be used as an application reference. |
Code | string | Account code. |
POST SuperSMA Pension Accounts
This endpoint creates a new SuperSMA Pension account in the system.
Header Examples
Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImt...
x-pps-subscription-key: d3e30ecd1ab345...
x-pps-api-version: v1
Header Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Authorizationrequired | string | Access token. |
x-pps-subscription-keyrequired | string | Product subscription key. |
x-pps-api-versionrequired | string | API version of the endpoint. |
Request Parameter - Body Examples
"Name": "Miss Jane Smith",
"AdviserId": 37309,
"PdsId": "AU5",
"EntityType": 0,
"CurrencyCode": "AUD",
"IsConsolidationAccount": true,
"PensionType": "AccountBasedPension",
"PaymentType": "Specified",
"PensionPayments": {
"Amount": 1000,
"Frequency": "Monthly"
"BankAccounts": [
"Bsb": "012012",
"AccountNumber": "6555567",
"AccountName": "Miss Jane Smith",
"CashContributions": true,
"SmaWithdrawals": true,
"PayoutIncome": false,
"FeeOffset": true,
"RegularContributionPlan": true
"Fees": [
"Id": "AU5794",
"FeeType": 0,
"Value": 1,
"IsPercent": true,
"IncludesTax": true
"Models": [
"ModelCode": "MACAUD",
"ModelPercent": 100
"FeeInstructions": [
"ModelCode": "MACAUD",
"Percentage": 100
Request Parameter - Body
Parameter | Type | Description |
Namerequired | string | Account name. |
AdviserIdrequired | integer | Adviser ID to create the application under. |
RegisteredName | string | Account registered name. |
EntityTyperequired | enum | The entity type of the account. Individual = 0, Trust = 1, Corporate = 2, Partnership = 3, Superfund = 4, Joint = 5. |
PdsIdrequired | string | PDS ID of account. |
CurrencyCoderequired | string | The currency code of the account. |
IsCorporate | boolean | Is the account a corporate. |
FeeConsentTyperequired | enum | Ongoing = 1, FixedTerm = 2, NotCharged = 3. For NotCharged only Establishment fee can be provided. |
FixedTermFeesStartEndDate | object | The date range of the fixed term fee consent for the account |
FixedTermFeesStartEndDate.TermStartDate | date-time | The start date of this fee consent. |
FixedTermFeesStartEndDate.TermEndDate | date-time | The end date of this fee consent. |
OngoingFeesAnniversaryDate | object | The Anniversary date of the ongoing fee consent for the account |
OngoingFeesAnniversaryDate.AnniversaryDate | date-time | The anniversary date. |
Fees | array | Account fees. |
Fees.Idrequired | string | Fee table id, allowed values can fetched from GetPDS endpoint. |
Fees.FeeTyperequired | enum | FeeTable = 0, Contribution = 1, Establishment = 2, Termination = 3, Withdrawal = 4, Ongoing = 5. |
Fees.Valuerequired | double | Value of the fee. |
Fees.IsPercent | boolean | Whether the fee is a percent. |
Fees.IncludesTax | boolean | Fee including tax. |
Modelsrequired | array | Account models. |
Models.ModelCoderequired | string | Model code. |
Models.ModelPercent | double | Percentage of the model. |
BankAccountsrequired | array | Bank accounts. |
BankAccounts.Bsbrequired | string | Bank account BSB. |
BankAccounts.AccountNumberrequired | string | Bank account number. |
BankAccounts.AccountNamerequired | string | Bank account name. |
BankAccounts.Usagesrequired | array | This allows you to define a regular cash addition or withdrawal from the account. |
FeeInstructions | array | Model allocation to deduct fees. |
FeeInstructions.ModelCoderequired | string | Model code. |
FeeInstructions.Percentage | double | Percentage of the model. |
IncomeInstructions | array | Model allocation to reinvest income. |
IncomeInstructions.ModelCoderequired | string | Model code. |
IncomeInstructions.Percentage | double | Percentage of the model. |
PensionTyperequired | enum | AccountBasedPension = 1, TransitionToRetirement = 2. |
ContributionSources | array | SuperSMA source of fund information. |
ContributionSources.SourceOfContribution | string | Contribution source. |
ContributionSources.ExpectedAmount | double | Expected contribution amount to be transferred. Set if ContributionSources.EntireBalance is false. |
ContributionSources.EntireBalance | boolean | Whether the entire balance of the external fund account will be transferred. |
Transfers | array | Contains details on other SuperSMA account(s) to be transferred to this account. |
Transfers.TransferFromAccountId | string | Account ID of the other SuperSMA account to transfer to this account. |
Transfers.TransferMethod | enum | WholeAmountWithClose = 0, WholeAmountKeepOpen = 1, SpecifiedAmount = 2 - whether the source account will be kept open. |
Transfers.Amount | double | If Account.Transfers.TransferMethod is WholeAmountKeepOpenSpecifiedAmount, the amount to be transferred. |
OtherContributions | array | Contains details of other assets that will be used to fund this account. |
OtherContributions.ContributionType | enum | Concessional_Employee = 11, Concessional_Personal = 12, Concessional_OtherFriendsAndFamily = 13, NonConcessional_Personal = 21, NonConcessional_SpouseAndChild = 22, NonConcessional_FirstHomeSaverAccount = 23, Exempt_CGT_15Year = 31, Exempt_CGT_Retirement = 32, Exempt_PersonalInjuryElection = 33, Other_GovernmentCoContribution = 41, Other_LowIncomeSuperContribution = 42, Downsizer = 43. |
OtherContributions.ExpectedAmount | double | Expected other contribution amount to be transferred. |
Consolidation | object | Establish an accumulation account. You can open an accumulation account in the same application alongside a pension account. Only available for SuperSMA Pension. |
Consolidation.UseExisting | boolean | Link an existing SuperSMA accumulation account to the pension account. |
Consolidation.AccountId | string | Account ID. |
Consolidation.TransferMethod | enum | WholeAmountWithClose = 0, WholeAmountKeepOpen = 1, SpecifiedAmount = 2 - whether the source account will be kept open. |
Consolidation.Amount | double | Specifies the amount of the transfer from the existing account. |
PensionPayments | object | Payment amount paid from the pension account. Only available for SuperSMA Pension. |
PensionPayments.Amount | double | Amount of regular transaction from the account. |
PensionPayments.Frequency | enum | Monthly = 1, ThreeMonthly = 3, SixMonthly = 6, Annually = 12, Quarterly = 13, HalfYearly = 14. |
PensionPayments.CommencementDate | date-time | Commencement date of the regular transaction. |
PensionPayments.TerminationDate | date-time | Termination date of the regular transaction. |
PaymentTyperequired | enum | Whether the pension payment will be (0) a specified amount; (1) the minimum amount; or (2) the maximum amount. Only available for SuperSMA Pension |
CentrelinkSchedule | boolean | If a Centrelink schedule is required. |
PensionPaymentInstructions | array | Pension payment instructions. |
PensionPaymentInstructions.ModelCoderequired | string | Model code. |
PensionPaymentInstructions.Percentage | double | Percentage of the model. |
AdviserServicesProvidedrequired | array | The services provided by the adviser: Review of your account = 1, Strategic superannuation advice = 2, Investment advice on your account = 3 ,Contribution strategy = 4, Insurance in superannuation strategy = 5, Withdrawal advice (lump sum and/or pension) = 6. |
Response Examples
# 200 - OK
"Id": "AU400000",
"Code": "SMA00400000"
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Id | string | Unique application ID to be used as an application reference. |
Code | string | Account code. |
PATCH User Accounts
This endpoint allows linking user to accounts.
Header Examples
Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImt...
x-pps-subscription-key: d3e30ecd1ab345...
x-pps-api-version: v1
Header Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Authorizationrequired | string | Access token. |
x-pps-subscription-keyrequired | string | Product subscription key. |
x-pps-api-versionrequired | string | API version of the endpoint. |
Request Parameter - Body Examples
"UserId": 9091234,
"AccountIds": ["AU400000", "AU400001"],
"UserRole": 4,
"Access": 2
Request Parameter - Body
Parameter | Type | Description |
UserIdrequired | integer | User ID. |
AccountIdsrequired | array | An array of account IDs. |
UserRole | enum | Accountant = 0, Custodian = 1, FinancialPlanner = 2, InvestmentAdviser = 3, Other = 4, Owner = 5. Default to 4. |
Access | enum | Full = 0, Read = 1, Update = 2. Default to 1. |
Response Examples
# 204 - NoContent
Step 2: Create Applicant and Link
POST AU Individual SMA Applicant
Link an individual applicant to the created account.
Header Examples
Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImt...
x-pps-subscription-key: d3e30ecd1ab345...
x-pps-api-version: v1
Header Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Authorizationrequired | string | Access token. |
x-pps-subscription-keyrequired | string | Product subscription key. |
x-pps-api-versionrequired | string | API version of the endpoint. |
Request Parameter - Query Examples
accountId: AU400000
Request Parameter - Query
Parameter | Type | Description |
AccountIdrequired | string | Account ID. |
Request Parameter - Body Examples
"AdviserId": 123456,
"Profession": null,
"SourceOfFunds": null,
"IsPoliticallyExposedPerson": false,
"PepDetails": "Senior politician",
"SourceOfWealth": null,
"TaxRateElection": "RTFN",
"TaxDomicileCountryCode": "AUS",
"Name": {
"Title": 0,
"FirstName": "Tony",
"LastName": "Stark"
"Sex": 1,
"DateOfBirth": "1997-01-12",
"Email": "",
"BirthCountryCode": "AUS",
"BirthTown": null,
"CitizenshipCountryCode": "AUS",
"Addresses": [
"Type": 0,
"Line1": "367 Collins St",
"Line2": " ",
"Line3": "",
"SuburbOrCounty": "Melbourne",
"TownOrCityOrState": "VIC",
"Postcode": "3000",
"Country": "AUS"
"Phone": "041231232",
"PhoneOther": null,
"IsSignatory": false,
"SignatureImage": null,
"Identification": [
"Type": 0,
"Value": "1231234"
Request Parameter - Body
Parameter | Type | Description |
AdviserIdrequired | integer | Adviser ID to create the application under. |
Profession | string | The profession of the applicant |
SourceOfFunds | string | Owner adviser ID to create the application under. |
SourceOfWealth | string | Owner adviser ID to create the application under. |
Namerequired | object | Used for Individual applicants. |
Name.Title | enum | Title: Mr, Mrs, Ms, Miss, Prof and Dr. |
Name.FirstNamerequired | string | First name of individual. |
Name.LastNamerequired | string | Last name of individual. |
DateOfBirth | date-time | Date of birth of the individual. |
string | Email address of the individual. | |
Phone | string | Primary contact number of the individual. |
PhoneOther | string | Other phone of the individual. |
Sex | enum | Male = 1, Female = 2. |
TaxRateElection | string | Praemium code for the applicant's tax status - RTFN = Resident with TFN, RABN = Resident with ABN, NRWT = Non resident of Australia, NTFN = Resident of Australia without a TFN. |
IsPoliticallyExposedPerson | boolean | Whether applicant is politically exposed. |
IsSignatory | boolean | Whether the applicant is a signatory on the account. We require one signatory for individual and SuperSMA accounts, and all joint account holders must be signatories. |
SignatureImage | string | A base64 string representing an image of the applicant's signature. To prevent distortion of the image when it is printed, please ensure the width of the image is five times the height. |
PepDetails | string | If applicant is politically exposed, details must be supplied. |
TaxDomicileCountryCode | string | ISO alpha-3 code for the country where the applicant is resident for tax purposes. |
BirthCountryCode | string | Birth country code. |
BirthTown | string | The town of birth |
CitizenshipCountryCode | string | Citizenship country code. |
Identificationrequired | array | Array of TFN / ABN. |
Identification.Type | enum | Tfn = 0, Tin = 2. |
Identification.Value | string | Identification value of applicant. |
Identification.MissingReason | enum | CountryDoesntIssue = 1, DontNeedOne = 2, Other = 99. |
Identification.MissingReasonText | string | Reason identification of applicant is missing. |
Addressesrequired | array | An array of addresses of the applicant |
Addresses.Typerequired | enum | Home = 0, Office = 1, Mailing = 2, PrincipalPlaceOfBusiness = 3. |
Addresses.Line1required | string | Address line 1. |
Addresses.Line2 | string | Address line 2. |
Addresses.Line3 | string | Address line 3. |
Addresses.Postcoderequired | string | Postcode of address. |
Addresses.SuburbOrCountyrequired | string | Suburb or county details. |
Addresses.TownOrCityOrStaterequired | string | State or town or city details. |
Addresses.Countryrequired | string | Country code. For example, AUS = Australia. |
Response Examples
# 200 - OK
"CreationStatus": 0,
"ApplicantId": "AU123214"
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
ApplicantId | string | The ApplicantID* as returned by the Applicants endpoint. |
CreationStatus | enum | Success = 0, Fail = 1. |
POST AU Individual SuperSMA Accumulation Applicant
Link an individual applicant to the created account.
Header Examples
Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImt...
x-pps-subscription-key: d3e30ecd1ab345...
x-pps-api-version: v1
Header Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Authorizationrequired | string | Access token. |
x-pps-subscription-keyrequired | string | Product subscription key. |
x-pps-api-versionrequired | string | API version of the endpoint. |
Request Parameter - Query Examples
accountId: AU400000
Request Parameter - Query
Parameter | Type | Description |
AccountIdrequired | string | Account ID. |
Request Parameter - Body Examples
"AdviserId": 123456,
"Profession": null,
"SourceOfFunds": null,
"IsPoliticallyExposedPerson": false,
"PepDetails": "Senior politician",
"SourceOfWealth": null,
"TaxRateElection": "RTFN",
"TaxDomicileCountryCode": "AUS",
"Name": {
"Title": 0,
"FirstName": "Tony",
"LastName": "Stark"
"Sex": 1,
"DateOfBirth": "1997-01-12",
"Email": "",
"BirthCountryCode": "AUS",
"BirthTown": null,
"CitizenshipCountryCode": "AUS",
"Addresses": [
"Type": 0,
"Line1": "367 Collins St",
"Line2": " ",
"Line3": "",
"SuburbOrCounty": "Melbourne",
"TownOrCityOrState": "VIC",
"Postcode": "3000",
"Country": "AUS"
"Phone": "041231232",
"PhoneOther": null,
"IsSignatory": false,
"SignatureImage": null,
"Identification": [
"Type": 0,
"Value": "1231234"
"NominatedBeneficiaries": [
"Type": 0,
"FullName": "Adam Smith",
"RelationshipToMember": 1,
"Proportion": 100,
"DateOfBirth": "1997-01-12"
Request Parameter - Body
Parameter | Type | Description |
AdviserIdrequired | integer | Adviser ID to create the application under. |
Profession | string | The profession of the applicant |
SourceOfFunds | string | Owner adviser ID to create the application under. |
SourceOfWealth | string | Owner adviser ID to create the application under. |
Namerequired | object | Used for Individual applicants. |
Name.Title | enum | Title: Mr, Mrs, Ms, Miss, Prof and Dr. |
Name.FirstNamerequired | string | First name of individual. |
Name.LastNamerequired | string | Last name of individual. |
DateOfBirth | date-time | Date of birth of the individual. |
string | Email address of the individual. | |
Phone | string | Primary contact number of the individual. |
PhoneOther | string | Other phone of the individual. |
Sex | enum | Male = 1, Female = 2. |
TaxRateElection | string | Praemium code for the applicant's tax status - RTFN = Resident with TFN, RABN = Resident with ABN, NRWT = Non resident of Australia, NTFN = Resident of Australia without a TFN. |
IsPoliticallyExposedPerson | boolean | Whether applicant is politically exposed. |
IsSignatory | boolean | Whether the applicant is a signatory on the account. We require one signatory for individual and SuperSMA accounts, and all joint account holders must be signatories. |
SignatureImage | string | A base64 string representing an image of the applicant's signature. To prevent distortion of the image when it is printed, please ensure the width of the image is five times the height. |
PepDetails | string | If applicant is politically exposed, details must be supplied. |
TaxDomicileCountryCode | string | ISO alpha-3 code for the country where the applicant is resident for tax purposes. |
BirthCountryCode | string | Birth country code. |
BirthTown | string | The town of birth |
CitizenshipCountryCode | string | Citizenship country code. |
Identificationrequired | array | Array of TFN / ABN. |
Identification.Type | enum | Tfn = 0, Tin = 2. |
Identification.Value | string | Identification value of applicant. |
Identification.MissingReason | enum | CountryDoesntIssue = 1, DontNeedOne = 2, Other = 99. |
Identification.MissingReasonText | string | Reason identification of applicant is missing. |
Addressesrequired | array | An array of addresses of the applicant |
Addresses.Typerequired | enum | Home = 0, Office = 1, Mailing = 2, PrincipalPlaceOfBusiness = 3. |
Addresses.Line1required | string | Address line 1. |
Addresses.Line2 | string | Address line 2. |
Addresses.Line3 | string | Address line 3. |
Addresses.Postcoderequired | string | Postcode of address. |
Addresses.SuburbOrCountyrequired | string | Suburb or county details. |
Addresses.TownOrCityOrStaterequired | string | State or town or city details. |
Addresses.Countryrequired | string | Country code. For example, AUS = Australia. |
NominatedBeneficiaries | array | An array of nominated beneficiaries of the applicant |
NominatedBeneficiaries.Type | enum | Standard = 0, Reversionary Pensioner = 1. |
NominatedBeneficiaries.FullNamerequired | string | Full legal name of the beneficiary. |
NominatedBeneficiaries.RelationshipToMemberrequired | string | Spouse = 1, Child = 2, Other = 3 |
NominatedBeneficiaries.Proportionrequired | string | The portion of the benefit that should be paid to the beneficiary. These must add up to 100%. |
NominatedBeneficiaries.DateOfBirth | string | Beneficiary’s date of birth. |
Response Examples
# 200 - OK
"CreationStatus": 0,
"ApplicantId": "AU123214"
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
ApplicantId | string | The ApplicantID* as returned by the Applicants endpoint. |
CreationStatus | enum | Success = 0, Fail = 1. |
POST AU Individual SMA Pension Applicant
Link an individual applicant to the created account.
Header Examples
Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImt...
x-pps-subscription-key: d3e30ecd1ab345...
x-pps-api-version: v1
Header Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Authorizationrequired | string | Access token. |
x-pps-subscription-keyrequired | string | Product subscription key. |
x-pps-api-versionrequired | string | API version of the endpoint. |
Request Parameter - Query Examples
accountId: AU400000
Request Parameter - Query
Parameter | Type | Description |
AccountIdrequired | string | Account ID. |
Request Parameter - Body Examples
"AdviserId": 123456,
"Profession": null,
"SourceOfFunds": null,
"IsPoliticallyExposedPerson": false,
"PepDetails": "Senior politician",
"SourceOfWealth": null,
"TaxRateElection": "RTFN",
"TaxDomicileCountryCode": "AUS",
"Name": {
"Title": 0,
"FirstName": "Tony",
"LastName": "Stark"
"Sex": 1,
"DateOfBirth": "1997-01-12",
"Email": "",
"BirthCountryCode": "AUS",
"BirthTown": null,
"CitizenshipCountryCode": "AUS",
"Addresses": [
"Type": 0,
"Line1": "367 Collins St",
"Line2": " ",
"Line3": "",
"SuburbOrCounty": "Melbourne",
"TownOrCityOrState": "VIC",
"Postcode": "3000",
"Country": "AUS"
"Phone": "041231232",
"PhoneOther": null,
"IsSignatory": false,
"SignatureImage": null,
"Identification": [
"Type": 0,
"Value": "1231234"
"ReversionaryBeneficiary": {
"Type": 0,
"FullName": "Adam Smith",
"RelationshipToMember": 1,
"Proportion": 100,
"DateOfBirth": "1997-01-12"
Request Parameter - Body
Parameter | Type | Description |
AdviserIdrequired | integer | Adviser ID to create the application under. |
Profession | string | The profession of the applicant |
SourceOfFunds | string | Owner adviser ID to create the application under. |
SourceOfWealth | string | Owner adviser ID to create the application under. |
Namerequired | object | Used for Individual applicants. |
Name.Title | enum | Title: Mr, Mrs, Ms, Miss, Prof and Dr. |
Name.FirstNamerequired | string | First name of individual. |
Name.LastNamerequired | string | Last name of individual. |
DateOfBirth | date-time | Date of birth of the individual. |
string | Email address of the individual. | |
Phone | string | Primary contact number of the individual. |
PhoneOther | string | Other phone of the individual. |
Sex | enum | Male = 1, Female = 2. |
TaxRateElection | string | Praemium code for the applicant's tax status - RTFN = Resident with TFN, RABN = Resident with ABN, NRWT = Non resident of Australia, NTFN = Resident of Australia without a TFN. |
IsPoliticallyExposedPerson | boolean | Whether applicant is politically exposed. |
IsSignatory | boolean | Whether the applicant is a signatory on the account. We require one signatory for individual and SuperSMA accounts, and all joint account holders must be signatories. |
SignatureImage | string | A base64 string representing an image of the applicant's signature. To prevent distortion of the image when it is printed, please ensure the width of the image is five times the height. |
PepDetails | string | If applicant is politically exposed, details must be supplied. |
TaxDomicileCountryCode | string | ISO alpha-3 code for the country where the applicant is resident for tax purposes. |
BirthCountryCode | string | Birth country code. |
BirthTown | string | The town of birth |
CitizenshipCountryCode | string | Citizenship country code. |
Identificationrequired | array | Array of TFN / ABN. |
Identification.Type | enum | Tfn = 0, Tin = 2. |
Identification.Value | string | Identification value of applicant. |
Identification.MissingReason | enum | CountryDoesntIssue = 1, DontNeedOne = 2, Other = 99. |
Identification.MissingReasonText | string | Reason identification of applicant is missing. |
Addressesrequired | array | An array of addresses of the applicant |
Addresses.Typerequired | enum | Home = 0, Office = 1, Mailing = 2, PrincipalPlaceOfBusiness = 3. |
Addresses.Line1required | string | Address line 1. |
Addresses.Line2 | string | Address line 2. |
Addresses.Line3 | string | Address line 3. |
Addresses.Postcoderequired | string | Postcode of address. |
Addresses.SuburbOrCountyrequired | string | Suburb or county details. |
Addresses.TownOrCityOrStaterequired | string | State or town or city details. |
Addresses.Countryrequired | string | Country code. For example, AUS = Australia. |
NominatedBeneficiaries | object | Reversionary beneficiary of the applicant |
NominatedBeneficiaries.Type | enum | Standard = 0, Reversionary Pensioner = 1. |
NominatedBeneficiaries.FullNamerequired | string | Full legal name of the beneficiary. |
NominatedBeneficiaries.RelationshipToMemberrequired | string | Spouse = 1, Child = 2, Other = 3 |
NominatedBeneficiaries.Proportionrequired | string | The portion of the benefit that should be paid to the beneficiary. These must add up to 100%. |
NominatedBeneficiaries.DateOfBirth | string | Beneficiary’s date of birth. |
Response Examples
# 200 - OK
"CreationStatus": 0,
"ApplicantId": "AU123214"
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
ApplicantId | string | The ApplicantID* as returned by the Applicants endpoint. |
CreationStatus | enum | Success = 0, Fail = 1. |
POST AU Corporate SMA Applicant
Link an corporate applicant to the created account.
Header Examples
Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImt...
x-pps-subscription-key: d3e30ecd1ab345...
x-pps-api-version: v1
Header Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Authorizationrequired | string | Access token. |
x-pps-subscription-keyrequired | string | Product subscription key. |
x-pps-api-versionrequired | string | API version of the endpoint. |
Request Parameter - Query Examples
accountId: AU400000
Request Parameter - Query
Parameter | Type | Description |
AccountIdrequired | string | Account ID. |
Request Parameter - Body Examples
"AdviserId": 123456,
"CoporateType": "CorporateAuCompany",
"Name": "Corporation Pty Ltd",
"TrusteeName": "abcd",
"ContactName": "Tony Stark",
"ContactPhone": "0400000000",
"ContactEmail": "",
"Addresses": [
"Type": 3,
"Line1": "367 Collins St",
"Line2": "",
"Line3": "",
"SuburbOrCounty": "Melbourne",
"TownOrCityOrState": "VIC",
"PostCode": 3000,
"Country": "AUS"
"Signatories": [
"Capacity": 5,
"Name": {
"Title": "Mr",
"FirstName": "Tony",
"LastName": "Stark"
"DateOfBirth": "2019-01-02",
"TaxRateElection": "RTFN"
"Capacity": 18,
"Name": {
"Title": "Ms",
"FirstName": "Pamela",
"LastName": "Jones"
"DateOfBirth": "2017-11-15",
"TaxRateElection": "RABN"
Request Parameter - Body
Parameter | Type | Description |
AdviserIdrequired | integer | Adviser ID to create the application under. |
Namerequired | string | Corporation name. |
TrusteeName | string | Corporate trustee name. This is required if a trust or SMSF with a corporate trustee. Only available for corporate applicants |
RegisteredNumber | string | ABN of the Super Fund (rather than the corporate trustee) for corporate applicants, or TFN for an individual trustee. |
ContactName | string | Primary contact name. Only available for corporate applicants |
ContactPhone | string | Primary contact phone. |
ContactEmail | string | Primary contact email. Only available for corporate applicants |
Addressesrequired | array | An array of addresses of the applicant |
Addresses.Typerequired | enum | Home = 0, Office = 1, Mailing = 2, PrincipalPlaceOfBusiness = 3. |
Addresses.Line1required | string | Address line 1. |
Addresses.Line2 | string | Address line 2. |
Addresses.Line3 | string | Address line 3. |
Addresses.Postcoderequired | string | Postcode of address. |
Addresses.SuburbOrCountyrequired | string | Suburb or county details. |
Addresses.TownOrCityOrStaterequired | string | State or town or city details. |
Addresses.Countryrequired | string | Country code. For example, AUS = Australia. |
Signatoriesrequired | array | An array of signatories of the applicant |
Signatories.Namerequired | object | Used for Individual applicants. |
Signatories.Name.Title | enum | Title: Mr, Mrs, Ms, Miss, Prof and Dr. |
Signatories.Name.FirstNamerequired | string | First name of individual. |
Signatories.Name.LastNamerequired | string | Last name of individual. |
Signatories.Email | string | Email address of the individual. |
Signatories.Capacityrequired | string | Suburb or county details. |
Signatories.DateOfBirth | date-time | Date of birth of the individual. |
Signatories.IsPoliticallyExposedPerson | boolean | Whether applicant is politically exposed. |
Signatories.PepDetails | string | If the signatory is politically exposed, details must be supplied. |
Signatories.TaxRateElection | string | Praemium code for the applicant's tax status - RTFN = Resident with TFN, RABN = Resident with ABN, NRWT = Non resident of Australia, NTFN = Resident of Australia without a TFN. |
Response Examples
# 200 - OK
"CreationStatus": 0,
"SignatoryIds": [
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
SignatoryIds | string | The signatory ids * as returned by the Applicants endpoint. |
CreationStatus | enum | Success = 0, Fail = 1. |
POST BeneficiaryNominations
Used to nominate a beneficiary for an account.
Header Examples
Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImt...
x-pps-subscription-key: d3e30ecd1ab345...
x-pps-api-version: v1
Header Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Authorizationrequired | string | Access token. |
x-pps-subscription-keyrequired | string | Product subscription key. |
x-pps-api-versionrequired | string | API version of the endpoint. |
Request Parameter - Body Examples
"AccountId": "AU400000",
"IsBinding": false,
"ModifiedUserId": 6040,
"Beneficiaries": [
"Type": 0,
"FullName": "Ms Mary Smith",
"RelationshipToMember": 1,
"Proportion": 40.0,
"DateOfBirth": "1990-01-01"
"Type": 0,
"FullName": "Ms Stephanie Gu",
"RelationshipToMember": 1,
"Proportion": 60.0,
"DateOfBirth": "1990-01-01"
Request Parameter - Body
Parameter | Type | Description |
Beneficiariesrequired | array | An array of beneficiaries. |
Beneficiaries.Type | enum | Standard = 0, Reversionary Pensioner = 1 |
Beneficiaries.FullNamerequired | string | Full legal name of the beneficiary. |
Beneficiaries.RelationshipToMemberrequired | enum | Spouse = 1, Child = 2, Other = 3 |
Beneficiaries.Proportion | double | The portion of the benefit that should be paid to the beneficiary. These must add up to 100%. |
Beneficiaries.Sex | enum | |
Beneficiaries.DateOfBirth | date-time | Beneficiary’s date of birth. |
AccountIdrequired | string | AccountID to link the beneficiary to. |
IsBinding | boolean | Whether the nomination is binding. |
ModifiedUserId | integer | The user id for the update. This is normally the adviser Id of the target account for auditing purposes. |
Response Examples
# 200 - Ok
Step 3: Signature / Status
POST Signature
This endpoint is used to send client signature confirmation to Praemium for the account application. The signatures may be click-wrapped acceptance data or graphical images of signatures. The electronic signature may have attached metadata such as GPS coordinates or AML references numbers to ensure surety of digital acceptance.
Header Examples
Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImt...
x-pps-subscription-key: d3e30ecd1ab345...
x-pps-api-version: v1
Header Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Authorizationrequired | string | Access token. |
x-pps-subscription-keyrequired | string | Product subscription key. |
x-pps-api-versionrequired | string | API version of the endpoint. |
Request Parameter - Query Examples
accountId: AU400000
Request Parameter - Query
Parameter | Type | Description |
AccountIdrequired | string | Account ID. |
Request Parameter - Body Examples
"ApplicantID": "AU12345",
"IPAddress": "",
"UserAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/41.0.2228.0 Safari/537.36",
"SignatureDate": "2019-06-12 05:00:10",
"AmlReferenceNumber": "123456789",
"Location": null,
"SignatureBlob": null,
"PdsRevision": "2019-06-02",
"PdsNumber": "123456",
"IsPdsSent": true,
"AdditionalData": {
"Item1": "Value"
Request Parameter - Body
Parameter | Type | Description |
ApplicantIdrequired | string | The ApplicantID as returned by the Applicants endpoint. |
IpAddressrequired | string | IP address of the computer that applicant submitted signature. |
UserAgentrequired | string | User agent of the browser. |
SignatureDaterequired | date-time | Datetime in AEST that the signature was captured by your systems. |
AmlReferenceNumber | string | Anti Money Laundering (AML) reference number |
Location | string | Location of the applicant (GPS coordinates). |
SignatureBlob | string | Signature blob. |
PdsRevision | string | Date or revision of PDS. |
PdsNumber | string | PDS number or name. |
IsPdsSent | boolean | A flag indicates whether PDS has been sent. |
AdditionalData | object | Additional information about the signature. |
Response Examples
# 200 - Ok
GET AccountStatus
Returns the status of the account. This can be used to check which state an opening account is in, and the awaiting action.
Possible return/status values:
- 1 - Traded
- 2 - In the market
- 3 - Completely funded
- 4 - Partially funded
- 5 - Awaiting funds
- 6 - Awaiting approval
- 7 - Closure requested
- 8 - Disposing of assets
- 9 - Awaiting settlement
- 10 - Awaiting income
- 11 - Ready for payment
- 12 - Pending payment
Header Examples
Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImt...
x-pps-subscription-key: d3e30ecd1ab345...
x-pps-api-version: v1
Header Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Authorizationrequired | string | Access token. |
x-pps-subscription-keyrequired | string | Product subscription key. |
x-pps-api-versionrequired | string | API version of the endpoint. |
Request Parameter - Query Examples
accountId: AU400000
Request Parameter - Query
Parameter | Type | Description |
AccountIdrequired | string | Account ID. |
Response Examples
# 200 - OK
GET App Form
This endpoint returns a PDF version of the application form for the specified account. This is a confirmation to the client of the details of their account. The PDF is returned directly as the response.
Header Examples
Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImt...
x-pps-subscription-key: d3e30ecd1ab345...
x-pps-api-version: v1
Header Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Authorizationrequired | string | Access token. |
x-pps-subscription-keyrequired | string | Product subscription key. |
x-pps-api-versionrequired | string | API version of the endpoint. |
Request Parameter - Query Examples
AccountId: AU400000
Recipient: 0
FormType: 0
Request Parameter - Query
Parameter | Type | Description |
AccountIdrequired | string | Account ID. |
Recipient | enum | Adviser = 0, Investor = 1 (INTL only) |
FormType | enum | Digital = 0, Paper = 1 (INTL only) |
Response Examples
# 200 - OK
Complete data stream of the file content.
GET User Links
This endpoint returns user links for the account.
Header Examples
Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImt...
x-pps-subscription-key: d3e30ecd1ab345...
x-pps-api-version: v1
Header Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Authorizationrequired | string | Access token. |
x-pps-subscription-keyrequired | string | Product subscription key. |
x-pps-api-versionrequired | string | API version of the endpoint. |
Request Parameter - Query Examples
AccountId: AU400000
Request Parameter - Query
Parameter | Type | Description |
AccountIdrequired | string | Account ID. |
Response Examples
# 200 - OK
"UserId": 9183723,
"UserRole": 2,
"Access": 0
"UserId": 9178334,
"UserRole": 5,
"Access": 1
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
UserId | integer | User ID of the user linked to the account. |
UserRole | enum | Accountant = 1, Custodian = 2, FinancialPlanner = 3, InvestmentAdviser = 4, Investor = 5, Owner = 6, AuthorisedRepresentative = 7. |
Access | enum | Full = 0, Read = 1, Update = 2. |
Account Setup - Application Portal
Our API also allows for applications to be created through API and confirmed in Applications Portal. This is the best option for high-touch clients or if subsequent changes are required to the application before finalisation.
This endpoint returns the PDS details for the service.
Header Examples
Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImt...
x-pps-subscription-key: d3e30ecd1ab345...
x-pps-api-version: v1
Header Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Authorizationrequired | string | Access token. |
x-pps-subscription-keyrequired | string | Product subscription key. |
x-pps-api-versionrequired | string | API version of the endpoint. |
Response Examples
# 200 - OK (AU response)
"Id": "AU1",
"Name": "Praemium Managed Accounts",
"MaxNoOfBankAccounts": 5,
"IsSuperSma": false,
"Status": "Active",
"Region": "Australia",
"Models": [
"Id": "AU2710",
"Style": "",
"Code": "1038.HKG"
"Fees": [
"Type": "Establishment",
"Class": "Adviser",
"Name": "Establishment Fee",
"DollarOverwriteSettings": {
"MinAmount": 0.0,
"MaxAmount": 90909.0909,
"MinAmountWithTax": 0.0,
"MaxAmountWithTax": 100000.0
"DefaultValue": 0.0,
"DefaultValueWithTax": 0.0,
"DefaultType": "Dollar"
"Id": "AU32",
"Type": "FeeTable",
"Class": "NonAdviser",
"Name": "SMA Administration Fee",
"Tiers": [
"ValueAppliedFrom": 0.0,
"FeePercent": 0.336364,
"FeePercentWithTax": 0.37
"ValueAppliedFrom": 250001.0,
"FeePercent": 0.272727,
"FeePercentWithTax": 0.3
"ValueAppliedFrom": 500001.0,
"FeePercent": 0.181818,
"FeePercentWithTax": 0.2
"ValueAppliedFrom": 1000001.0,
"FeePercent": 1E-10,
"FeePercentWithTax": 0.0
"DefaultValue": 0.336364,
"DefaultValueWithTax": 0.37,
"DefaultType": "Percent",
"IndexationSettings": {
"Type": "Both",
"TypeAllowed": "Both",
"Value": 0.0,
"ValueMax": 0.0
"BankAccountUsages": [
"Usage": "SMAFEE",
"Description": "Fee offset",
"IsMandatory": false,
"HelpText": "If no bank account is selected, fees will be deducted from your cash holding."
"TaxOptions": [
"Code": "WTFN",
"Description": "Resident with TFN"
# 200 - OK (INTL response)
"Id": "UK87",
"Name": "Adviser Firm A",
"MaxNoOfBankAccounts": 0,
"DisableCustomisations": false,
"IsSuperSma": false,
"ServiceId": "UK1000000112",
"ServiceName": "PIL DPS GBP",
"Region": "International",
"Models": [
"Id": "UK1000001282",
"Name": "Test US Ethical",
"Style": "MAM",
"Code": "Test Ethical",
"ManagerName": "Model Manager Firm 5192",
"FeeOverride": {
"Value": 0.0,
"IsTiered": false
"TaxWrappers": [
"Id": "UK1000002828",
"Name": "Equity Income Fund A USD",
"Style": "SAM",
"Code": "E3AG6S7",
"ManagerName": "MNG",
"FeeOverride": {
"Value": 0.0,
"IsTiered": false
"TaxWrappers": [
"SingleAssetModelIsin": "IE10G3QG6S78",
"SingleAssetModelCurrencyCode": "USD"
"Fees": [
"Id": "UK1",
"Type": "Establishment",
"Class": "Adviser",
"Name": "Initial Investment",
"DollarOverwriteSettings": {
"MinAmount": 0.0,
"MaxAmount": 0.5,
"MinAmountWithTax": 0.0,
"MaxAmountWithTax": 0.5
"PercentOverwriteSettings": {
"MinAmount": 0.0,
"MaxAmount": 0.5,
"MinAmountWithTax": 0.0,
"MaxAmountWithTax": 0.5
"DefaultValue": 0.0,
"DefaultValueWithTax": 0.0,
"DefaultType": "Percent"
"BankAccountUsages": [
"Usage": "CASHCON",
"Description": "Initial Contribution",
"IsMandatory": false,
"HelpText": "This is bank account we will user for your initial payment."
"TaxOptions": [
"Code": "Standard Income Bracket",
"Description": "The standard income bracket for most investors."
"CurrencyCode": "GBP",
"AvailableAccountTypes": [
"Products": [
"Id": "UK1",
"IsSingleBankAccount": false,
"ProductProviderName": "Test Provider",
"ProductName": "TM SIPP",
"TaxWrapperId": 9,
"AvailableModelCodes": [
"LGT Vestra Ethical",
"Managed Account Cash GBP",
"DisableAdviserFeesUk": false,
"DisableAdviserFeesInternational": false
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Id | string | ID of the PDS. |
Name | string | Name of the PDS. |
MaxNoOfBankAccounts | integer | Maximum number of bank accounts allowed by the PDS. |
IsSuperSma | boolean | If the PDS is specific to SuperSMA. |
Status | string | Status of the PDS, active = 1, closed = 2. |
ServiceId | string | Service ID. |
ServiceName | string | Service Name. |
CurrencyCode | string | Currency code for the PDS. |
Fees | array | Fees associated to the PDS. |
Fees.Id | string | ID of fee. |
Fees.Type | enum | FeeTable = 0, Contribution = 1, Establishment = 2, Termination = 3, Withdrawal = 4, Ongoing = 5. |
Fees.Class | enum | Adviser = 1, NonAdviser = 2. |
Fees.Name | string | Name of fee. |
Fees.Tiers | array | Tiers of fee. |
Fees.Tiers.ValueAppliedFrom | double | The value is applied from. |
Fees.Tiers.FeePercent | double | Fee percent. |
Fees.Tiers.FeePercentWithTax | double | Fee percent with tax. |
Fees.DollarOverwriteSettings | object | Dollar overwrite settings. |
Fees.DollarOverwriteSettings.MinAmount | double | Fee overwrite minimum amount. |
Fees.DollarOverwriteSettings.MaxAmount | double | Fee overwrite maximum amount. |
Fees.DollarOverwriteSettings.MinAmountWithTax | double | Fee overwrite minimum amount with tax. |
Fees.DollarOverwriteSettings.MaxAmountWithTax | double | Fee overwrite maximum amount with tax. |
Fees.PercentOverwriteSettings | object | Percent overwrite settings. |
Fees.PercentOverwriteSettings.MinAmount | double | Fee overwrite minimum amount. |
Fees.PercentOverwriteSettings.MaxAmount | double | Fee overwrite maximum amount. |
Fees.PercentOverwriteSettings.MinAmountWithTax | double | Fee overwrite minimum amount with tax. |
Fees.PercentOverwriteSettings.MaxAmountWithTax | double | Fee overwrite maximum amount with tax. |
Fees.DefaultValue | double | Default value of overwrite. |
Fees.DefaultValueWithTax | double | Default value of overwrite with tax. |
Fees.DefaultType | enum | Dollar = 1, Percent = 2. |
Fees.IndexationSettings | object | Indexation settings. |
Fees.IndexationSettings.Type | enum | None = 0, Both = 0, Cpi = 1, Custom = 2. |
Fees.IndexationSettings.TypeAllowed | enum | None = 0, Both = 0, Cpi = 1, Custom = 2. |
Fees.IndexationSettings.Value | double | Fee indexation value. |
Fees.IndexationSettings.ValueMax | double | Fee indexation maximum value. |
BankAccountUsages | array | This allows you to define a regular cash addition or withdrawal from the SMA or SuperSMA. |
BankAccountUsages.Usage | string | This allows you to define a regular cash addition or withdrawal from the account. |
BankAccountUsages.Description | string | This will advise the bank account usage. |
BankAccountUsages.IsMandatory | boolean | If the bank account is mandatory, true or false. |
BankAccountUsages.HelpText | string | Help text with regards to the bank account. |
TaxOptions | array | Tax options for the PDS. |
TaxOptions.Code | string | Tax Option code. |
TaxOptions.Description | string | Tax option description. |
Models | array | List of available models. |
Models.Id | string | ModelId as returned by the Models endpoint. |
Models.Name | string | Model name. |
Models.Style | string | Model style. |
Models.Code | string | Model code. |
Models.ManagerName | string | Model Manager name. |
Models.SingleAssetModelIsin | string | ISIN of security. (Single asset model only) (INTL only) |
Models.SingleAssetModelCurrencyCode | string | Currency code of security. (Single asset model only) (INTL only) |
AvailableAccountTypes | array | Standard = 0, OffshoreBond = 10, Sipp = 11, Qrops = 12, RtsRats = 13, Pra = 14, Isa = 15, Gia = 16, Pera = 17, PersonalPension = 18, GroupSipp = 19, Jisa = 26, OnshoreBond = 27, OffshoreBondPersonalised = 28. |
GET AU Super Funds
This endpoint returns all super funds.
Header Examples
Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImt...
x-pps-subscription-key: d3e30ecd1ab345...
x-pps-api-version: v1
Header Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Authorizationrequired | string | Access token. |
x-pps-subscription-keyrequired | string | Product subscription key. |
x-pps-api-versionrequired | string | API version of the endpoint. |
Response Examples
# 200 - OK
"Usi": "75703857864088",
"Spin": "MAI23984325",
"FundName": " Praemium SMA Superannuation Fund",
"ProductName": " Praemium Super SMA Accumulation Account"
"Usi": " 75703857864089",
"FundName": " Praemium SMA Superannuation Fund",
"ProductName": " Praemium SMA Superannuation Fund - Pension Account"
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Usi | string | Unique superannuation identifier (USI) is used in SuperStream to identify an APRA fund and/or its superannuation product which an employee (member) is contributing to. |
Spin | string | Superannuation product identifier number. |
FundName | string | Name of the superannuation fund. |
ProductName | string | Product name of the superannuation fund. |
POST AU Individual Applicant & Individual Account
This endpoint creates an individual applicant and an individual account in the system.
Header Examples
Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImt...
x-pps-subscription-key: d3e30ecd1ab345...
x-pps-api-version: v1
Header Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Authorizationrequired | string | Access token. |
x-pps-subscription-keyrequired | string | Product subscription key. |
x-pps-api-versionrequired | string | API version of the endpoint. |
Request Parameter - Body Examples
"AdviserId": 123456,
"Applicants": [
"ApplicantType": 0,
"IndividualDetails": {
"Title": "Mr",
"FirstName": "John",
"LastName": "Smith",
"Email": "",
"Phone": "012489235",
"PhoneOther": "012489235",
"Gender": 1,
"HomeAddress": {
"Street": "123 Test St",
"Postcode": "3000",
"Suburb": "Melbourne",
"State": "VIC",
"CountryCode": "AUS"
"MailingAddress": {
"Street": "123 Test St",
"Postcode": "3000",
"Suburb": "Melbourne",
"State": "VIC",
"CountryCode": "AUS"
"Identifications": [
"Type": 0,
"Value": "123456789"
"MissingReason": 1,
"MissingReasonText": "test"
"IsPoliticallyExposedPerson": true,
"PepDetails": "Senior politician"
"Accounts": [
"Name": "Miss Jane Smith",
"RegisteredName": "Miss Jane Smith",
"ShortName": "Jane",
"AccountType": 14,
"PdsId": "AU5",
"Fees": [
"Type": 1,
"Rate": 153.4,
"Unit": "Dollar"
"Id": "AU21871",
"Rate": 0,
"Unit": "Dollar"
"FeeConsent": {
"Type": 1,
"AnniversaryDate": "2022-07-01"
"Models": [
"Code": "AU0001",
"Proportion": 50
"Code": "IN0001",
"Proportion": 50
"BankAccounts": [
"Bsb": "12012",
"AccountNumber": "6555555567",
"AccountName": "Jane Smith",
"Usages": [
"Exclusions": [
"Code": "AU0002",
"Exchange": "ASX"
"InitialInvestment": {
"Cash": 132.12,
"Shares": 321.32,
"Method": 0
"RegularWithdrawal": {
"Frequency": 1,
"Method": 1,
"Amount": 120
"RegularContribution": {
"Frequency": 1,
"Method": 1,
"Amount": 10000
"InspecieTransfers": {
"SecurityId": "AU94",
"Quantity": 123,
"OutsideOfRebalQuantity": 12,
"HoldingType": 1,
"HinOrSrn": "928734234",
"Direction": 0
"InvestorsType": 2,
"WholesaleCertificateDate": "2022-07-01"
Request Parameter - Body
Parameter | Type | Description |
AdviserIdrequired | integer | Adviser ID to create the application under. |
OwnerAdviserId | integer | Owner adviser ID to create the application under. |
Applicantsrequired | array | Objects containing the applicant data. There must be at least one applicant for the request to succeed. The array of objects may contain a mix of Individual and Corporate applicants. |
Applicants.OwnerAdviserId | integer | Owner adviser ID to create the application under. |
Applicants.ApplicantType | enum | Individual = 0. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails | object | Used for Individual applicants. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.Title | string | Title: Mr, Mrs, Ms, Miss, Doctor, Lady, Prof and Sir. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.FirstName | string | First name of individual. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.LastName | string | Last name of individual. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.DateOfBirth | date-time | Date of birth of the individual. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.Email | string | Email address of the individual. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.Phone | string | Primary contact number of the individual. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.PhoneOther | string | Other phone of the individual. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.Genderrequired | enum | Male = 1, Female = 2. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.UserName | string | User Name of individual applicant. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.UserId | string | User ID of individual applicant. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.IsPoliticallyExposedPerson | boolean | Whether applicant is politically exposed. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.PepDetails | string | If applicant is politically exposed, details must be supplied. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.TaxResidenceCountryCode | string | Tax residence country code. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.CitizenshipCountryCode | string | Citizenship country code. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.Identifications | array | Array of TFN / ABN. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.Identifications.Type | enum | Tfn = 0, Tin = 2. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.Identifications.Value | string | Identification value of applicant. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.Identifications.MissingReason | enum | CountryDoesntIssue = 1, DontNeedOne = 2, Other = 99. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.Identifications.MissingReasonText | string | Reason identification of applicant is missing. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.HomeAddress | object | Home address of individual applicant. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.HomeAddress.Street | string | Address line 1. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.HomeAddress.Line2 | string | Address line 2. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.HomeAddress.Line3 | string | Address line 3. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.HomeAddress.Postcode | string | Postcode of address. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.HomeAddress.Suburb | string | Suburb of address. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.HomeAddress.CountryCode | string | Country code of address. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.HomeAddress.IsRegistered | boolean | Whether address is registered. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.MailingAddress | object | Mailing address of individual applicant. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.MailingAddress.Street | string | Address line 1. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.MailingAddress.Line2 | string | Address line 2. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.MailingAddress.Line3 | string | Address line 3. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.MailingAddress.Postcode | string | Postcode of address. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.MailingAddress.Suburb | string | Suburb of address. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.MailingAddress.CountryCode | string | Country code of address. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.MailingAddress.IsRegistered | boolean | Whether address is registered. |
Accounts | array | Array of accounts to be opened with the application. Must be linked to an included applicant. |
Accounts.Name | string | Account name. |
Accounts.RegisteredName | string | Account registered name. |
Accounts.ShortName | string | Account short name. |
Accounts.AccountTyperequired | enum | Individual = 14. |
Accounts.PdsIdrequired | string | PDS ID of account. |
Accounts.OwnerAdviserId | integer | Owner adviser ID to create the application under. |
Accounts.Fees | array | Account fees. |
Accounts.Fees.Id | string | Fee ID. |
Accounts.Fees.Type | enum | FeeTable = 0, Contribution = 1, Establishment = 2, Termination = 3, Withdrawal = 4, Ongoing = 5. |
Accounts.Fees.Rate | double | Fee rate. |
Accounts.Fees.Unit | string | Fee unit, dollar or percent. |
Accounts.FeeConsent.Type | enum | Ongoing = 1, FixedTerm = 2, NotCharged = 3. For NotCharged only Establishment fee can be provided. |
Accounts.FeeConsent.AnniversaryDate | date-time | Anniversary date of ongoing fee. (Cannot be used along with TermStartDate and TermEndDate) |
Accounts.FeeConsent.TermStartDate | date-time | Start date of fixed term fee. (Cannot be used along with AnniversaryDate) |
Accounts.FeeConsent.TermEndDate | date-time | End date of fixed term fee. (Cannot be used along with AnniversaryDate) |
Accounts.Models | array | Account models. |
Accounts.Models.Code | string | Model code. |
Accounts.Models.Proportion | double | Proportion of model. |
Accounts.BankAccounts | array | Bank accounts. |
Accounts.BankAccounts.Bsb | string | Bank account BSB. |
Accounts.BankAccounts.AccountNumber | string | Bank account number. |
Accounts.BankAccounts.AccountName | string | Bank account name. |
Accounts.BankAccounts.Usages | array | This allows you to define a regular cash addition or withdrawal from the SMA or SuperSMA. |
Accounts.Exclusions | array | Account exclusions. |
Accounts.Exclusions.Security | object | Security code of the exclusion. |
Accounts.Exclusions.Security.Code | string | Security code of the security. |
Accounts.Exclusions.Security.Exchange | string | Exchange code of the security. |
Accounts.InitialInvestment | object | Initial investment of account. |
Accounts.InitialInvestment.Cash | double | Select if the initial investment will include cash. |
Accounts.InitialInvestment.Shares | double | Select if the initial investment will include shares. |
Accounts.InitialInvestment.Methodrequired | enum | BPay = 0, DirectDebit = 1. |
Accounts.RegularWithdrawal | object | Regular cash withdrawals from the account. |
Accounts.RegularWithdrawal.Frequency | enum | Monthly = 0, Quarterly = 1, SemiAnnually = 2, Annually = 3. |
Accounts.RegularWithdrawal.Method | enum | BPay = 0, DirectDebit = 1. |
Accounts.RegularWithdrawal.Amount | double | Amount for regular withdrawal. |
Accounts.RegularContributions | object | Regular cash contributions to the account. |
Accounts.RegularContributions.Frequency | enum | Monthly = 0, Quarterly = 1, SemiAnnually = 2, Annually = 3. |
Accounts.RegularContributions.Method | enum | BPay = 0, DirectDebit = 1. |
Accounts.RegularContributions.Amount | double | Amount for regular contribution. |
Accounts.InspecieTransfers | array | Inspecie transfers. |
Accounts.InspecieTransfers.SecurityId | string | Security ID. |
Accounts.InspecieTransfers.Quantity | double | Quantity of the security. |
Accounts.InspecieTransfers.OutsideOfRebalanceQuantity | double | Quantity of the security outside of rebalance. |
Accounts.InspecieTransfers.HoldingType | enum | IssuerSponsored = 0, Chess = 1 |
Accounts.InspecieTransfers.HinOrSrn | string | HIN or SRN. |
Accounts.InspecieTransfers.Direction | enum | In = 0, Out = 1 |
Accounts.AccountInvestorType | object | Account investor type. |
Accounts.AccountInvestorType.InvestorsType | enum | Retail = 0, WholesaleProductValueTest = 1, WholesaleAccountantsCertificate = 2, ProfessionalAfslHolder = 3, ProfessionalApraRegulated = 4, ProfessionalFsaRegulated = 5, ProfessionalSuperTrustee = 6, ProfessionalControls10M = 7, ProfessionalListed = 8, ProfessionalExempt = 9, ProfessionalInvestor = 10, ProfessionalForeign = 11, Sophisticated = 12 |
Accounts.AccountInvestorType.WholesaleCertificateDate | date-time | The date on the wholesale investors accountants certificate |
Response Examples
# 200 - OK
"ApplicationId": "c1bdac67-39a0-4835-8168-e99f44f01iu7"
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
ApplicationId | string | Unique application ID to be used as an application reference. |
POST AU Individual Applicant & Joint Account
This endpoint creates multiple individual applicants and an joint account in the system.
Header Examples
Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImt...
x-pps-subscription-key: d3e30ecd1ab345...
x-pps-api-version: v1
Header Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Authorizationrequired | string | Access token. |
x-pps-subscription-keyrequired | string | Product subscription key. |
x-pps-api-versionrequired | string | API version of the endpoint. |
Request Parameter - Body Examples
"AdviserId": 123456,
"Applicants": [
"ApplicantType": 0,
"IndividualDetails": {
"Title": "Mr",
"FirstName": "John",
"LastName": "Smith",
"Email": "",
"Phone": "012489235",
"PhoneOther": "012489235",
"Gender": 1,
"HomeAddress": {
"Street": "123 Test St",
"Postcode": "3000",
"Suburb": "Melbourne",
"State": "VIC",
"CountryCode": "AUS"
"MailingAddress": {
"Street": "123 Test St",
"Postcode": "3000",
"Suburb": "Melbourne",
"State": "VIC",
"CountryCode": "AUS"
"Identifications": [
"Type": 0,
"Value": "123456789"
"MissingReason": 1,
"MissingReasonText": "test"
"IsPoliticallyExposedPerson": true,
"PepDetails": "Senior politician"
"ApplicantType": 0,
"IndividualDetails": {
"Title": "Ms",
"FirstName": "Mary",
"LastName": "Smith",
"Email": "",
"Phone": "012489232",
"PhoneOther": "012489232",
"Gender": 2,
"HomeAddress": {
"Street": "123 Test St",
"Postcode": "3000",
"Suburb": "Melbourne",
"State": "VIC",
"CountryCode": "AUS"
"MailingAddress": {
"Street": "123 Test St",
"Postcode": "3000",
"Suburb": "Melbourne",
"State": "VIC",
"CountryCode": "AUS"
"Identifications": [
"Type": 0,
"Value": "123456780"
"MissingReason": 1,
"MissingReasonText": "test"
"IsPoliticallyExposedPerson": true,
"PepDetails": "Senior politician"
"Accounts": [
"Name": "Mr & Ms Smith",
"RegisteredName": "Mr & Ms Smith",
"ShortName": "Smith",
"AccountType": 19,
"PdsId": "AU5",
"Fees": [
"Type": 1,
"Rate": 153.4,
"Unit": "Dollar"
"Id": "AU21871",
"Rate": 0,
"Unit": "Dollar"
"FeeConsent": {
"Type": 1,
"AnniversaryDate": "2022-07-01"
"Models": [
"Code": "AU0001",
"Proportion": 50
"Code": "IN0001",
"Proportion": 50
"BankAccounts": [
"Bsb": "12012",
"AccountNumber": "6555555567",
"AccountName": "Jane Smith",
"Usages": [
"Exclusions": [
"Code": "AU0002",
"Exchange": "ASX"
"InitialInvestment": {
"Cash": 132.12,
"Shares": 321.32,
"Method": 0
"InspecieTransfers": {
"SecurityId": "AU94",
"Quantity": 123,
"OutsideOfRebalQuantity": 12,
"HoldingType": 1,
"HinOrSrn": "928734234",
"Direction": 0
"InvestorsType": 2,
"WholesaleCertificateDate": "2022-07-01"
Request Parameter - Body
Parameter | Type | Description |
AdviserIdrequired | integer | Adviser ID to create the application under. |
OwnerAdviserId | integer | Owner adviser ID to create the application under. |
Applicantsrequired | array | Objects containing the applicant data. There must be at least one applicant for the request to succeed. The array of objects may contain a mix of Individual and Corporate applicants. |
Applicants.OwnerAdviserId | integer | Owner adviser ID to create the application under. |
Applicants.ApplicantType | enum | Individual = 0. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails | object | Used for Individual applicants. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.Title | string | Title: Mr, Mrs, Ms, Miss, Doctor, Lady, Prof and Sir. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.FirstName | string | First name of individual. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.LastName | string | Last name of individual. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.DateOfBirth | date-time | Date of birth of the individual. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.Email | string | Email address of the individual. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.Phone | string | Primary contact number of the individual. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.PhoneOther | string | Other phone of the individual. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.Genderrequired | enum | Male = 1, Female = 2. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.UserName | string | User Name of individual applicant. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.UserId | string | User ID of individual applicant. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.IsPoliticallyExposedPerson | boolean | Whether applicant is politically exposed. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.PepDetails | string | If applicant is politically exposed, details must be supplied. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.TaxResidenceCountryCode | string | Tax residence country code. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.CitizenshipCountryCode | string | Citizenship country code. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.Identifications | array | Array of TFN / ABN. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.Identifications.Type | enum | Tfn = 0, Tin = 2. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.Identifications.Value | string | Identification value of applicant. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.Identifications.MissingReason | enum | CountryDoesntIssue = 1, DontNeedOne = 2, Other = 99. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.Identifications.MissingReasonText | string | Reason identification of applicant is missing. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.HomeAddress | object | Home address of individual applicant. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.HomeAddress.Street | string | Address line 1. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.HomeAddress.Line2 | string | Address line 2. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.HomeAddress.Line3 | string | Address line 3. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.HomeAddress.Postcode | string | Postcode of address. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.HomeAddress.Suburb | string | Suburb of address. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.HomeAddress.CountryCode | string | Country code of address. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.HomeAddress.IsRegistered | boolean | Whether address is registered. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.MailingAddress | object | Mailing address of individual applicant. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.MailingAddress.Street | string | Address line 1. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.MailingAddress.Line2 | string | Address line 2. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.MailingAddress.Line3 | string | Address line 3. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.MailingAddress.Postcode | string | Postcode of address. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.MailingAddress.Suburb | string | Suburb of address. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.MailingAddress.CountryCode | string | Country code of address. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.MailingAddress.IsRegistered | boolean | Whether address is registered. |
Accounts | array | Array of accounts to be opened with the application. Must be linked to an included applicant. |
Accounts.Name | string | Account name. |
Accounts.RegisteredName | string | Account registered name. |
Accounts.ShortName | string | Account short name. |
Accounts.AccountTyperequired | enum | Joint = 19. |
Accounts.PdsIdrequired | string | PDS ID of account. |
Accounts.OwnerAdviserId | integer | Owner adviser ID to create the application under. |
Accounts.Fees | array | Account fees. |
Accounts.Fees.Id | string | Fee ID. |
Accounts.Fees.Type | enum | FeeTable = 0, Contribution = 1, Establishment = 2, Termination = 3, Withdrawal = 4, Ongoing = 5. |
Accounts.Fees.Rate | double | Fee rate. |
Accounts.Fees.Unit | string | Fee unit, dollar or percent. |
Accounts.FeeConsent.Type | enum | Ongoing = 1, FixedTerm = 2, NotCharged = 3. For NotCharged only Establishment fee can be provided. |
Accounts.FeeConsent.AnniversaryDate | date-time | Anniversary date of ongoing fee. (Cannot be used along with TermStartDate and TermEndDate) |
Accounts.FeeConsent.TermStartDate | date-time | Start date of fixed term fee. (Cannot be used along with AnniversaryDate) |
Accounts.FeeConsent.TermEndDate | date-time | End date of fixed term fee. (Cannot be used along with AnniversaryDate) |
Accounts.Models | array | Account models. |
Accounts.Models.Code | string | Model code. |
Accounts.Models.Proportion | double | Proportion of model. |
Accounts.BankAccounts | array | Bank accounts. |
Accounts.BankAccounts.Bsb | string | Bank account BSB. |
Accounts.BankAccounts.AccountNumber | string | Bank account number. |
Accounts.BankAccounts.AccountName | string | Bank account name. |
Accounts.BankAccounts.Usages | array | This allows you to define a regular cash addition or withdrawal from the SMA or SuperSMA. |
Accounts.Exclusions | array | Account exclusions. |
Accounts.Exclusions.Security | object | Security code of the exclusion. |
Accounts.Exclusions.Security.Code | string | Security code of the security. |
Accounts.Exclusions.Security.Exchange | string | Exchange code of the security. |
Accounts.InitialInvestment | object | Initial investment of account. |
Accounts.InitialInvestment.Cash | double | Select if the initial investment will include cash. |
Accounts.InitialInvestment.Shares | double | Select if the initial investment will include shares. |
Accounts.InitialInvestment.Methodrequired | enum | BPay = 0, DirectDebit = 1. |
Accounts.InspecieTransfers | array | Inspecie transfers. |
Accounts.InspecieTransfers.SecurityId | string | Security ID. |
Accounts.InspecieTransfers.Quantity | double | Quantity of the security. |
Accounts.InspecieTransfers.OutsideOfRebalanceQuantity | double | Quantity of the security outside of rebalance. |
Accounts.InspecieTransfers.HoldingType | enum | IssuerSponsored = 0, Chess = 1 |
Accounts.InspecieTransfers.HinOrSrn | string | HIN or SRN. |
Accounts.InspecieTransfers.Direction | enum | In = 0, Out = 1 |
Accounts.AccountInvestorType | object | Account investor type. |
Accounts.AccountInvestorType.InvestorsType | enum | Retail = 0, WholesaleProductValueTest = 1, WholesaleAccountantsCertificate = 2, ProfessionalAfslHolder = 3, ProfessionalApraRegulated = 4, ProfessionalFsaRegulated = 5, ProfessionalSuperTrustee = 6, ProfessionalControls10M = 7, ProfessionalListed = 8, ProfessionalExempt = 9, ProfessionalInvestor = 10, ProfessionalForeign = 11, Sophisticated = 12 |
Accounts.AccountInvestorType.WholesaleCertificateDate | date-time | The date on the wholesale investors accountants certificate |
Response Examples
# 200 - OK
"ApplicationId": "c1bdac67-39a0-4835-8168-e99f44f01iu7"
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
ApplicationId | string | Unique application ID to be used as an application reference. |
POST AU Corporate Applicant & Company Account
This endpoint creates a corporate applicant and a company account in the system.
Header Examples
Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImt...
x-pps-subscription-key: d3e30ecd1ab345...
x-pps-api-version: v1
Header Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Authorizationrequired | string | Access token. |
x-pps-subscription-keyrequired | string | Product subscription key. |
x-pps-api-versionrequired | string | API version of the endpoint. |
Request Parameter - Body Examples
"AdviserId": 123456,
"Applicants": [
"ApplicantType": 1,
"CorporateDetails": {
"Name": "Smith & Smith",
"BusinessAddress": {
"Street": "123 Test St",
"Postcode": "3000",
"Suburb": "Melbourne",
"State": "VIC",
"CountryCode": "AUS"
"ContactIsSignatory": false,
"Contact": {
"Title": "Mr",
"FirstName": "John",
"LastName": "Smith",
"Phone": "012489235",
"Email": ""
"Signatories": [
"Title": "Mr",
"FirstName": "John",
"LastName": "Smith",
"Email": "",
"Capacity": 0,
"IsPoliticallyExposedPerson": false
"Identifications": [
"Type": 1,
"Value": "123456789"
"Accounts": [
"Name": "Test company",
"RegisteredName": "Test company",
"ShortName": "TC",
"AccountType": 13,
"PdsId": "AU5",
"Fees": [
"Type": 1,
"Rate": 153.4,
"Unit": "Dollar"
"Id": "AU21871",
"Rate": 0,
"Unit": "Dollar"
"FeeConsent": {
"Type": 1,
"AnniversaryDate": "2022-07-01"
"Models": [
"Code": "AU0001",
"Proportion": 50
"Code": "IN0001",
"Proportion": 50
"BankAccounts": [
"Bsb": "12012",
"AccountNumber": "6555555567",
"AccountName": "Jane Smith",
"Usages": [
"Exclusions": [
"Code": "AU0002",
"Exchange": "ASX"
"InitialInvestment": {
"Cash": 132.12,
"Shares": 321.32,
"Method": 0
"RegularWithdrawal": {
"Frequency": 1,
"Method": 1,
"Amount": 120
"RegularContribution": {
"Frequency": 1,
"Method": 1,
"Amount": 10000
"InspecieTransfers": {
"SecurityId": "AU94",
"Quantity": 123,
"OutsideOfRebalQuantity": 12,
"HoldingType": 1,
"HinOrSrn": "928734234",
"Direction": 0
"InvestorsType": 2,
"WholesaleCertificateDate": "2022-07-01"
Request Parameter - Body
Parameter | Type | Description |
AdviserIdrequired | integer | Adviser ID to create the application under. |
OwnerAdviserId | integer | Owner adviser ID to create the application under. |
Applicantsrequired | array | Objects containing the applicant data. There must be at least one applicant for the request to succeed. The array of objects may contain a mix of Individual and Corporate applicants. |
Applicants.OwnerAdviserId | integer | Owner adviser ID to create the application under. |
Applicants.ApplicantType | enum | Corporate = 1. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails | object | Used for Corporate applicants. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.Name | string | Name of the corporate applicant. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.TradingName | string | Trading name of the corporate applicant. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.Identifications | array | Array of TFN / ABN |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.Identifications.Type | enum | Tfn = 0, Abn = 1. Only Abn is allowed for corporate applicants. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.Identifications.Value | string | Identification value of applicant. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.BusinessAddress | object | Business address. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.BusinessAddress.Street | string | Address line 1. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.BusinessAddress.Line2 | string | Address line 2. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.BusinessAddress.Line3 | string | Address line 3. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.BusinessAddress.Postcode | string | Postcode of address. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.BusinessAddress.Suburb | string | Suburb of address. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.BusinessAddress.CountryCode | string | Country code of address. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.BusinessAddress.IsRegistered | boolean | Whether address is registered. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.MailingAddress | object | Mailing address. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.MailingAddress.Street | string | Address line 1. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.MailingAddress.Line2 | string | Address line 2. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.MailingAddress.Line3 | string | Address line 3. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.MailingAddress.Postcode | string | Postcode of address. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.MailingAddress.Suburb | string | Suburb of address. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.MailingAddress.CountryCode | string | Country code of address. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.MailingAddress.IsRegistered | boolean | Whether address is registered. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.ContactIsSignatory | boolean | Whether the contact is a signatory on the account. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.Contact | object | Primary contact. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.Contact.Title | string | Title of contact. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.Contact.FirstName | string | First name of contact. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.Contact.LastName | string | Last name of contact. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.Contact.Email | string | Email of contact. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.Contact.Phone | string | Phone Number of contact. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.Signatories | array | Corporate signatories. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.Signatories.Title | string | Title of signatory. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.Signatories.FirstName | string | First name of signatory. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.Signatories.LastName | string | Last name of signatory. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.Signatories.DateOfBirth | date-time | Date of birth of signatory. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.Signatories.Email | string | Email address of signatory. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.Signatories.IsPoliticallyExposedPerson | boolean | Whether applicant is politically exposed. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.Signatories.PepDetails | string | If applicant is politically exposed, details must be supplied. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.Signatories.Capacity | enum | Director = 0, SoleDirector = 1, CompanySecretary = 2. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.Signatories.TaxNumber | string | Tax number of signatory. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.Signatories.CountryOfBirth | string | Country of birth of signatory. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.Signatories.Address | object | Address of signatory. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.Signatories.Address.Street | string | Address line 1. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.Signatories.Address.Line2 | string | Address line 2. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.Signatories.Address.Line3 | string | Address line 3. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.Signatories.Address.Postcode | string | Postcode of address. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.Signatories.Address.Suburb | string | Suburb of address. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.Signatories.Address.CountryCode | string | Country code of address. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.Signatories.Address.IsRegistered | boolean | Whether address is registered. |
Accounts | array | Array of accounts to be opened with the application. Must be linked to an included applicant. |
Accounts.Name | string | Account name. |
Accounts.RegisteredName | string | Account registered name. |
Accounts.ShortName | string | Account short name. |
Accounts.AccountTyperequired | enum | Company = 13. |
Accounts.PdsIdrequired | string | PDS ID of account. |
Accounts.Fees | array | Account fees. |
Accounts.Fees.Id | string | Fee ID. |
Accounts.Fees.Type | enum | FeeTable = 0, Contribution = 1, Establishment = 2, Termination = 3, Withdrawal = 4, Ongoing = 5. |
Accounts.Fees.Rate | double | Fee rate. |
Accounts.Fees.Unit | string | Fee unit, dollar or percent. |
Accounts.FeeConsent.Type | enum | Ongoing = 1, FixedTerm = 2, NotCharged = 3. For NotCharged only Establishment fee can be provided. |
Accounts.FeeConsent.AnniversaryDate | date-time | Anniversary date of ongoing fee. (Cannot be used along with TermStartDate and TermEndDate) |
Accounts.FeeConsent.TermStartDate | date-time | Start date of fixed term fee. (Cannot be used along with AnniversaryDate) |
Accounts.FeeConsent.TermEndDate | date-time | End date of fixed term fee. (Cannot be used along with AnniversaryDate) |
Accounts.Models | array | Account models. |
Accounts.Models.Code | string | Model code. |
Accounts.Models.Proportion | double | Proportion of model. |
Accounts.BankAccounts | array | Bank accounts. |
Accounts.BankAccounts.Bsb | string | Bank account BSB. |
Accounts.BankAccounts.AccountNumber | string | Bank account number. |
Accounts.BankAccounts.AccountName | string | Bank account name. |
Accounts.BankAccounts.Usages | array | This allows you to define a regular cash addition or withdrawal from the SMA or SuperSMA. |
Accounts.Exclusions | array | Account exclusions. |
Accounts.Exclusions.Security | object | Security code of the exclusion. |
Accounts.Exclusions.Security.Code | string | Security code of the security. |
Accounts.Exclusions.Security.Exchange | string | Exchange code of the security. |
Accounts.InitialInvestment | object | Initial investment of account. |
Accounts.InitialInvestment.Cash | double | Select if the initial investment will include cash. |
Accounts.InitialInvestment.Shares | double | Select if the initial investment will include shares. |
Accounts.InitialInvestment.Methodrequired | enum | BPay = 0, DirectDebit = 1. |
Accounts.OwnerAdviserId | integer | Owner adviser ID to create the application under. |
Accounts.RegularWithdrawal | object | Regular cash withdrawals from the account. |
Accounts.RegularWithdrawal.Frequency | enum | Monthly = 0, Quarterly = 1, SemiAnnually = 2, Annually = 3. |
Accounts.RegularWithdrawal.Method | enum | BPay = 0, DirectDebit = 1. |
Accounts.RegularWithdrawal.Amount | double | Amount for regular withdrawal. |
Accounts.RegularContributions | object | Regular cash contributions to the account. |
Accounts.RegularContributions.Frequency | enum | Monthly = 0, Quarterly = 1, SemiAnnually = 2, Annually = 3. |
Accounts.RegularContributions.Method | enum | BPay = 0, DirectDebit = 1. |
Accounts.RegularContributions.Amount | double | Amount for regular contribution. |
Accounts.InspecieTransfers | array | Inspecie transfers. |
Accounts.InspecieTransfers.SecurityId | string | Security ID. |
Accounts.InspecieTransfers.Quantity | double | Quantity of the security. |
Accounts.InspecieTransfers.OutsideOfRebalanceQuantity | double | Quantity of the security outside of rebalance. |
Accounts.InspecieTransfers.HoldingType | enum | IssuerSponsored = 0, Chess = 1 |
Accounts.InspecieTransfers.HinOrSrn | string | HIN or SRN. |
Accounts.InspecieTransfers.Direction | enum | In = 0, Out = 1 |
Accounts.AccountInvestorType | object | Account investor type. |
Accounts.AccountInvestorType.InvestorsType | enum | Retail = 0, WholesaleProductValueTest = 1, WholesaleAccountantsCertificate = 2, ProfessionalAfslHolder = 3, ProfessionalApraRegulated = 4, ProfessionalFsaRegulated = 5, ProfessionalSuperTrustee = 6, ProfessionalControls10M = 7, ProfessionalListed = 8, ProfessionalExempt = 9, ProfessionalInvestor = 10, ProfessionalForeign = 11, Sophisticated = 12 |
Accounts.AccountInvestorType.WholesaleCertificateDate | date-time | The date on the wholesale investors accountants certificate |
Response Examples
# 200 - OK
"ApplicationId": "c1bdac67-39a0-4835-8168-e99f44f01iu7"
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
ApplicationId | string | Unique application ID to be used as an application reference. |
POST AU Individual Applicant & Trust Account
This endpoint creates an individual applicant and a trust account in the system.
Header Examples
Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImt...
x-pps-subscription-key: d3e30ecd1ab345...
x-pps-api-version: v1
Header Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Authorizationrequired | string | Access token. |
x-pps-subscription-keyrequired | string | Product subscription key. |
x-pps-api-versionrequired | string | API version of the endpoint. |
Request Parameter - Body Examples
"AdviserId": 123456,
"Applicants": [
"ApplicantType": 0,
"IndividualDetails": {
"Title": "Mr",
"FirstName": "John",
"LastName": "Smith",
"Email": "",
"Phone": "012489235",
"PhoneOther": "012489235",
"Gender": 1,
"HomeAddress": {
"Street": "123 Test St",
"Postcode": "3000",
"Suburb": "Melbourne",
"State": "VIC",
"CountryCode": "AUS"
"MailingAddress": {
"Street": "123 Test St",
"Postcode": "3000",
"Suburb": "Melbourne",
"State": "VIC",
"CountryCode": "AUS"
"Identifications": [
"Type": 0,
"Value": "123456789"
"MissingReason": 1,
"MissingReasonText": "test"
"IsPoliticallyExposedPerson": true,
"PepDetails": "Senior politician"
"Accounts": [
"Name": "Miss Jane Smith",
"RegisteredName": "Miss Jane Smith",
"ShortName": "Jane",
"AccountType": 15,
"PdsId": "AU5",
"Fees": [
"Type": 1,
"Rate": 153.4,
"Unit": "Dollar"
"Id": "AU21871",
"Rate": 0,
"Unit": "Dollar"
"FeeConsent": {
"Type": 1,
"AnniversaryDate": "2022-07-01"
"Models": [
"Code": "AU0001",
"Proportion": 50
"Code": "IN0001",
"Proportion": 50
"BankAccounts": [
"Bsb": "12012",
"AccountNumber": "6555555567",
"AccountName": "Jane Smith",
"Usages": [
"Exclusions": [
"Code": "AU0002",
"Exchange": "ASX"
"InitialInvestment": {
"Cash": 132.12,
"Shares": 321.32,
"Method": 0
"TrustOrFundDetails": {
"Name": "Fund name",
"Abn": "12345678",
"Tfn": "12345678"
"TargetAllocation": {
"Fees": [
"Code": "AB0101",
"Percentage": 100
"Income": []
"RegularWithdrawal": {
"Frequency": 1,
"Method": 1,
"Amount": 120
"RegularContribution": {
"Frequency": 1,
"Method": 1,
"Amount": 10000
"InspecieTransfers": {
"SecurityId": "AU94",
"Quantity": 123,
"OutsideOfRebalQuantity": 12,
"HoldingType": 1,
"HinOrSrn": "928734234",
"Direction": 0
"InvestorsType": 2,
"WholesaleCertificateDate": "2022-07-01"
Request Parameter - Body
Parameter | Type | Description |
AdviserIdrequired | integer | Adviser ID to create the application under. |
OwnerAdviserId | integer | Owner adviser ID to create the application under. |
Applicantsrequired | array | Objects containing the applicant data. There must be at least one applicant for the request to succeed. The array of objects may contain a mix of Individual and Corporate applicants. |
Applicants.OwnerAdviserId | integer | Owner adviser ID to create the application under. |
Applicants.ApplicantType | enum | Individual = 0. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails | object | Used for Individual applicants. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.Title | string | Title: Mr, Mrs, Ms, Miss, Doctor, Lady, Prof and Sir. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.FirstName | string | First name of individual. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.LastName | string | Last name of individual. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.DateOfBirth | date-time | Date of birth of the individual. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.Email | string | Email address of the individual. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.Phone | string | Primary contact number of the individual. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.PhoneOther | string | Other phone of the individual. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.Genderrequired | enum | Male = 1, Female = 2. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.UserName | string | User Name of individual applicant. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.UserId | string | User ID of individual applicant. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.IsPoliticallyExposedPerson | boolean | Whether applicant is politically exposed. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.PepDetails | string | If applicant is politically exposed, details must be supplied. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.TaxResidenceCountryCode | string | Tax residence country code. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.CitizenshipCountryCode | string | Citizenship country code. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.Identifications | array | Array of TFN / ABN. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.Identifications.Type | enum | Tfn = 0, Tin = 2. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.Identifications.Value | string | Identification value of applicant. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.Identifications.MissingReason | enum | CountryDoesntIssue = 1, DontNeedOne = 2, Other = 99. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.Identifications.MissingReasonText | string | Reason identification of applicant is missing. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.HomeAddress | object | Home address of individual applicant. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.HomeAddress.Street | string | Address line 1. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.HomeAddress.Line2 | string | Address line 2. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.HomeAddress.Line3 | string | Address line 3. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.HomeAddress.Postcode | string | Postcode of address. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.HomeAddress.Suburb | string | Suburb of address. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.HomeAddress.CountryCode | string | Country code of address. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.HomeAddress.IsRegistered | boolean | Whether address is registered. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.MailingAddress | object | Mailing address of individual applicant. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.MailingAddress.Street | string | Address line 1. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.MailingAddress.Line2 | string | Address line 2. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.MailingAddress.Line3 | string | Address line 3. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.MailingAddress.Postcode | string | Postcode of address. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.MailingAddress.Suburb | string | Suburb of address. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.MailingAddress.CountryCode | string | Country code of address. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.MailingAddress.IsRegistered | boolean | Whether address is registered. |
Accounts | array | Array of accounts to be opened with the application. Must be linked to an included applicant. |
Accounts.Name | string | Account name. |
Accounts.RegisteredName | string | Account registered name. |
Accounts.ShortName | string | Account short name. |
Accounts.AccountTyperequired | enum | Trust = 15. |
Accounts.PdsIdrequired | string | PDS ID of account. |
Accounts.OwnerAdviserId | integer | Owner adviser ID to create the application under. |
Accounts.Fees | array | Account fees. |
Accounts.Fees.Id | string | Fee ID. |
Accounts.Fees.Type | enum | FeeTable = 0, Contribution = 1, Establishment = 2, Termination = 3, Withdrawal = 4, Ongoing = 5. |
Accounts.Fees.Rate | double | Fee rate. |
Accounts.Fees.Unit | string | Fee unit, dollar or percent. |
Accounts.FeeConsent.Type | enum | Ongoing = 1, FixedTerm = 2, NotCharged = 3. For NotCharged only Establishment fee can be provided. |
Accounts.FeeConsent.AnniversaryDate | date-time | Anniversary date of ongoing fee. (Cannot be used along with TermStartDate and TermEndDate) |
Accounts.FeeConsent.TermStartDate | date-time | Start date of fixed term fee. (Cannot be used along with AnniversaryDate) |
Accounts.FeeConsent.TermEndDate | date-time | End date of fixed term fee. (Cannot be used along with AnniversaryDate) |
Accounts.Models | array | Account models. |
Accounts.Models.Code | string | Model code. |
Accounts.Models.Proportion | double | Proportion of model. |
Accounts.BankAccounts | array | Bank accounts. |
Accounts.BankAccounts.Bsb | string | Bank account BSB. |
Accounts.BankAccounts.AccountNumber | string | Bank account number. |
Accounts.BankAccounts.AccountName | string | Bank account name. |
Accounts.BankAccounts.Usages | array | This allows you to define a regular cash addition or withdrawal from the SMA or SuperSMA. |
Accounts.Exclusions | array | Account exclusions. |
Accounts.Exclusions.Security | object | Security code of the exclusion. |
Accounts.Exclusions.Security.Code | string | Security code of the security. |
Accounts.Exclusions.Security.Exchange | string | Exchange code of the security. |
Accounts.InitialInvestment | object | Initial investment of account. |
Accounts.InitialInvestment.Cash | double | Select if the initial investment will include cash. |
Accounts.InitialInvestment.Shares | double | Select if the initial investment will include shares. |
Accounts.InitialInvestment.Methodrequired | enum | BPay = 0, DirectDebit = 1. |
Accounts.TrustOrFundDetails | object | Trust or Fund details. |
Accounts.TrustOrFundDetails.Name | string | Name of the Trust or Fund. |
Accounts.TrustOrFundDetails.Abn | string | ABN of the Super Fund (rather than the corporate trustee) for corporate applicants. |
Accounts.TrustOrFundDetails.Tfn | string | TFN for an individual trustee. |
Accounts.TargetAllocation | object | Target allocation. |
Accounts.TargetAllocation.Fees | array | Target allocation fees. |
Accounts.TargetAllocation.Fees.Code | string | Target allocation fees code. |
Accounts.TargetAllocation.Fees.Percentage | double | Target allocation fees percentage. |
Accounts.TargetAllocation.Income | array | Target allocation income. |
Accounts.TargetAllocation.Income.Code | string | Target allocation income code. |
Accounts.TargetAllocation.Income.Percentage | double | Target allocation income percentage. |
Accounts.RegularWithdrawal | object | Regular cash withdrawals from the account. |
Accounts.RegularWithdrawal.Frequency | enum | Monthly = 0, Quarterly = 1, SemiAnnually = 2, Annually = 3. |
Accounts.RegularWithdrawal.Method | enum | BPay = 0, DirectDebit = 1. |
Accounts.RegularWithdrawal.Amount | double | Amount for regular withdrawal. |
Accounts.RegularContributions | object | Regular cash contributions to the account. |
Accounts.RegularContributions.Frequency | enum | Monthly = 0, Quarterly = 1, SemiAnnually = 2, Annually = 3. |
Accounts.RegularContributions.Method | enum | BPay = 0, DirectDebit = 1. |
Accounts.RegularContributions.Amount | double | Amount for regular contribution. |
Accounts.InspecieTransfers | array | Inspecie transfers. |
Accounts.InspecieTransfers.SecurityId | string | Security ID. |
Accounts.InspecieTransfers.Quantity | double | Quantity of the security. |
Accounts.InspecieTransfers.OutsideOfRebalanceQuantity | double | Quantity of the security outside of rebalance. |
Accounts.InspecieTransfers.HoldingType | enum | IssuerSponsored = 0, Chess = 1 |
Accounts.InspecieTransfers.HinOrSrn | string | HIN or SRN. |
Accounts.InspecieTransfers.Direction | enum | In = 0, Out = 1 |
Accounts.AccountInvestorType | object | Account investor type. |
Accounts.AccountInvestorType.InvestorsType | enum | Retail = 0, WholesaleProductValueTest = 1, WholesaleAccountantsCertificate = 2, ProfessionalAfslHolder = 3, ProfessionalApraRegulated = 4, ProfessionalFsaRegulated = 5, ProfessionalSuperTrustee = 6, ProfessionalControls10M = 7, ProfessionalListed = 8, ProfessionalExempt = 9, ProfessionalInvestor = 10, ProfessionalForeign = 11, Sophisticated = 12 |
Accounts.AccountInvestorType.WholesaleCertificateDate | date-time | The date on the wholesale investors accountants certificate |
Response Examples
# 200 - OK
"ApplicationId": "c1bdac67-39a0-4835-8168-e99f44f01iu7"
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
ApplicationId | string | Unique application ID to be used as an application reference. |
POST AU Corporate Applicant & Trust Account
This endpoint creates a corporate applicant and a trust account in the system.
Header Examples
Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImt...
x-pps-subscription-key: d3e30ecd1ab345...
x-pps-api-version: v1
Header Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Authorizationrequired | string | Access token. |
x-pps-subscription-keyrequired | string | Product subscription key. |
x-pps-api-versionrequired | string | API version of the endpoint. |
Request Parameter - Body Examples
"AdviserId": 123456,
"Applicants": [
"ApplicantType": 1,
"CorporateDetails": {
"Name": "Smith & Smith",
"BusinessAddress": {
"Street": "123 Test St",
"Postcode": "3000",
"Suburb": "Melbourne",
"State": "VIC",
"CountryCode": "AUS"
"ContactIsSignatory": false,
"Contact": {
"Title": "Mr",
"FirstName": "John",
"LastName": "Smith",
"Phone": "012489235",
"Email": ""
"Signatories": [
"Title": "Mr",
"FirstName": "John",
"LastName": "Smith",
"Email": "",
"Capacity": 0,
"IsPoliticallyExposedPerson": false
"Identifications": [
"Type": 1,
"Value": "123456789"
"Accounts": [
"Name": "Test company",
"RegisteredName": "Test company",
"ShortName": "TC",
"AccountType": 15,
"PdsId": "AU5",
"Fees": [
"Type": 1,
"Rate": 153.4,
"Unit": "Dollar"
"Id": "AU21871",
"Rate": 0,
"Unit": "Dollar",
"FeeConsent": {
"Type": 1,
"AnniversaryDate": "2022-07-01"
"Models": [
"Code": "AU0001",
"Proportion": 50
"Code": "IN0001",
"Proportion": 50
"BankAccounts": [
"Bsb": "12012",
"AccountNumber": "6555555567",
"AccountName": "Jane Smith",
"Usages": [
"Exclusions": [
"Code": "AU0002",
"Exchange": "ASX"
"InitialInvestment": {
"Cash": 132.12,
"Shares": 321.32,
"Method": 0
"TrustOrFundDetails": {
"Name": "Fund name",
"Abn": "12345678",
"Tfn": "12345678"
"TargetAllocation": {
"Fees": [
"Code": "AB0101",
"Percentage": 100
"Income": []
"RegularWithdrawal": {
"Frequency": 1,
"Method": 1,
"Amount": 120
"RegularContribution": {
"Frequency": 1,
"Method": 1,
"Amount": 10000
"InspecieTransfers": {
"SecurityId": "AU94",
"Quantity": 123,
"OutsideOfRebalQuantity": 12,
"HoldingType": 1,
"HinOrSrn": "928734234",
"Direction": 0
"InvestorsType": 2,
"WholesaleCertificateDate": "2022-07-01"
Request Parameter - Body
Parameter | Type | Description |
AdviserIdrequired | integer | Adviser ID to create the application under. |
OwnerAdviserId | integer | Owner adviser ID to create the application under. |
Applicantsrequired | array | Objects containing the applicant data. There must be at least one applicant for the request to succeed. The array of objects may contain a mix of Individual and Corporate applicants. |
Applicants.OwnerAdviserId | integer | Owner adviser ID to create the application under. |
Applicants.ApplicantType | enum | Corporate = 1. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails | object | Used for Corporate applicants. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.Name | string | Name of the corporate applicant. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.TradingName | string | Trading name of the corporate applicant. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.Identifications | array | Array of TFN / ABN |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.Identifications.Type | enum | Tfn = 0, Abn = 1. Only Abn is allowed for corporate applicants. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.Identifications.Value | string | Identification value of applicant. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.BusinessAddress | object | Business address. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.BusinessAddress.Street | string | Address line 1. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.BusinessAddress.Line2 | string | Address line 2. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.BusinessAddress.Line3 | string | Address line 3. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.BusinessAddress.Postcode | string | Postcode of address. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.BusinessAddress.Suburb | string | Suburb of address. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.BusinessAddress.CountryCode | string | Country code of address. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.BusinessAddress.IsRegistered | boolean | Whether address is registered. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.MailingAddress | object | Mailing address. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.MailingAddress.Street | string | Address line 1. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.MailingAddress.Line2 | string | Address line 2. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.MailingAddress.Line3 | string | Address line 3. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.MailingAddress.Postcode | string | Postcode of address. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.MailingAddress.Suburb | string | Suburb of address. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.MailingAddress.CountryCode | string | Country code of address. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.MailingAddress.IsRegistered | boolean | Whether address is registered. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.ContactIsSignatory | boolean | Whether the contact is a signatory on the account. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.Contact | object | Primary contact. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.Contact.Title | string | Title of contact. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.Contact.FirstName | string | First name of contact. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.Contact.LastName | string | Last name of contact. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.Contact.Email | string | Email of contact. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.Contact.Phone | string | Phone Number of contact. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.Signatories | array | Corporate signatories. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.Signatories.Title | string | Title of signatory. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.Signatories.FirstName | string | First name of signatory. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.Signatories.LastName | string | Last name of signatory. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.Signatories.DateOfBirth | date-time | Date of birth of signatory. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.Signatories.Email | string | Email address of signatory. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.Signatories.IsPoliticallyExposedPerson | boolean | Whether applicant is politically exposed. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.Signatories.PepDetails | string | If applicant is politically exposed, details must be supplied. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.Signatories.Capacity | enum | Director = 0, SoleDirector = 1, CompanySecretary = 2. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.Signatories.TaxNumber | string | Tax number of signatory. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.Signatories.CountryOfBirth | string | Country of birth of signatory. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.Signatories.Address | object | Address of signatory. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.Signatories.Address.Street | string | Address line 1. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.Signatories.Address.Line2 | string | Address line 2. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.Signatories.Address.Line3 | string | Address line 3. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.Signatories.Address.Postcode | string | Postcode of address. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.Signatories.Address.Suburb | string | Suburb of address. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.Signatories.Address.CountryCode | string | Country code of address. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.Signatories.Address.IsRegistered | boolean | Whether address is registered. |
Accounts | array | Array of accounts to be opened with the application. Must be linked to an included applicant. |
Accounts.Name | string | Account name. |
Accounts.RegisteredName | string | Account registered name. |
Accounts.ShortName | string | Account short name. |
Accounts.AccountTyperequired | enum | Trust = 15. |
Accounts.PdsIdrequired | string | PDS ID of account. |
Accounts.Fees | array | Account fees. |
Accounts.Fees.Id | string | Fee ID. |
Accounts.Fees.Type | enum | FeeTable = 0, Contribution = 1, Establishment = 2, Termination = 3, Withdrawal = 4, Ongoing = 5. |
Accounts.Fees.Rate | double | Fee rate. |
Accounts.Fees.Unit | string | Fee unit, dollar or percent. |
Accounts.FeeConsent.Type | enum | Ongoing = 1, FixedTerm = 2, NotCharged = 3. For NotCharged only Establishment fee can be provided. |
Accounts.FeeConsent.AnniversaryDate | date-time | Anniversary date of ongoing fee. (Cannot be used along with TermStartDate and TermEndDate) |
Accounts.FeeConsent.TermStartDate | date-time | Start date of fixed term fee. (Cannot be used along with AnniversaryDate) |
Accounts.FeeConsent.TermEndDate | date-time | End date of fixed term fee. (Cannot be used along with AnniversaryDate) |
Accounts.Models | array | Account models. |
Accounts.Models.Code | string | Model code. |
Accounts.Models.Proportion | double | Proportion of model. |
Accounts.BankAccounts | array | Bank accounts. |
Accounts.BankAccounts.Bsb | string | Bank account BSB. |
Accounts.BankAccounts.AccountNumber | string | Bank account number. |
Accounts.BankAccounts.AccountName | string | Bank account name. |
Accounts.BankAccounts.Usages | array | This allows you to define a regular cash addition or withdrawal from the SMA or SuperSMA. |
Accounts.Exclusions | array | Account exclusions. |
Accounts.Exclusions.Security | object | Security code of the exclusion. |
Accounts.Exclusions.Security.Code | string | Security code of the security. |
Accounts.Exclusions.Security.Exchange | string | Exchange code of the security. |
Accounts.InitialInvestment | object | Initial investment of account. |
Accounts.InitialInvestment.Cash | double | Select if the initial investment will include cash. |
Accounts.InitialInvestment.Shares | double | Select if the initial investment will include shares. |
Accounts.InitialInvestment.Methodrequired | enum | BPay = 0, DirectDebit = 1. |
Accounts.OwnerAdviserId | integer | Owner adviser ID to create the application under. |
Accounts.TrustOrFundDetails | object | Trust or Fund details. |
Accounts.TrustOrFundDetails.Name | string | Name of the Trust or Fund. |
Accounts.TrustOrFundDetails.Abn | string | ABN of the Super Fund (rather than the corporate trustee) for corporate applicants. |
Accounts.TrustOrFundDetails.Tfn | string | TFN for an individual trustee. |
Accounts.TargetAllocation | object | Target allocation. |
Accounts.TargetAllocation.Fees | array | Target allocation fees. |
Accounts.TargetAllocation.Fees.Code | string | Target allocation fees code. |
Accounts.TargetAllocation.Fees.Percentage | double | Target allocation fees percentage. |
Accounts.TargetAllocation.Income | array | Target allocation income. |
Accounts.TargetAllocation.Income.Code | string | Target allocation income code. |
Accounts.TargetAllocation.Income.Percentage | double | Target allocation income percentage. |
Accounts.RegularWithdrawal | object | Regular cash withdrawals from the account. |
Accounts.RegularWithdrawal.Frequency | enum | Monthly = 0, Quarterly = 1, SemiAnnually = 2, Annually = 3. |
Accounts.RegularWithdrawal.Method | enum | BPay = 0, DirectDebit = 1. |
Accounts.RegularWithdrawal.Amount | double | Amount for regular withdrawal. |
Accounts.RegularContributions | object | Regular cash contributions to the account. |
Accounts.RegularContributions.Frequency | enum | Monthly = 0, Quarterly = 1, SemiAnnually = 2, Annually = 3. |
Accounts.RegularContributions.Method | enum | BPay = 0, DirectDebit = 1. |
Accounts.RegularContributions.Amount | double | Amount for regular contribution. |
Accounts.InspecieTransfers | array | Inspecie transfers. |
Accounts.InspecieTransfers.SecurityId | string | Security ID. |
Accounts.InspecieTransfers.Quantity | double | Quantity of the security. |
Accounts.InspecieTransfers.OutsideOfRebalanceQuantity | double | Quantity of the security outside of rebalance. |
Accounts.InspecieTransfers.HoldingType | enum | IssuerSponsored = 0, Chess = 1 |
Accounts.InspecieTransfers.HinOrSrn | string | HIN or SRN. |
Accounts.InspecieTransfers.Direction | enum | In = 0, Out = 1 |
Accounts.AccountInvestorType | object | Account investor type. |
Accounts.AccountInvestorType.InvestorsType | enum | Retail = 0, WholesaleProductValueTest = 1, WholesaleAccountantsCertificate = 2, ProfessionalAfslHolder = 3, ProfessionalApraRegulated = 4, ProfessionalFsaRegulated = 5, ProfessionalSuperTrustee = 6, ProfessionalControls10M = 7, ProfessionalListed = 8, ProfessionalExempt = 9, ProfessionalInvestor = 10, ProfessionalForeign = 11, Sophisticated = 12 |
Accounts.AccountInvestorType.WholesaleCertificateDate | date-time | The date on the wholesale investors accountants certificate |
Response Examples
# 200 - OK
"ApplicationId": "c1bdac67-39a0-4835-8168-e99f44f01iu7"
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
ApplicationId | string | Unique application ID to be used as an application reference. |
POST AU Individual Applicant & SuperSMA Accumulation Account
This endpoint creates an individual applicant and a SuperSMA accumulation account in the system.
Header Examples
Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImt...
x-pps-subscription-key: d3e30ecd1ab345...
x-pps-api-version: v1
Header Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Authorizationrequired | string | OAuth 2.0 access token. |
x-pps-subscription-keyrequired | string | Product subscription key. |
x-pps-api-versionrequired | string | API version of the endpoint. |
Request Parameter - Body Examples
"AdviserId": 123456,
"Applicants": [
"ApplicantType": 0,
"IndividualDetails": {
"Title": "Mr",
"FirstName": "John",
"LastName": "Smith",
"Email": "",
"Phone": "012489235",
"PhoneOther": "012489235",
"Gender": 1,
"HomeAddress": {
"Street": "123 Test St",
"Postcode": "3000",
"Suburb": "Melbourne",
"State": "VIC",
"CountryCode": "AUS"
"MailingAddress": {
"Street": "123 Test St",
"Postcode": "3000",
"Suburb": "Melbourne",
"State": "VIC",
"CountryCode": "AUS"
"Identifications": [
"Type": 0,
"Value": "123456789"
"MissingReason": 1,
"MissingReasonText": "test"
"IsPoliticallyExposedPerson": true,
"PepDetails": "Senior politician"
"Accounts": [
"Name": "Miss Jane Smith",
"RegisteredName": "Miss Jane Smith",
"ShortName": "Jane",
"AccountType": 16,
"PdsId": "AU5",
"Fees": [
"Type": 1,
"Rate": 153.4,
"Unit": "Dollar"
"Id": "AU21871",
"Rate": 0,
"Unit": "Dollar"
"FeeConsent": {
"Type": 1,
"AnniversaryDate": "2022-07-01"
"Models": [
"Code": "AU0001",
"Proportion": 50
"Code": "IN0001",
"Proportion": 50
"BankAccounts": [
"Bsb": "12012",
"AccountNumber": "6555555567",
"AccountName": "Jane Smith",
"Usages": [
"Exclusions": [
"Code": "AU0002",
"Exchange": "ASX"
"TargetAllocation": {
"Fees": [
"Code": "AB0101",
"Percentage": 100
"Income": []
"InitialInvestmentSuper": {
"ContributionSources": [
"MemberNumber": "test member number",
"SourceOfContribution": {
"ProductName": "test product name",
"Usi": "test usi"
"EntireBalance": true,
"ExpectedAmount": 35234.43543
"Transfers": [
"AccountId": "AU123456",
"TransferMethod": 1,
"Amount": 35234.43543
"OtherContributions": [
"ContributionType": 31,
"ExpectedAmount": 35234.43543,
"SuperSmaAccumulatedPaymentType": 1
"Beneficiaries": [
"FullName": "Mr. John Smith",
"Relationship": 2,
"DateOfBirth": "2000-01-01",
"Proportion": 100.0,
"Address": {
"Street": "123 Test St",
"Line2": "",
"Line3": "",
"Postcode": "3000",
"Suburb": "Melbourne",
"State": "VIC",
"CountryCode": "AUS"
"IsBindingNomination": false,
"IsEmployerContributing": false,
"AdviserServicesProvided": [1, 2, 6]
Request Parameter - Body
Parameter | Type | Description |
AdviserIdrequired | integer | Adviser ID to create the application under. |
OwnerAdviserId | integer | Owner adviser ID to create the application under. |
Applicantsrequired | array | Objects containing the applicant data. There must be at least one applicant for the request to succeed. The array of objects may contain a mix of Individual and Corporate applicants. |
Applicants.OwnerAdviserId | integer | Owner adviser ID to create the application under. |
Applicants.ApplicantType | enum | Individual = 0. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails | object | Used for Individual applicants. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.Title | string | Title: Mr, Mrs, Ms, Miss, Doctor, Lady, Prof and Sir. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.FirstName | string | First name of individual. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.LastName | string | Last name of individual. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.DateOfBirth | date-time | Date of birth of the individual. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.Email | string | Email address of the individual. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.Phone | string | Primary contact number of the individual. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.PhoneOther | string | Other phone of the individual. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.Genderrequired | enum | Male = 1, Female = 2. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.UserName | string | User Name of individual applicant. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.UserId | string | User ID of individual applicant. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.IsPoliticallyExposedPerson | boolean | Whether applicant is politically exposed. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.PepDetails | string | If applicant is politically exposed, details must be supplied. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.TaxResidenceCountryCode | string | Tax residence country code. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.CitizenshipCountryCode | string | Citizenship country code. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.Identifications | array | Array of TFN / ABN. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.Identifications.Type | enum | Tfn = 0, Tin = 2. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.Identifications.Value | string | Identification value of applicant. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.Identifications.MissingReason | enum | CountryDoesntIssue = 1, DontNeedOne = 2, Other = 99. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.Identifications.MissingReasonText | string | Reason identification of applicant is missing. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.HomeAddress | object | Home address of individual applicant. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.HomeAddress.Street | string | Address line 1. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.HomeAddress.Line2 | string | Address line 2. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.HomeAddress.Line3 | string | Address line 3. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.HomeAddress.Postcode | string | Postcode of address. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.HomeAddress.Suburb | string | Suburb of address. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.HomeAddress.CountryCode | string | Country code of address. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.HomeAddress.IsRegistered | boolean | Whether address is registered. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.MailingAddress | object | Mailing address of individual applicant. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.MailingAddress.Street | string | Address line 1. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.MailingAddress.Line2 | string | Address line 2. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.MailingAddress.Line3 | string | Address line 3. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.MailingAddress.Postcode | string | Postcode of address. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.MailingAddress.Suburb | string | Suburb of address. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.MailingAddress.CountryCode | string | Country code of address. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.MailingAddress.IsRegistered | boolean | Whether address is registered. |
Accounts | array | Array of accounts to be opened with the application. Must be linked to an included applicant. |
Accounts.Name | string | Account name. |
Accounts.RegisteredName | string | Account registered name. |
Accounts.ShortName | string | Account short name. |
Accounts.AccountTyperequired | enum | SuperSmaAccumulation = 16. |
Accounts.PdsIdrequired | string | PDS ID of account. |
Accounts.Fees | array | Account fees. |
Accounts.Fees.Id | string | Fee ID. |
Accounts.Fees.Type | enum | FeeTable = 0, Contribution = 1, Establishment = 2, Termination = 3, Withdrawal = 4, Ongoing = 5. |
Accounts.Fees.Rate | double | Fee rate. |
Accounts.Fees.Unit | string | Fee unit, dollar or percent. |
Accounts.FeeConsent.Type | enum | Ongoing = 1, FixedTerm = 2, NotCharged = 3. For NotCharged only Establishment fee can be provided. |
Accounts.FeeConsent.AnniversaryDate | date-time | Anniversary date of ongoing fee. (Cannot be used along with TermStartDate and TermEndDate) |
Accounts.FeeConsent.TermStartDate | date-time | Start date of fixed term fee. (Cannot be used along with AnniversaryDate) |
Accounts.FeeConsent.TermEndDate | date-time | End date of fixed term fee. (Cannot be used along with AnniversaryDate) |
Accounts.Models | array | Account models. |
Accounts.Models.Coderequired | string | Model code. |
Accounts.Models.Proportion | double | Proportion of model. |
Accounts.BankAccounts | array | Bank accounts. |
Accounts.BankAccounts.Bsb | string | Bank account BSB. |
Accounts.BankAccounts.AccountNumber | string | Bank account number. |
Accounts.BankAccounts.AccountName | string | Bank account name. |
Accounts.BankAccounts.Usages | array | This allows you to define a regular cash addition or withdrawal from the SMA or SuperSMA. |
Accounts.Exclusions | array | Account exclusions. |
Accounts.Exclusions.Security | object | Security code of the exclusion. |
Accounts.Exclusions.Security.Coderequired | string | Security code of the security. |
Accounts.Exclusions.Security.Exchangerequired | string | Exchange code of the security. |
Accounts.TargetAllocation | object | Target allocation. |
Accounts.TargetAllocation.Fees | array | Target allocation fees. |
Accounts.TargetAllocation.Fees.Code | string | Target allocation fees code. |
Accounts.TargetAllocation.Fees.Percentage | double | Target allocation fees percentage. |
Accounts.TargetAllocation.Income | array | Target allocation income. |
Accounts.TargetAllocation.Income.Code | string | Target allocation income code. |
Accounts.TargetAllocation.Income.Percentage | double | Target allocation income percentage. |
Accounts.InitialInvestmentSuper | object | Initial investment for super. |
Accounts.InitialInvestmentSuper.ContributionSources | array | Initial investment super contribution sources. |
Accounts.InitialInvestmentSuper.ContributionSources.MemberNumber | string | Contribution sources member number. |
Accounts.InitialInvestmentSuper.ContributionSources.SourceOfContribution | object | Source of contribution. |
Accounts.InitialInvestmentSuper.ContributionSources.SourceOfContribution.ProductName | string | Source of contribution product name. |
Accounts.InitialInvestmentSuper.ContributionSources.SourceOfContribution.Usi | string | Source of contribution USI. |
Accounts.InitialInvestmentSuper.ContributionSources.EntireBalance | boolean | Entire balance. |
Accounts.InitialInvestmentSuper.ContributionSources.ExpectedAmount | double | Expected amount. |
Accounts.InitialInvestmentSuper.Transfers | array | Initial investment super transfers. |
Accounts.InitialInvestmentSuper.Transfers.AccountId | string | Transfer account ID. |
Accounts.InitialInvestmentSuper.Transfers.TransferMethod | enum | WholeAmountWithClose = 0, WholeAmountKeepOpen = 1, SpecifiedAmount = 2 - whether the source account will be kept open. |
Accounts.InitialInvestmentSuper.Transfers.Amount | double | Transfer amount. |
Accounts.InitialInvestmentSuper.OtherContributions | array | Other contributions. |
Accounts.InitialInvestmentSuper.OtherContributions.ContributionType | enum | NonConcessional_Personal = 21, NonConcessional_Spouse = 22, NonConcessional_Child = 24, Exempt_CGT_15Year = 31, Exempt_CGT_Retirement = 32, Exempt_PersonalInjuryElection = 33, Downsizer = 43. |
Accounts.InitialInvestmentSuper.OtherContributions.ExpectedAmount | double | Other contributions expected amount. |
Accounts.InitialInvestmentSuper.OtherContributions.SuperSmaAccumulatedPaymentType | enum | Bpay = 0, DirectDebit = 1, DirectCredit = 2. (Only applicable for SuperSMA accumulation accounts) |
Accounts.Beneficiaries | array | Beneficiaries. |
Accounts.Beneficiaries.Proportion | double | The portion of the benefit that should be paid to the beneficiary. These must add up to 100%. |
Accounts.Beneficiaries.Address | object | Address of the beneficiary. |
Accounts.Beneficiaries.Address.Streetrequired | string | Address street of the beneficiary. |
Accounts.Beneficiaries.Address.Line2 | string | Address Line 2 of the beneficiary. |
Accounts.Beneficiaries.Address.Line3 | string | Address Line 3 of the beneficiary. |
Accounts.Beneficiaries.Address.Postcode | string | Postcode of the beneficiary. |
Accounts.Beneficiaries.Address.Suburb | string | Suburb of the beneficiary. |
Accounts.Beneficiaries.Address.CountryCode | string | Country code of the beneficiary. |
Accounts.Beneficiaries.Address.IsRegistered | boolean | Address is registered. |
Accounts.Beneficiaries.FullName | string | Full name of beneficiary. |
Accounts.Beneficiaries.Relationship | enum | Spouse = 1, Child = 2, Other = 3, PersonalLegalRepresentative = 8. |
Accounts.Beneficiaries.DateOfBirth | date-time | Date of birth of beneficiary. |
Accounts.IsBindingNomination | boolean | If nomination is binding. |
Accounts.IsEmployerContributing | boolean | If employer is contributing. |
Accounts.AdviserServicesProvided | array | The services provided by the adviser: Review of your account = 1, Strategic superannuation advice = 2, Investment advice on your account = 3 ,Contribution strategy = 4, Insurance in superannuation strategy = 5, Withdrawal advice (lump sum and/or pension) = 6. |
Response Examples
# 200 - OK
"ApplicationId": "c1bdac67-39a0-4835-8168-e99f44f01iu7"
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
ApplicationId | string | Unique application ID to be used as an application reference. |
POST AU Individual Applicant & SuperSMA Account-Based-Pensions Account
This endpoint creates an individual applicant and a SuperSMA account-based-pensions (ABP) account in the system.
Header Examples
Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImt...
x-pps-subscription-key: d3e30ecd1ab345...
x-pps-api-version: v1
Header Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Authorizationrequired | string | OAuth 2.0 access token. |
x-pps-subscription-keyrequired | string | Product subscription key. |
x-pps-api-versionrequired | string | API version of the endpoint. |
Request Parameter - Body Examples
"AdviserId": 123456,
"Applicants": [
"ApplicantType": 0,
"IndividualDetails": {
"Title": "Mr",
"FirstName": "John",
"LastName": "Smith",
"Email": "",
"Phone": "012489235",
"PhoneOther": "012489235",
"Gender": 1,
"HomeAddress": {
"Street": "123 Test St",
"Postcode": "3000",
"Suburb": "Melbourne",
"State": "VIC",
"CountryCode": "AUS"
"MailingAddress": {
"Street": "123 Test St",
"Postcode": "3000",
"Suburb": "Melbourne",
"State": "VIC",
"CountryCode": "AUS"
"Identifications": [
"Type": 0,
"Value": "123456789"
"MissingReason": 1,
"MissingReasonText": "test"
"IsPoliticallyExposedPerson": true,
"PepDetails": "Senior politician"
"Accounts": [
"Name": "Miss Jane Smith",
"RegisteredName": "Miss Jane Smith",
"ShortName": "Jane",
"AccountType": 16,
"PdsId": "AU5",
"Fees": [
"Type": 1,
"Rate": 153.4,
"Unit": "Dollar"
"Id": "AU21871",
"Rate": 0,
"Unit": "Dollar"
"FeeConsent": {
"Type": 1,
"AnniversaryDate": "2022-07-01"
"Models": [
"Code": "AU0001",
"Proportion": 50
"Code": "IN0001",
"Proportion": 50
"BankAccounts": [
"Bsb": "12012",
"AccountNumber": "6555555567",
"AccountName": "Jane Smith",
"Usages": [
"Exclusions": [
"Code": "AU0002",
"Exchange": "ASX"
"InitialInvestmentSuper": {
"ContributionSources": [
"MemberNumber": "test member number",
"SourceOfContribution": {
"ProductName": "test product name",
"Usi": "test usi"
"EntireBalance": true,
"ExpectedAmount": 35234.43543
"Transfers": [
"AccountId": "AU123456",
"TransferMethod": 1,
"Amount": 35234.43543
"OtherContributions": [
"ContributionType": 21,
"ExpectedAmount": 35234.43543
"PensionPayment": {
"Type": 0,
"Amount": 100.0,
"CommencementDate": "2021-01",
"Frequency": 0
"TargetAllocation": {
"Fees": [
"Code": "AB0101",
"Percentage": 100
"Income": [],
"Payments": []
"ReversionaryBeneficiary": {
"FullName": "Mr. John Smith",
"Sex": 1,
"Relationship": 2,
"DateOfBirth": "2000-01-01"
"Beneficiaries": [],
"IsBindingNomination": false,
"AdviserServicesProvided": [1, 2, 6]
Request Parameter - Body
Parameter | Type | Description |
AdviserIdrequired | integer | Adviser ID to create the application under. |
OwnerAdviserId | integer | Owner adviser ID to create the application under. |
Applicantsrequired | array | Objects containing the applicant data. There must be at least one applicant for the request to succeed. The array of objects may contain a mix of Individual and Corporate applicants. |
Applicants.OwnerAdviserId | integer | Owner adviser ID to create the application under. |
Applicants.ApplicantType | enum | Individual = 0. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails | object | Used for Individual applicants. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.Title | string | Title: Mr, Mrs, Ms, Miss, Doctor, Lady, Prof and Sir. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.FirstName | string | First name of individual. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.LastName | string | Last name of individual. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.DateOfBirth | date-time | Date of birth of the individual. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.Email | string | Email address of the individual. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.Phone | string | Primary contact number of the individual. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.PhoneOther | string | Other phone of the individual. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.Genderrequired | enum | Male = 1, Female = 2. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.UserName | string | User Name of individual applicant. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.UserId | string | User ID of individual applicant. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.IsPoliticallyExposedPerson | boolean | Whether applicant is politically exposed. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.PepDetails | string | If applicant is politically exposed, details must be supplied. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.TaxResidenceCountryCode | string | Tax residence country code. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.CitizenshipCountryCode | string | Citizenship country code. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.Identifications | array | Array of TFN / ABN. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.Identifications.Type | enum | Tfn = 0, Tin = 2. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.Identifications.Value | string | Identification value of applicant. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.Identifications.MissingReason | enum | CountryDoesntIssue = 1, DontNeedOne = 2, Other = 99. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.Identifications.MissingReasonText | string | Reason identification of applicant is missing. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.HomeAddress | object | Home address of individual applicant. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.HomeAddress.Street | string | Address line 1. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.HomeAddress.Line2 | string | Address line 2. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.HomeAddress.Line3 | string | Address line 3. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.HomeAddress.Postcode | string | Postcode of address. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.HomeAddress.Suburb | string | Suburb of address. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.HomeAddress.CountryCode | string | Country code of address. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.HomeAddress.IsRegistered | boolean | Whether address is registered. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.MailingAddress | object | Mailing address of individual applicant. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.MailingAddress.Street | string | Address line 1. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.MailingAddress.Line2 | string | Address line 2. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.MailingAddress.Line3 | string | Address line 3. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.MailingAddress.Postcode | string | Postcode of address. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.MailingAddress.Suburb | string | Suburb of address. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.MailingAddress.CountryCode | string | Country code of address. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.MailingAddress.IsRegistered | boolean | Whether address is registered. |
Accounts | array | Array of accounts to be opened with the application. Must be linked to an included applicant. |
Accounts.Name | string | Account name. |
Accounts.RegisteredName | string | Account registered name. |
Accounts.ShortName | string | Account short name. |
Accounts.AccountTyperequired | enum | SuperSmaPensionAbp = 17. |
Accounts.PdsIdrequired | string | PDS ID of account. |
Accounts.Fees | array | Account fees. |
Accounts.Fees.Id | string | Fee ID. |
Accounts.Fees.Type | enum | FeeTable = 0, Contribution = 1, Establishment = 2, Termination = 3, Withdrawal = 4, Ongoing = 5. |
Accounts.Fees.Rate | double | Fee rate. |
Accounts.Fees.Unit | string | Fee unit, dollar or percent. |
Accounts.FeeConsent.Type | enum | Ongoing = 1, FixedTerm = 2, NotCharged = 3. For NotCharged only Establishment fee can be provided. |
Accounts.FeeConsent.AnniversaryDate | date-time | Anniversary date of ongoing fee. (Cannot be used along with TermStartDate and TermEndDate) |
Accounts.FeeConsent.TermStartDate | date-time | Start date of fixed term fee. (Cannot be used along with AnniversaryDate) |
Accounts.FeeConsent.TermEndDate | date-time | End date of fixed term fee. (Cannot be used along with AnniversaryDate) |
Accounts.Models | array | Account models. |
Accounts.Models.Coderequired | string | Model code. |
Accounts.Models.Proportion | double | Proportion of model. |
Accounts.BankAccounts | array | Bank accounts. |
Accounts.BankAccounts.Bsb | string | Bank account BSB. |
Accounts.BankAccounts.AccountNumber | string | Bank account number. |
Accounts.BankAccounts.AccountName | string | Bank account name. |
Accounts.BankAccounts.Usages | array | This allows you to define a regular cash addition or withdrawal from the SMA or SuperSMA. |
Accounts.Exclusions | array | Account exclusions. |
Accounts.Exclusions.Security | object | Security code of the exclusion. |
Accounts.Exclusions.Security.Coderequired | string | Security code of the security. |
Accounts.Exclusions.Security.Exchangerequired | string | Exchange code of the security. |
Accounts.TargetAllocation | object | Target allocation. |
Accounts.TargetAllocation.Fees | array | Target allocation fees. |
Accounts.TargetAllocation.Fees.Code | string | Target allocation fees code. |
Accounts.TargetAllocation.Fees.Percentage | double | Target allocation fees percentage. |
Accounts.TargetAllocation.Income | array | Target allocation income. |
Accounts.TargetAllocation.Income.Code | string | Target allocation income code. |
Accounts.TargetAllocation.Income.Percentage | double | Target allocation income percentage. |
Accounts.TargetAllocation.Payments | array | Target allocation payment. |
Accounts.TargetAllocation.Payments.Code | string | Target allocation payment code. |
Accounts.TargetAllocation.Payments.Percentage | double | Target allocation payment percentage. |
Accounts.PensionPayment | object | Pension Payment. |
Accounts.PensionPayment.Type | enum | Specified = 0, Minimum = 1. |
Accounts.PensionPayment.Amount | double | Pension payment amount. |
Accounts.PensionPayment.Frequency | enum | Monthly = 0, Quarterly = 1, SemiAnnually = 2, Annually = 3. |
Accounts.PensionPayment.CommencementDate | date-time | Pension payment commencement date. |
Accounts.InitialInvestmentSuper | object | Initial investment for super. |
Accounts.InitialInvestmentSuper.ContributionSources | array | Initial investment super contribution sources. |
Accounts.InitialInvestmentSuper.ContributionSources.MemberNumber | string | Contribution sources member number. |
Accounts.InitialInvestmentSuper.ContributionSources.SourceOfContribution | object | Source of contribution. |
Accounts.InitialInvestmentSuper.ContributionSources.SourceOfContribution.ProductName | string | Source of contribution product name. |
Accounts.InitialInvestmentSuper.ContributionSources.SourceOfContribution.Usi | string | Source of contribution USI. |
Accounts.InitialInvestmentSuper.ContributionSources.EntireBalance | boolean | Entire balance. |
Accounts.InitialInvestmentSuper.ContributionSources.ExpectedAmount | double | Expected amount. |
Accounts.InitialInvestmentSuper.Transfers | array | Initial investment super transfers. |
Accounts.InitialInvestmentSuper.Transfers.AccountId | string | Transfer account ID. |
Accounts.InitialInvestmentSuper.Transfers.TransferMethod | enum | WholeAmountWithClose = 0, WholeAmountKeepOpen = 1, SpecifiedAmount = 2 - whether the source account will be kept open. |
Accounts.InitialInvestmentSuper.Transfers.Amount | double | Transfer amount. |
Accounts.InitialInvestmentSuper.OtherContributions | array | Other contributions. |
Accounts.InitialInvestmentSuper.OtherContributions.ContributionType | enum | NonConcessional_Personal = 21, NonConcessional_Spouse = 22, NonConcessional_Child = 24, Downsizer = 43. |
Accounts.InitialInvestmentSuper.OtherContributions.ExpectedAmount | double | Other contributions expected amount. |
Accounts.ReversionaryBeneficiary | object | Reversionary beneficiary. |
Accounts.ReversionaryBeneficiary.Sex | enum | Male = 1, Female = 2. |
Accounts.ReversionaryBeneficiary.FullName | string | Full name of beneficiary. |
Accounts.ReversionaryBeneficiary.Relationship | enum | Spouse = 1, Child = 2, Other = 3. |
Accounts.ReversionaryBeneficiary.DateOfBirth | date-time | Date of birth of beneficiary. |
Accounts.Beneficiaries | array | Beneficiaries. |
Accounts.Beneficiaries.Proportion | double | The portion of the benefit that should be paid to the beneficiary. These must add up to 100%. |
Accounts.Beneficiaries.Address | object | Address of the beneficiary. |
Accounts.Beneficiaries.Address.Streetrequired | string | Address street of the beneficiary. |
Accounts.Beneficiaries.Address.Line2 | string | Address Line 2 of the beneficiary. |
Accounts.Beneficiaries.Address.Line3 | string | Address Line 3 of the beneficiary. |
Accounts.Beneficiaries.Address.Postcode | string | Postcode of the beneficiary. |
Accounts.Beneficiaries.Address.Suburb | string | Suburb of the beneficiary. |
Accounts.Beneficiaries.Address.CountryCode | string | Country code of the beneficiary. |
Accounts.Beneficiaries.Address.IsRegistered | boolean | Address is registered. |
Accounts.Beneficiaries.FullName | string | Full name of beneficiary. |
Accounts.Beneficiaries.Relationship | enum | Spouse = 1, Child = 2, Other = 3, PersonalLegalRepresentative = 8. |
Accounts.Beneficiaries.DateOfBirth | date-time | Date of birth of beneficiary. |
Accounts.IsBindingNomination | boolean | If nomination is binding. |
Accounts.AdviserServicesProvided | array | The services provided by the adviser: Review of your account = 1, Strategic superannuation advice = 2, Investment advice on your account = 3 ,Contribution strategy = 4, Insurance in superannuation strategy = 5, Withdrawal advice (lump sum and/or pension) = 6. |
Response Examples
# 200 - OK
"ApplicationId": "c1bdac67-39a0-4835-8168-e99f44f01iu7"
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
ApplicationId | string | Unique application ID to be used as an application reference. |
POST AU Individual Applicant & SuperSMA Transition-To-Retirement Account
This endpoint creates an individual applicant and a SuperSMA transition-to-retirement (TTR) account in the system.
Header Examples
Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImt...
x-pps-subscription-key: d3e30ecd1ab345...
x-pps-api-version: v1
Header Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Authorizationrequired | string | OAuth 2.0 access token. |
x-pps-subscription-keyrequired | string | Product subscription key. |
x-pps-api-versionrequired | string | API version of the endpoint. |
Request Parameter - Body Examples
"AdviserId": 123456,
"Applicants": [
"ApplicantType": 0,
"IndividualDetails": {
"Title": "Mr",
"FirstName": "John",
"LastName": "Smith",
"Email": "",
"Phone": "012489235",
"PhoneOther": "012489235",
"Gender": 1,
"HomeAddress": {
"Street": "123 Test St",
"Postcode": "3000",
"Suburb": "Melbourne",
"State": "VIC",
"CountryCode": "AUS"
"MailingAddress": {
"Street": "123 Test St",
"Postcode": "3000",
"Suburb": "Melbourne",
"State": "VIC",
"CountryCode": "AUS"
"Identifications": [
"Type": 0,
"Value": "123456789"
"MissingReason": 1,
"MissingReasonText": "test"
"IsPoliticallyExposedPerson": true,
"PepDetails": "Senior politician"
"Accounts": [
"Name": "Miss Jane Smith",
"RegisteredName": "Miss Jane Smith",
"ShortName": "Jane",
"AccountType": 16,
"PdsId": "AU5",
"Fees": [
"Type": 1,
"Rate": 153.4,
"Unit": "Dollar"
"Id": "AU21871",
"Rate": 0,
"Unit": "Dollar"
"FeeConsent": {
"Type": 1,
"AnniversaryDate": "2022-07-01"
"Models": [
"Code": "AU0001",
"Proportion": 50
"Code": "IN0001",
"Proportion": 50
"BankAccounts": [
"Bsb": "12012",
"AccountNumber": "6555555567",
"AccountName": "Jane Smith",
"Usages": [
"Exclusions": [
"Code": "AU0002",
"Exchange": "ASX"
"InitialInvestmentSuper": {
"ContributionSources": [
"MemberNumber": "test member number",
"SourceOfContribution": {
"ProductName": "test product name",
"Usi": "test usi"
"EntireBalance": true,
"ExpectedAmount": 35234.43543
"Transfers": [
"AccountId": "AU123456",
"TransferMethod": 1,
"Amount": 35234.43543
"OtherContributions": [
"ContributionType": 21,
"ExpectedAmount": 35234.43543
"PensionPayment": {
"Type": 0,
"Amount": 100.0,
"CommencementDate": "2021-01",
"Frequency": 0
"TargetAllocation": {
"Fees": [
"Code": "AB0101",
"Percentage": 100
"Income": [],
"Payments": []
"ReversionaryBeneficiary": {
"FullName": "Mr. John Smith",
"Sex": 1,
"Relationship": 2,
"DateOfBirth": "2000-01-01"
"Beneficiaries": [],
"IsBindingNomination": false,
"AdviserServicesProvided": [1, 2, 6]
Request Parameter - Body
Parameter | Type | Description |
AdviserIdrequired | integer | Adviser ID to create the application under. |
OwnerAdviserId | integer | Owner adviser ID to create the application under. |
Applicantsrequired | array | Objects containing the applicant data. There must be at least one applicant for the request to succeed. The array of objects may contain a mix of Individual and Corporate applicants. |
Applicants.OwnerAdviserId | integer | Owner adviser ID to create the application under. |
Applicants.ApplicantType | enum | Individual = 0. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails | object | Used for Individual applicants. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.Title | string | Title: Mr, Mrs, Ms, Miss, Doctor, Lady, Prof and Sir. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.FirstName | string | First name of individual. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.LastName | string | Last name of individual. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.DateOfBirth | date-time | Date of birth of the individual. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.Email | string | Email address of the individual. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.Phone | string | Primary contact number of the individual. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.PhoneOther | string | Other phone of the individual. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.Genderrequired | enum | Male = 1, Female = 2. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.UserName | string | User Name of individual applicant. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.UserId | string | User ID of individual applicant. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.IsPoliticallyExposedPerson | boolean | Whether applicant is politically exposed. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.PepDetails | string | If applicant is politically exposed, details must be supplied. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.TaxResidenceCountryCode | string | Tax residence country code. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.CitizenshipCountryCode | string | Citizenship country code. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.Identifications | array | Array of TFN / ABN. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.Identifications.Type | enum | Tfn = 0, Tin = 2. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.Identifications.Value | string | Identification value of applicant. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.Identifications.MissingReason | enum | CountryDoesntIssue = 1, DontNeedOne = 2, Other = 99. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.Identifications.MissingReasonText | string | Reason identification of applicant is missing. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.HomeAddress | object | Home address of individual applicant. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.HomeAddress.Street | string | Address line 1. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.HomeAddress.Line2 | string | Address line 2. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.HomeAddress.Line3 | string | Address line 3. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.HomeAddress.Postcode | string | Postcode of address. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.HomeAddress.Suburb | string | Suburb of address. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.HomeAddress.CountryCode | string | Country code of address. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.HomeAddress.IsRegistered | boolean | Whether address is registered. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.MailingAddress | object | Mailing address of individual applicant. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.MailingAddress.Street | string | Address line 1. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.MailingAddress.Line2 | string | Address line 2. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.MailingAddress.Line3 | string | Address line 3. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.MailingAddress.Postcode | string | Postcode of address. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.MailingAddress.Suburb | string | Suburb of address. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.MailingAddress.CountryCode | string | Country code of address. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.MailingAddress.IsRegistered | boolean | Whether address is registered. |
Accounts | array | Array of accounts to be opened with the application. Must be linked to an included applicant. |
Accounts.Name | string | Account name. |
Accounts.RegisteredName | string | Account registered name. |
Accounts.ShortName | string | Account short name. |
Accounts.AccountTyperequired | enum | SuperSmaPensionTtr = 18. |
Accounts.PdsIdrequired | string | PDS ID of account. |
Accounts.Fees | array | Account fees. |
Accounts.Fees.Id | string | Fee ID. |
Accounts.Fees.Type | enum | FeeTable = 0, Contribution = 1, Establishment = 2, Termination = 3, Withdrawal = 4, Ongoing = 5. |
Accounts.Fees.Rate | double | Fee rate. |
Accounts.Fees.Unit | string | Fee unit, dollar or percent. |
Accounts.FeeConsent.Type | enum | Ongoing = 1, FixedTerm = 2, NotCharged = 3. For NotCharged only Establishment fee can be provided. |
Accounts.FeeConsent.AnniversaryDate | date-time | Anniversary date of ongoing fee. (Cannot be used along with TermStartDate and TermEndDate) |
Accounts.FeeConsent.TermStartDate | date-time | Start date of fixed term fee. (Cannot be used along with AnniversaryDate) |
Accounts.FeeConsent.TermEndDate | date-time | End date of fixed term fee. (Cannot be used along with AnniversaryDate) |
Accounts.Models | array | Account models. |
Accounts.Models.Coderequired | string | Model code. |
Accounts.Models.Proportion | double | Proportion of model. |
Accounts.BankAccounts | array | Bank accounts. |
Accounts.BankAccounts.Bsb | string | Bank account BSB. |
Accounts.BankAccounts.AccountNumber | string | Bank account number. |
Accounts.BankAccounts.AccountName | string | Bank account name. |
Accounts.BankAccounts.Usages | array | This allows you to define a regular cash addition or withdrawal from the SMA or SuperSMA. |
Accounts.Exclusions | array | Account exclusions. |
Accounts.Exclusions.Security | object | Security code of the exclusion. |
Accounts.Exclusions.Security.Coderequired | string | Security code of the security. |
Accounts.Exclusions.Security.Exchangerequired | string | Exchange code of the security. |
Accounts.TargetAllocation | object | Target allocation. |
Accounts.TargetAllocation.Fees | array | Target allocation fees. |
Accounts.TargetAllocation.Fees.Code | string | Target allocation fees code. |
Accounts.TargetAllocation.Fees.Percentage | double | Target allocation fees percentage. |
Accounts.TargetAllocation.Income | array | Target allocation income. |
Accounts.TargetAllocation.Income.Code | string | Target allocation income code. |
Accounts.TargetAllocation.Income.Percentage | double | Target allocation income percentage. |
Accounts.TargetAllocation.Payments | array | Target allocation payment. |
Accounts.TargetAllocation.Payments.Code | string | Target allocation payment code. |
Accounts.TargetAllocation.Payments.Percentage | double | Target allocation payment percentage. |
Accounts.PensionPayment | object | Pension Payment. |
Accounts.PensionPayment.Type | enum | Specified = 0, Minimum = 1. |
Accounts.PensionPayment.Amount | double | Pension payment amount. |
Accounts.PensionPayment.Frequency | enum | Monthly = 0, Quarterly = 1, SemiAnnually = 2, Annually = 3. |
Accounts.PensionPayment.CommencementDate | date-time | Pension payment commencement date. |
Accounts.InitialInvestmentSuper | object | Initial investment for super. |
Accounts.InitialInvestmentSuper.ContributionSources | array | Initial investment super contribution sources. |
Accounts.InitialInvestmentSuper.ContributionSources.MemberNumber | string | Contribution sources member number. |
Accounts.InitialInvestmentSuper.ContributionSources.SourceOfContribution | object | Source of contribution. |
Accounts.InitialInvestmentSuper.ContributionSources.SourceOfContribution.ProductName | string | Source of contribution product name. |
Accounts.InitialInvestmentSuper.ContributionSources.SourceOfContribution.Usi | string | Source of contribution USI. |
Accounts.InitialInvestmentSuper.ContributionSources.EntireBalance | boolean | Entire balance. |
Accounts.InitialInvestmentSuper.ContributionSources.ExpectedAmount | double | Expected amount. |
Accounts.InitialInvestmentSuper.Transfers | array | Initial investment super transfers. |
Accounts.InitialInvestmentSuper.Transfers.AccountId | string | Transfer account ID. |
Accounts.InitialInvestmentSuper.Transfers.TransferMethod | enum | WholeAmountWithClose = 0, WholeAmountKeepOpen = 1, SpecifiedAmount = 2 - whether the source account will be kept open. |
Accounts.InitialInvestmentSuper.Transfers.Amount | double | Transfer amount. |
Accounts.InitialInvestmentSuper.OtherContributions | array | Other contributions. |
Accounts.InitialInvestmentSuper.OtherContributions.ContributionType | enum | NonConcessional_Personal = 21, NonConcessional_Spouse = 22, NonConcessional_Child = 24, Downsizer = 43. |
Accounts.InitialInvestmentSuper.OtherContributions.ExpectedAmount | double | Other contributions expected amount. |
Accounts.ReversionaryBeneficiary | object | Reversionary beneficiary. |
Accounts.ReversionaryBeneficiary.Sex | enum | Male = 1, Female = 2. |
Accounts.ReversionaryBeneficiary.FullName | string | Full name of beneficiary. |
Accounts.ReversionaryBeneficiary.Relationship | enum | Spouse = 1, Child = 2, Other = 3. |
Accounts.ReversionaryBeneficiary.DateOfBirth | date-time | Date of birth of beneficiary. |
Accounts.Beneficiaries | array | Beneficiaries. |
Accounts.Beneficiaries.Proportion | double | The portion of the benefit that should be paid to the beneficiary. These must add up to 100%. |
Accounts.Beneficiaries.Address | object | Address of the beneficiary. |
Accounts.Beneficiaries.Address.Streetrequired | string | Address street of the beneficiary. |
Accounts.Beneficiaries.Address.Line2 | string | Address Line 2 of the beneficiary. |
Accounts.Beneficiaries.Address.Line3 | string | Address Line 3 of the beneficiary. |
Accounts.Beneficiaries.Address.Postcode | string | Postcode of the beneficiary. |
Accounts.Beneficiaries.Address.Suburb | string | Suburb of the beneficiary. |
Accounts.Beneficiaries.Address.CountryCode | string | Country code of the beneficiary. |
Accounts.Beneficiaries.Address.IsRegistered | boolean | Address is registered. |
Accounts.Beneficiaries.FullName | string | Full name of beneficiary. |
Accounts.Beneficiaries.Relationship | enum | Spouse = 1, Child = 2, Other = 3, PersonalLegalRepresentative = 8. |
Accounts.Beneficiaries.DateOfBirth | date-time | Date of birth of beneficiary. |
Accounts.IsBindingNomination | boolean | If nomination is binding. |
Accounts.AdviserServicesProvided | array | The services provided by the adviser: Review of your account = 1, Strategic superannuation advice = 2, Investment advice on your account = 3 ,Contribution strategy = 4, Insurance in superannuation strategy = 5, Withdrawal advice (lump sum and/or pension) = 6. |
Response Examples
# 200 - OK
"ApplicationId": "c1bdac67-39a0-4835-8168-e99f44f01iu7"
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
ApplicationId | string | Unique application ID to be used as an application reference. |
POST INTL Individual Applicant & General Investment Account
This endpoint creates an individual applicant and a general investment account (GIA) in the system.
Header Examples
Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImt...
x-pps-subscription-key: d3e30ecd1ab345...
x-pps-api-version: v1
Header Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Authorizationrequired | string | Access token. |
x-pps-subscription-keyrequired | string | Product subscription key. |
x-pps-api-versionrequired | string | API version of the endpoint. |
Request Parameter - Body Examples
"AdviserId": 123456,
"Applicants": [
"ApplicantType": 0,
"IndividualDetails": {
"Title": "Mr",
"FirstName": "John",
"LastName": "Smith",
"Email": "",
"Phone": "012489235",
"PhoneOther": "012489235",
"Gender": 1,
"BirthCountryCode": "AUS",
"DualNationality": false,
"UsPerson": true,
"Profession": "Software engineer",
"SourceOfWealth": "Secret source",
"TaxResidences": [
"CountryCode": "CAN",
"From": "2020-10-01",
"To": "2020-10-01",
"Identification": "ui9089",
"NoDocument": false
"HomeAddress": {
"Addressee": "Yoki individual",
"Street": "123 Test St",
"Postcode": "BR5 4HL",
"Suburb": "Orpington",
"State": "KENT",
"CountryCode": "UK"
"MailingAddress": {
"Addressee": "Yoki individual",
"Street": "123 Test St",
"Postcode": "BR5 4HL",
"Suburb": "Orpington",
"State": "KENT",
"CountryCode": "UK"
"NationalIdentifier": {
"CountryOfNationality": "USA",
"IdentifierType": 0,
"IdentifierCode": "",
"NoNationalIdentifier": true
"ReceiveCommunicationByPost": true,
"IsPoliticallyExposedPerson": true
"Accounts": [
"Name": "Miss Jane Smith",
"RegisteredName": "Miss Jane Smith",
"ShortName": "Jane",
"AccountType": 1,
"PdsId": "UK5",
"SourceOfFunds": "Loan",
"AdviserReference": "123123",
"OngoingFeeAmount": 2.5,
"ReinvestIncome": false,
"ProductId": "UK96",
"ProductProviderReference": "Praemium International Limited",
"RegularContribution": {
"Amount": 150.5,
"Method": 3,
"Frequency": 0
"RegularWithdrawal": {
"Amount": 120,
"Method": 2,
"Frequency": 0
"Region": 2,
"CurrencyCode": "GBP",
"Fees": [
"Id": "UK21871",
"Rate": 0,
"Unit": "Dollar"
"Models": [
"Code": "UK0001",
"Proportion": 50
"Code": "IN0001",
"Proportion": 50
"BankAccounts": [
"SortCode": "12012",
"AccountNumber": "6555555567",
"AccountName": "Jane Smith"
"Exclusions": [
"Code": "UK0002",
"Exchange": "ASX"
"InitialInvestment": {
"Cash": 132.12,
"Shares": 321.32,
"Method": 0
"IllustrationData": {
"CostsAndCharges": [
"Type": 0,
"Amount": 123.123
"Type": 1,
"Amount": 321.123
"Type": 2,
"Amount": 123.123
"InSpecieCashStockTransfers": [
"TransferType": 0,
"CedingPartyId": "UK29821",
"CedingAccountNumber": "123456",
"InSpecieCashStockTransferDetails": [
"SecurityIsin": "UK000000ROC4",
"Quantity": 123.123,
"BookCost": 3242.32432
"IsTradeFreezeOn": true,
"TradeFreezeReason": 4,
"TradeFreezeNote": "just freeze it"
Request Parameter - Body
Parameter | Type | Description |
AdviserIdrequired | integer | Adviser ID to create the application under. |
OwnerAdviserId | integer | Owner adviser ID to create the application under. |
Applicantsrequired | array | Objects containing the applicant data. There must be at least one applicant for the request to succeed. The array of objects may contain a mix of Individual and Corporate applicants. |
Applicants.OwnerAdviserId | integer | Owner adviser ID to create the application under. |
Applicants.ApplicantType | enum | Individual = 0. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails | object | Used for Individual applicants. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.CitizenshipCountryCode | string | Citizenship country code. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.BirthCountryCode | string | Birth country code. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.HomeAddress | object | Home address of individual applicant. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.HomeAddress.Addressee | string | Addressee. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.HomeAddress.Street | string | Address line 1. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.HomeAddress.Line2 | string | Address line 2. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.HomeAddress.Line3 | string | Address line 3. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.HomeAddress.Postcode | string | Postcode of address. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.HomeAddress.Suburb | string | Suburb of address. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.HomeAddress.CountryCode | string | Country code of address. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.HomeAddress.IsRegistered | boolean | Whether address is registered. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.MailingAddress | object | Mailing address of individual applicant. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.MailingAddress.Addressee | string | Addressee. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.MailingAddress.Street | string | Address line 1. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.MailingAddress.Line2 | string | Address line 2. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.MailingAddress.Line3 | string | Address line 3. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.MailingAddress.Postcode | string | Postcode of address. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.MailingAddress.Suburb | string | Suburb of address. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.MailingAddress.CountryCode | string | Country code of address. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.MailingAddress.IsRegistered | boolean | Whether address is registered. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.Genderrequired | enum | Male = 1, Female = 2. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.UserName | string | User Name of individual applicant. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.UserId | string | User ID of individual applicant. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.TaxResidences | array | Applicant's tax residence. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.TaxResidences.CountryCode | string | Tax residence country code. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.TaxResidences.From | date-time | From date that applicant held tax residence in that country. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.TaxResidences.To | date-time | To date that applicant held tax residence in that country. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.TaxResidences.Identification | string | Tax residence identification. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.TaxResidences.NoDocument | boolean | If the applicant does not hold a identification document. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.UsPerson | boolean | Select if applicant is from the US. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.SourceOfWealth | string | Provide the applicant's source of wealth. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.Profession | string | Provide the applicant's profession. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.Title | string | Title: Mr, Mrs, Ms, Miss, Doctor, Lady, Prof and Sir. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.FirstName | string | First name of individual. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.LastName | string | Last name of individual. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.DateOfBirth | date-time | Date of birth of the individual. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.Email | string | Email address of the individual. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.Phone | string | Primary contact number of the individual. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.PhoneOther | string | Other phone of the individual. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.NationalIdentifier | object | Individual's national identifier. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.NationalIdentifier.CountryOfNationality | string | Applicant's country of national identifier. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.NationalIdentifier.IdentifierType | enum | NoDocument = 0, NationalId = 1, Passport = 2, TaxNumber = 3, LEI = 4. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.NationalIdentifier.IdentifierCode | string | Applicant's national identifier code. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.ReceiveCommunicationByPost | boolean | If you would like to opt out of electronic communications. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.IsPoliticallyExposedPerson | boolean | Whether applicant is politically exposed. |
Accounts | array | Array of accounts to be opened with the application. Must be linked to an included applicant. |
Accounts.Name | string | Account name. |
Accounts.RegisteredName | string | Account registered name. |
Accounts.ShortName | string | Account short name. |
Accounts.AccountTyperequired | enum | Gia = 1. |
Accounts.PdsIdrequired | string | PDS ID of account. |
Accounts.Fees | array | Account fees. |
Accounts.Fees.Id | string | Fee ID. |
Accounts.Fees.Rate | double | Fee rate. |
Accounts.Fees.Unit | string | Fee unit, dollar or percent. |
Accounts.Fees.Type | enum | FeeTable = 0, Contribution = 1, Establishment = 2, Termination = 3, Withdrawal = 4, Ongoing = 5. |
Accounts.Models | array | Account models. |
Accounts.Models.Code | string | Model code. |
Accounts.Models.Proportion | double | Proportion of model. |
Accounts.BankAccounts | array | Bank accounts. |
Accounts.BankAccounts.SortCode | string | Bank account sort code. |
Accounts.BankAccounts.AccountNumber | string | Bank account number. |
Accounts.BankAccounts.AccountName | string | Bank account name. |
Accounts.BankAccounts.Bic | string | Bank identifier code (BIC) of your banking institution. |
Accounts.BankAccounts.Iban | string | International bank account number (IBAN) of your banking institution. |
Accounts.BankAccounts.RoutingNumber | string | Routing number of banking institution. |
Accounts.Exclusions | array | Account exclusions. |
Accounts.Exclusions.Security | object | Security code of the exclusion. |
Accounts.Exclusions.Security.Code | string | Security code of the security. |
Accounts.Exclusions.Security.Exchange | string | Exchange code of the security. |
Accounts.InitialInvestment | object | Initial investment of account. |
Accounts.InitialInvestment.Cash | double | Select if the initial investment will include cash. |
Accounts.InitialInvestment.Shares | double | Select if the initial investment will include shares. |
Accounts.InitialInvestment.Methodrequired | enum | ElectronicTransfer = 2, Cheque = 3. |
Accounts.SourceOfFunds | string | Contribution source. |
Accounts.OngoingFeeAmount | double | Ongoing fee amount. |
Accounts.ReinvestIncome | boolean | Reinvest income. |
Accounts.ProductId | string | Product ID. |
Accounts.ProductProviderReference | string | Product provider reference. |
Accounts.RegularContribution | object | Regular cash contributions to the account. |
Accounts.RegularWithdrawal | object | Regular cash withdrawals from the account. |
Accounts.OwnerAdviserId | integer | Owner adviser ID to create the application under. |
Accounts.Region | enum | Australia, UnitedKingdom or International. |
Accounts.CurrencyCode | string | The currency code of the account. |
Accounts.AdviserReference | string | Adviser reference.. |
Accounts.InSpecieCashStockTransfers | array | In specie cash stock transfers. |
Accounts.InSpecieCashStockTransfers.TransferTyperequired | enum | StockAndCash = 0, CashOnly = 1. |
Accounts.InSpecieCashStockTransfers.CedingPartyId | string | Ceding party ID. |
Accounts.InSpecieCashStockTransfers.CedingAccountNumber | string | Ceding account number. |
Accounts.InSpecieCashStockTransfers.InSpecieCashStockTransferDetails | array | In specie cash stock transfer details. |
Accounts.InSpecieCashStockTransfers.InSpecieCashStockTransferDetails.SecurityIsinrequired | string | Security ISIN of stock transfer. |
Accounts.InSpecieCashStockTransfers.InSpecieCashStockTransferDetails.Quantity | double | Quantity of stock transfer. |
Accounts.InSpecieCashStockTransfers.InSpecieCashStockTransferDetails.BookCost | double | Book cost of stock transfer. |
Accounts.InSpecieCashStockTransfers.CashTransferAmount | double | Cash transfer amount. |
Accounts.InSpecieCashStockTransfers.AmountUsedThisYear | double | Amount used this year. |
Accounts.InSpecieCashStockTransfers.FeeAmount | double | Fee amount. |
Accounts.InSpecieCashStockTransfers.FeePercent | double | Fee percent. |
Accounts.IsTradeFreezeOn | boolean | If a trade freeze is on. |
Accounts.TradeFreezeReason | enum | TransferIn = 0, TransferOut = 1, Incident = 2, Deceased = 3, RemovalOfAdviser = 4, AdviserInstructed = 5, Bespoke = 6. |
Accounts.TradeFreezeNote | string | Trade freeze note. |
Accounts.IllustrationData | object | Illustration data. |
Accounts.IllustrationData.CostsAndCharges | array | Cost and charges. |
Accounts.IllustrationData.CostsAndCharges.Type | enum | OneOffCharges = 0, OngoingCharges = 1, TransactionCharges = 2, IncidentalCharges = 3, ThirdPartyPayment = 4. |
Accounts.IllustrationData.CostsAndCharges.Amount | double | Amount of cost and charge. |
Response Examples
# 200 - OK
"ApplicationId": "c1bdac67-39a0-4835-8168-e99f44f01iu7"
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
ApplicationId | string | Unique application ID to be used as an application reference. |
POST INTL Corporate Applicant & General Investment Account
This endpoint creates a corporate applicant and a general investment account (GIA) in the system.
Header Examples
Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImt...
x-pps-subscription-key: d3e30ecd1ab345...
x-pps-api-version: v1
Header Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Authorizationrequired | string | Access token. |
x-pps-subscription-keyrequired | string | Product subscription key. |
x-pps-api-versionrequired | string | API version of the endpoint. |
Request Parameter - Body Examples
"AdviserId": 123456,
"Applicants": [
"ApplicantType": 1,
"CorporateDetails": {
"Name": "Test company",
"TradingName": "Test company",
"CompanyType": 1,
"BusinessAddress": {
"Addressee": "Test company",
"Street": "Street A",
"Postcode": "518000",
"Suburb": "Kingston",
"CountryCode": "CHN",
"IsRegistered": true
"MailingAddress": {
"Addressee": "Test company",
"Street": "test street",
"Line2": null,
"Line3": null,
"Postcode": "2050",
"Suburb": "dd",
"CountryCode": "GBR",
"IsRegistered": false
"Contact": {
"Title": "Ms",
"FirstName": "Test",
"LastName": "individual",
"FullName": null,
"DateOfBirth": "2002-10-15",
"Email": "",
"Phone": "88900",
"PhoneOther": null,
"NationalIdentifier": null,
"ReceiveCommunicationByPost": true,
"IsPoliticallyExposedPerson": false
"Signatories": [
"Capacity": 0,
"Address": {
"Addressee": "111 222",
"Street": "Home",
"Line2": null,
"Line3": null,
"Postcode": "u090",
"Suburb": "Kingston",
"CountryCode": "HKG",
"IsRegistered": false
"TaxNumber": "ji000",
"CountryOfBirth": "",
"Title": "Miss",
"FirstName": "111",
"LastName": "222",
"FullName": null,
"DateOfBirth": "1998-12-01",
"Email": "",
"Phone": "12345678",
"NationalIdentifier": {
"CountryOfNationality": "",
"IdentifierType": 0,
"IdentifierCode": "",
"NoNationalIdentifier": true
"ReceiveCommunicationByPost": false,
"IsPoliticallyExposedPerson": false
"Capacity": 0,
"Address": {
"Addressee": "Test individual",
"Street": "Test street",
"Line2": null,
"Line3": null,
"Postcode": "518000",
"Suburb": "SZ",
"CountryCode": "CHN",
"IsRegistered": false
"TaxNumber": "ui9089",
"CountryOfBirth": "JPN",
"Title": "Ms.",
"FirstName": "Test",
"LastName": "individual",
"FullName": null,
"DateOfBirth": "2002-10-15",
"Email": "",
"Phone": "34313",
"PhoneOther": "88900",
"NationalIdentifier": {
"CountryOfNationality": "USA",
"IdentifierType": 0,
"IdentifierCode": "",
"NoNationalIdentifier": true
"ReceiveCommunicationByPost": true,
"IsPoliticallyExposedPerson": true
"CompanyRegistrationNumber": "689",
"TaxId": "6i87899",
"Lei": "689",
"CountryOfIncorporation": "AND",
"DateOfIncorporation": "2020-10-07",
"NatureOfActivities": "activity",
"BearerSharesAreInIssue": false,
"NameOfRegulator": "test regulator",
"RegulatorReferenceNumber": "12345678",
"ContactIsDirectorOrSignificantShareholder": false
"Accounts": [
"Name": "Miss Jane Smith",
"RegisteredName": "Miss Jane Smith",
"ShortName": "Jane",
"AccountType": 1,
"PdsId": "UK5",
"SourceOfFunds": "Loan",
"AdviserReference": "123123",
"OngoingFeeAmount": 2.5,
"ReinvestIncome": false,
"ProductId": "UK96",
"ProductProviderReference": "Praemium International Limited",
"RegularContribution": {
"Amount": 150.5,
"Method": 3,
"Frequency": 0
"RegularWithdrawal": {
"Amount": 120,
"Method": 2,
"Frequency": 0
"Region": 2,
"CurrencyCode": "GBP",
"Fees": [
"Id": "UK21871",
"Rate": 0,
"Unit": "Dollar"
"Models": [
"Code": "UK0001",
"Proportion": 50
"Code": "IN0001",
"Proportion": 50
"BankAccounts": [
"SortCode": "12012",
"AccountNumber": "6555555567",
"AccountName": "Jane Smith"
"Exclusions": [
"Code": "UK0002",
"Exchange": "ASX"
"InitialInvestment": {
"Cash": 132.12,
"Shares": 321.32,
"Method": 0
"IllustrationData": {
"CostsAndCharges": [
"Type": 0,
"Amount": 123.123
"Type": 1,
"Amount": 321.123
"Type": 2,
"Amount": 123.123
"InSpecieCashStockTransfers": [
"TransferType": 0,
"CedingPartyId": "UK29821",
"CedingAccountNumber": "123456",
"InSpecieCashStockTransferDetails": [
"SecurityIsin": "UK000000ROC4",
"Quantity": 123.123,
"BookCost": 3242.32432
"IsTradeFreezeOn": true,
"TradeFreezeReason": 4,
"TradeFreezeNote": "just freeze it"
Request Parameter - Body
Parameter | Type | Description |
AdviserIdrequired | integer | Adviser ID to create the application under. |
OwnerAdviserId | integer | Owner adviser ID to create the application under. |
Applicantsrequired | array | Objects containing the applicant data. There must be at least one applicant for the request to succeed. The array of objects may contain a mix of Individual and Corporate applicants. |
Applicants.OwnerAdviserId | integer | Owner adviser ID to create the application under. |
Applicants.ApplicantType | enum | Corporate = 1. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails | object | Used for Corporate applicants. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.Name | string | Name of the corporate applicant. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.TradingName | string | Trading name of the corporate applicant. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.CompanyType | enum | Plc = 0, Ltd = 1, Llp = 2, Partnership = 3. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.BusinessAddress | object | Business address. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.BusinessAddress.Addressee | string | Addressee. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.BusinessAddress.Street | string | Address line 1. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.BusinessAddress.Line2 | string | Address line 2. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.BusinessAddress.Line3 | string | Address line 3. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.BusinessAddress.Postcode | string | Postcode of address. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.BusinessAddress.Suburb | string | Suburb of address. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.BusinessAddress.CountryCode | string | Country code of address. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.BusinessAddress.IsRegistered | boolean | Whether address is registered. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.MailingAddress | object | Mailing address. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.MailingAddress.Addressee | string | Addressee. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.MailingAddress.Street | string | Address line 1. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.MailingAddress.Line2 | string | Address line 2. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.MailingAddress.Line3 | string | Address line 3. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.MailingAddress.Postcode | string | Postcode of address. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.MailingAddress.Suburb | string | Suburb of address. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.MailingAddress.CountryCode | string | Country code of address. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.MailingAddress.IsRegistered | boolean | Whether address is registered. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.ContactIsDirectorOrSignificantShareholder | boolean | Whether the contact is a director or significant shareholder on the account. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.Contact | object | Primary contact. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.Contact.Title | string | Title of contact. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.Contact.FirstName | string | First name of contact. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.Contact.LastName | string | Last name of contact. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.Contact.DateOfBirth | date-time | Date of birth of contact. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.Contact.Email | string | Email of contact. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.Contact.Phone | string | Phone Number of contact. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.Contact.PhoneOther | string | Secondary contact number of contact. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.Contact.NationalIdentifier | object | National identifier. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.Contact.NationalIdentifier.CountryOfNationality | string | Applicant's country of national identifier. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.Contact.NationalIdentifier.IdentifierType | enum | NoDocument = 0, NationalId = 1, Passport = 2, TaxNumber = 3, LEI = 4. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.Contact.NationalIdentifier.IdentifierCode | string | Applicant's national identifier code. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.Contact.ReceiveCommunicationByPost | boolean | If you would like to opt out of electronic communications. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.Contact.IsPoliticallyExposedPerson | boolean | Whether applicant is politically exposed. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.Signatories | array | Corporate signatories. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.Signatories.Capacity | enum | Director = 0, SignificantShareholder = 6. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.Signatories.TaxNumber | string | Tax number of signatory. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.Signatories.CountryOfBirth | string | Country of birth of signatory. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.Signatories.Address | object | Address of signatory. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.Signatories.Address.Addressee | string | Addressee. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.Signatories.Address.Street | string | Address line 1. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.Signatories.Address.Line2 | string | Address line 2. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.Signatories.Address.Line3 | string | Address line 3. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.Signatories.Address.Postcode | string | Postcode of address. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.Signatories.Address.Suburb | string | Suburb of address. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.Signatories.Address.CountryCode | string | Country code of address. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.Signatories.Address.IsRegistered | boolean | Whether address is registered. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.Signatories.Title | string | Title of signatory. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.Signatories.FirstName | string | First name of signatory. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.Signatories.LastName | string | Last name of signatory. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.Signatories.DateOfBirth | date-time | Date of birth of signatory. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.Signatories.Email | string | Email address of signatory. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.Signatories.Phone | string | Phone number of signatory. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.Signatories.PhoneOther | string | Secondary contact number of signatory. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.Signatories.NationalIdentifier | object | Signatory's national identifier. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.Signatories.NationalIdentifier.CountryOfNationality | string | Applicant's country of national identifier. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.Signatories.NationalIdentifier.IdentifierType | enum | NoDocument = 0, NationalId = 1, Passport = 2, TaxNumber = 3, LEI = 4. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.Signatories.NationalIdentifier.IdentifierCode | string | Applicant's national identifier code. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.Signatories.ReceiveCommunicationByPost | boolean | If you would like to opt out of electronic communications. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.Signatories.IsPoliticallyExposedPerson | boolean | Whether applicant is politically exposed. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.CompanyRegistrationNumber | string | Register number of the company. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.TaxId | string | Tax identity of the company. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.Lei | string | LEI of the Company. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.CountryOfIncorporation | string | Country of incorporation of the company. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.DateOfIncorporation | date-time | Date of incorporation of the company. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.NatureOfActivities | string | Nature of activities that the company performs. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.BearerSharesAreInIssue | boolean | Bearer shares are in issue |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.NameOfRegulator | string | Name of regulator. |
Applicants.CorporateDetails.RegulatorReferenceNumber | string | Regulator reference number. |
Accounts | array | Array of accounts to be opened with the application. Must be linked to an included applicant. |
Accounts.Name | string | Account name. |
Accounts.RegisteredName | string | Account registered name. |
Accounts.ShortName | string | Account short name. |
Accounts.AccountTyperequired | enum | Gia = 1. |
Accounts.PdsIdrequired | string | PDS ID of account. |
Accounts.Fees | array | Account fees. |
Accounts.Fees.Id | string | Fee ID. |
Accounts.Fees.Rate | double | Fee rate. |
Accounts.Fees.Unit | string | Fee unit, dollar or percent. |
Accounts.Fees.Type | enum | FeeTable = 0, Contribution = 1, Establishment = 2, Termination = 3, Withdrawal = 4, Ongoing = 5. |
Accounts.Models | array | Account models. |
Accounts.Models.Code | string | Model code. |
Accounts.Models.Proportion | double | Proportion of model. |
Accounts.BankAccounts | array | Bank accounts. |
Accounts.BankAccounts.SortCode | string | Bank account sort code. |
Accounts.BankAccounts.AccountNumber | string | Bank account number. |
Accounts.BankAccounts.AccountName | string | Bank account name. |
Accounts.BankAccounts.Bic | string | Bank identifier code (BIC) of your banking institution. |
Accounts.BankAccounts.Iban | string | International bank account number (IBAN) of your banking institution. |
Accounts.BankAccounts.RoutingNumber | string | Routing number of banking institution. |
Accounts.Exclusions | array | Account exclusions. |
Accounts.Exclusions.Security | object | Security code of the exclusion. |
Accounts.Exclusions.Security.Code | string | Security code of the security. |
Accounts.Exclusions.Security.Exchange | string | Exchange code of the security. |
Accounts.InitialInvestment | object | Initial investment of account. |
Accounts.InitialInvestment.Cash | double | Select if the initial investment will include cash. |
Accounts.InitialInvestment.Shares | double | Select if the initial investment will include shares. |
Accounts.InitialInvestment.Methodrequired | enum | ElectronicTransfer = 2, Cheque = 3. |
Accounts.SourceOfFunds | string | Contribution source. |
Accounts.OngoingFeeAmount | double | Ongoing fee amount. |
Accounts.ReinvestIncome | boolean | Reinvest income. |
Accounts.ProductId | string | Product ID. |
Accounts.ProductProviderReference | string | Product provider reference. |
Accounts.RegularContribution | object | Regular cash contributions to the account. |
Accounts.RegularWithdrawal | object | Regular cash withdrawals from the account. |
Accounts.OwnerAdviserId | integer | Owner adviser ID to create the application under. |
Accounts.Region | enum | Australia, UnitedKingdom or International. |
Accounts.CurrencyCode | string | The currency code of the account. |
Accounts.AdviserReference | string | Adviser reference.. |
Accounts.InSpecieCashStockTransfers | array | In specie cash stock transfers. |
Accounts.InSpecieCashStockTransfers.TransferTyperequired | enum | StockAndCash = 0, CashOnly = 1. |
Accounts.InSpecieCashStockTransfers.CedingPartyId | string | Ceding party ID. |
Accounts.InSpecieCashStockTransfers.CedingAccountNumber | string | Ceding account number. |
Accounts.InSpecieCashStockTransfers.InSpecieCashStockTransferDetails | array | In specie cash stock transfer details. |
Accounts.InSpecieCashStockTransfers.InSpecieCashStockTransferDetails.SecurityIsinrequired | string | Security ISIN of stock transfer. |
Accounts.InSpecieCashStockTransfers.InSpecieCashStockTransferDetails.Quantity | double | Quantity of stock transfer. |
Accounts.InSpecieCashStockTransfers.InSpecieCashStockTransferDetails.BookCost | double | Book cost of stock transfer. |
Accounts.InSpecieCashStockTransfers.CashTransferAmount | double | Cash transfer amount. |
Accounts.InSpecieCashStockTransfers.AmountUsedThisYear | double | Amount used this year. |
Accounts.InSpecieCashStockTransfers.FeeAmount | double | Fee amount. |
Accounts.InSpecieCashStockTransfers.FeePercent | double | Fee percent. |
Accounts.IsTradeFreezeOn | boolean | If a trade freeze is on. |
Accounts.TradeFreezeReason | enum | TransferIn = 0, TransferOut = 1, Incident = 2, Deceased = 3, RemovalOfAdviser = 4, AdviserInstructed = 5, Bespoke = 6. |
Accounts.TradeFreezeNote | string | Trade freeze note. |
Accounts.IllustrationData | object | Illustration data. |
Accounts.IllustrationData.CostsAndCharges | array | Cost and charges. |
Accounts.IllustrationData.CostsAndCharges.Type | enum | OneOffCharges = 0, OngoingCharges = 1, TransactionCharges = 2, IncidentalCharges = 3, ThirdPartyPayment = 4. |
Accounts.IllustrationData.CostsAndCharges.Amount | double | Amount of cost and charge. |
Response Examples
# 200 - OK
"ApplicationId": "c1bdac67-39a0-4835-8168-e99f44f01iu7"
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
ApplicationId | string | Unique application ID to be used as an application reference. |
POST INTL Trust Applicant & General Investment Account
This endpoint creates a trust applicant and a general investment account (GIA) in the system.
Header Examples
Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImt...
x-pps-subscription-key: d3e30ecd1ab345...
x-pps-api-version: v1
Header Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Authorizationrequired | string | Access token. |
x-pps-subscription-keyrequired | string | Product subscription key. |
x-pps-api-versionrequired | string | API version of the endpoint. |
Request Parameter - Body Examples
"AdviserId": 123456,
"Applicants": [
"ApplicantType": 2,
"TrustDetails": {
"TrustName": "Test company",
"NatureOfTrust": 1,
"Lei": "123456",
"DateOfEstablishment": "2020-01-01",
"TaxDomicile": "some place",
"Address": {
"Addressee": "Test company",
"Street": "Street A",
"Postcode": "518000",
"Suburb": "Kingston",
"CountryCode": "CHN",
"IsRegistered": true
"Signatories": [
"Capacity": 4,
"Address": {
"Addressee": "111 222",
"Street": "Home",
"Line2": null,
"Line3": null,
"Postcode": "u090",
"Suburb": "Kingston",
"CountryCode": "HKG",
"IsRegistered": false
"TaxNumber": "ji000",
"CountryOfBirth": "",
"Title": "Miss",
"FirstName": "111",
"LastName": "222",
"FullName": null,
"DateOfBirth": "1998-12-01",
"Email": "",
"Phone": "12345678",
"NationalIdentifier": {
"CountryOfNationality": "",
"IdentifierType": 0,
"IdentifierCode": "",
"NoNationalIdentifier": true
"ReceiveCommunicationByPost": false,
"IsPoliticallyExposedPerson": false
"CorporateTrustees": [
"Name": "Test company",
"TradingName": "Test company",
"CompanyType": 1,
"BusinessAddress": {
"Addressee": "Test company",
"Street": "Street A",
"Postcode": "518000",
"Suburb": "Kingston",
"CountryCode": "CHN",
"IsRegistered": true
"MailingAddress": {
"Addressee": "Test company",
"Street": "Street A",
"Postcode": "518000",
"Suburb": "Kingston",
"CountryCode": "CHN",
"IsRegistered": true
"CompanyRegistrationNumber": "689",
"TaxId": "6i87899",
"Lei": "123456",
"NameOfRegulator": "test regulator",
"RegulatorReferenceNumber": "12345678",
"Director": {
"Address": {
"Addressee": "111 222",
"Street": "Home",
"Line2": null,
"Line3": null,
"Postcode": "u090",
"Suburb": "Kingston",
"CountryCode": "HKG",
"IsRegistered": false
"TaxNumber": "ji000",
"CountryOfBirth": "",
"Title": "Miss",
"FirstName": "111",
"LastName": "222",
"FullName": null,
"DateOfBirth": "1998-12-01",
"Email": "",
"Phone": "12345678",
"NationalIdentifier": {
"CountryOfNationality": "",
"IdentifierType": 0,
"IdentifierCode": "",
"NoNationalIdentifier": true
"ReceiveCommunicationByPost": false,
"IsPoliticallyExposedPerson": true
"Accounts": [
"Name": "Miss Jane Smith",
"RegisteredName": "Miss Jane Smith",
"ShortName": "Jane",
"AccountType": 1,
"PdsId": "UK5",
"SourceOfFunds": "Loan",
"AdviserReference": "123123",
"OngoingFeeAmount": 2.5,
"ReinvestIncome": false,
"ProductId": "UK96",
"ProductProviderReference": "Praemium International Limited",
"RegularContribution": {
"Amount": 150.5,
"Method": 3,
"Frequency": 0
"RegularWithdrawal": {
"Amount": 120,
"Method": 2,
"Frequency": 0
"Region": 2,
"CurrencyCode": "GBP",
"Fees": [
"Id": "UK21871",
"Rate": 0,
"Unit": "Dollar"
"Models": [
"Code": "UK0001",
"Proportion": 50
"Code": "IN0001",
"Proportion": 50
"BankAccounts": [
"SortCode": "12012",
"AccountNumber": "6555555567",
"AccountName": "Jane Smith"
"Exclusions": [
"Code": "UK0002",
"Exchange": "ASX"
"InitialInvestment": {
"Cash": 132.12,
"Shares": 321.32,
"Method": 0
"IllustrationData": {
"CostsAndCharges": [
"Type": 0,
"Amount": 123.123
"Type": 1,
"Amount": 321.123
"Type": 2,
"Amount": 123.123
"InSpecieCashStockTransfers": [
"TransferType": 0,
"CedingPartyId": "UK29821",
"CedingAccountNumber": "123456",
"InSpecieCashStockTransferDetails": [
"SecurityIsin": "UK000000ROC4",
"Quantity": 123.123,
"BookCost": 3242.32432
"IsTradeFreezeOn": true,
"TradeFreezeReason": 4,
"TradeFreezeNote": "just freeze it"
Request Parameter - Body
Parameter | Type | Description |
AdviserIdrequired | integer | Adviser ID to create the application under. |
OwnerAdviserId | integer | Owner adviser ID to create the application under. |
Applicantsrequired | array | Objects containing the applicant data. There must be at least one applicant for the request to succeed. The array of objects may contain a mix of Individual and Corporate applicants. |
Applicants.OwnerAdviserId | integer | Owner adviser ID to create the application under. |
Applicants.ApplicantType | enum | Trust = 2. |
Applicants.TrustDetails | object | Used for Trust applicants. |
Applicants.TrustDetails.TrustName | string | Name of the trust. |
Applicants.TrustDetails.NatureOfTrust | enum | Nature of the trust. Bare = 0, Charitable = 1, Will = 2, Interest in possession = 3, Discretionary = 4, Accumulation = 5, Settlor interested = 6, Granted = 7, Single Person Pension = 8, Multiple Member Personal Pension = 9, Single Member SSAS = 10, Multiple Member SSAS = 11, Loan = 12. |
Applicants.TrustDetails.Lei | string | LEI of trust. |
Applicants.TrustDetails.DateOfEstablishment | date-time | Date trust was established. |
Applicants.TrustDetails.TaxDomicile | string | Tax domicile of trust. |
Applicants.TrustDetails.BeneficiariesHaveVestedRights | boolean | If beneficiaries have vested rights. |
Applicants.TrustDetails.Address | object | Address of Trust. |
Applicants.TrustDetails.Address.Addressee | string | Addressee. |
Applicants.TrustDetails.Address.Street | string | Address line 1. |
Applicants.TrustDetails.Address.Line2 | string | Address line 2. |
Applicants.TrustDetails.Address.Line3 | string | Address line 3. |
Applicants.TrustDetails.Address.Postcode | string | Postcode of address. |
Applicants.TrustDetails.Address.Suburb | string | Suburb of address. |
Applicants.TrustDetails.Address.CountryCode | string | Country code of address. |
Applicants.TrustDetails.Address.IsRegistered | boolean | Whether address is registered. |
Applicants.TrustDetails.Signatories | array | Signatories of the trust. |
Applicants.TrustDetails.Signatories.Capacity | enum | Trustee = 4, Beneficiary = 7. |
Applicants.TrustDetails.Signatories.TaxNumber | string | Tax number of signatory. |
Applicants.TrustDetails.Signatories.CountryOfBirth | string | Country of birth of signatory. |
Applicants.TrustDetails.Signatories.Address | object | Address of signatory. |
Applicants.TrustDetails.Signatories.Address.Addressee | string | Addressee. |
Applicants.TrustDetails.Signatories.Address.Street | string | Address line 1. |
Applicants.TrustDetails.Signatories.Address.Line2 | string | Address line 2. |
Applicants.TrustDetails.Signatories.Address.Line3 | string | Address line 3. |
Applicants.TrustDetails.Signatories.Address.Postcode | string | Postcode of address. |
Applicants.TrustDetails.Signatories.Address.Suburb | string | Suburb of address. |
Applicants.TrustDetails.Signatories.Address.CountryCode | string | Country code of address. |
Applicants.TrustDetails.Signatories.Address.IsRegistered | boolean | Whether address is registered. |
Applicants.TrustDetails.Signatories.Title | string | Title of signatory. |
Applicants.TrustDetails.Signatories.FirstName | string | First name of signatory. |
Applicants.TrustDetails.Signatories.LastName | string | Last name of signatory. |
Applicants.TrustDetails.Signatories.DateOfBirth | date-time | Date of birth of signatory. |
Applicants.TrustDetails.Signatories.Email | string | Email address of signatory. |
Applicants.TrustDetails.Signatories.Phone | string | Phone number of signatory. |
Applicants.TrustDetails.Signatories.PhoneOther | string | Secondary contact number of signatory. |
Applicants.TrustDetails.Signatories.NationalIdentifier | object | Signatory's national identifier. |
Applicants.TrustDetails.Signatories.NationalIdentifier.CountryOfNationality | string | Applicant's country of national identifier. |
Applicants.TrustDetails.Signatories.NationalIdentifier.IdentifierType | enum | NoDocument = 0, NationalId = 1, Passport = 2, TaxNumber = 3, LEI = 4. |
Applicants.TrustDetails.Signatories.NationalIdentifier.IdentifierCode | string | Applicant's national identifier code. |
Applicants.TrustDetails.Signatories.ReceiveCommunicationByPost | boolean | If you would like to opt out of electronic communications. |
Applicants.TrustDetails.Signatories.IsPoliticallyExposedPerson | boolean | Whether applicant is politically exposed. |
Applicants.TrustDetails.CorporateTrustees | array | Corporate trustees of the trust. |
Applicants.TrustDetails.CorporateTrustees.Name | string | Name of the corporate applicant. |
Applicants.TrustDetails.CorporateTrustees.TradingName | string | Trading name of the corporate applicant. |
Applicants.TrustDetails.CorporateTrustees.CompanyType | enum | Plc = 0, Ltd = 1, Llp = 2, Partnership = 3. |
Applicants.TrustDetails.CorporateTrustees.BusinessAddress | object | Business address. |
Applicants.TrustDetails.CorporateTrustees.BusinessAddress.Addressee | string | Addressee. |
Applicants.TrustDetails.CorporateTrustees.BusinessAddress.Street | string | Address line 1. |
Applicants.TrustDetails.CorporateTrustees.BusinessAddress.Line2 | string | Address line 2. |
Applicants.TrustDetails.CorporateTrustees.BusinessAddress.Line3 | string | Address line 3. |
Applicants.TrustDetails.CorporateTrustees.BusinessAddress.Postcode | string | Postcode of address. |
Applicants.TrustDetails.CorporateTrustees.BusinessAddress.Suburb | string | Suburb of address. |
Applicants.TrustDetails.CorporateTrustees.BusinessAddress.CountryCode | string | Country code of address. |
Applicants.TrustDetails.CorporateTrustees.BusinessAddress.IsRegistered | boolean | Whether address is registered. |
Applicants.TrustDetails.CorporateTrustees.MailingAddress | object | Mailing address. |
Applicants.TrustDetails.CorporateTrustees.MailingAddress.Addressee | string | Addressee. |
Applicants.TrustDetails.CorporateTrustees.MailingAddress.Street | string | Address line 1. |
Applicants.TrustDetails.CorporateTrustees.MailingAddress.Line2 | string | Address line 2. |
Applicants.TrustDetails.CorporateTrustees.MailingAddress.Line3 | string | Address line 3. |
Applicants.TrustDetails.CorporateTrustees.MailingAddress.Postcode | string | Postcode of address. |
Applicants.TrustDetails.CorporateTrustees.MailingAddress.Suburb | string | Suburb of address. |
Applicants.TrustDetails.CorporateTrustees.MailingAddress.CountryCode | string | Country code of address. |
Applicants.TrustDetails.CorporateTrustees.MailingAddress.IsRegistered | boolean | Whether address is registered. |
Applicants.TrustDetails.CorporateTrustees.CompanyRegistrationNumber | string | Register number of the company. |
Applicants.TrustDetails.CorporateTrustees.TaxId | string | Tax identity of the company. |
Applicants.TrustDetails.CorporateTrustees.Lei | string | LEI of the Company. |
Applicants.TrustDetails.CorporateTrustees.NameOfRegulator | string | Name of regulator. |
Applicants.TrustDetails.CorporateTrustees.RegulatorReferenceNumber | string | Regulator reference number. |
Applicants.TrustDetails.CorporateTrustees.Director | object | Director of the corporate trustee. |
Applicants.TrustDetails.CorporateTrustees.Director.Title | string | Title of signatory. |
Applicants.TrustDetails.CorporateTrustees.Director.FirstNamerequired | string | First name of signatory. |
Applicants.TrustDetails.CorporateTrustees.Director.LastNamerequired | string | Last name of signatory. |
Applicants.TrustDetails.CorporateTrustees.Director.DateOfBirth | date-time | Date of birth of signatory. |
Applicants.TrustDetails.CorporateTrustees.Director.Email | string | Email address of signatory. |
Applicants.TrustDetails.CorporateTrustees.Director.Phone | string | Phone number of signatory. |
Applicants.TrustDetails.CorporateTrustees.Director.PhoneOther | string | Secondary contact number of signatory. |
Applicants.TrustDetails.CorporateTrustees.Director.Capacity | enum | |
Applicants.TrustDetails.CorporateTrustees.Director.TaxNumber | string | Tax number of signatory. |
Applicants.TrustDetails.CorporateTrustees.Director.CountryOfBirth | string | Country of birth of signatory. |
Applicants.TrustDetails.CorporateTrustees.Director.Address | object | Address of signatory. |
Applicants.TrustDetails.CorporateTrustees.Director.Address.Addressee | string | Addressee. |
Applicants.TrustDetails.CorporateTrustees.Director.Address.Streetrequired | string | Address line 1. |
Applicants.TrustDetails.CorporateTrustees.Director.Address.Line2 | string | Address line 2. |
Applicants.TrustDetails.CorporateTrustees.Director.Address.Line3 | string | Address line 3. |
Applicants.TrustDetails.CorporateTrustees.Director.Address.Postcode | string | Postcode of address. |
Applicants.TrustDetails.CorporateTrustees.Director.Address.Suburb | string | Suburb of address. |
Applicants.TrustDetails.CorporateTrustees.Director.Address.CountryCode | string | Country code of address. |
Applicants.TrustDetails.CorporateTrustees.Director.Address.IsRegistered | boolean | Whether address is registered. |
Applicants.TrustDetails.CorporateTrustees.Director.NationalIdentifier | object | Signatory's national identifier. |
Applicants.TrustDetails.CorporateTrustees.Director.NationalIdentifier.CountryOfNationality | string | Applicant's country of national identifier. |
Applicants.TrustDetails.CorporateTrustees.Director.NationalIdentifier.IdentifierType | enum | NoDocument = 0, NationalId = 1, Passport = 2, TaxNumber = 3, LEI = 4. |
Applicants.TrustDetails.CorporateTrustees.Director.NationalIdentifier.IdentifierCode | string | Applicant's national identifier code. |
Applicants.TrustDetails.CorporateTrustees.Director.ReceiveCommunicationByPost | boolean | If you would like to opt out of electronic communications. |
Applicants.TrustDetails.CorporateTrustees.Director.IsPoliticallyExposedPerson | boolean | Whether applicant is politically exposed. |
Accounts | array | Array of accounts to be opened with the application. Must be linked to an included applicant. |
Accounts.Name | string | Account name. |
Accounts.RegisteredName | string | Account registered name. |
Accounts.ShortName | string | Account short name. |
Accounts.AccountTyperequired | enum | Gia = 1. |
Accounts.PdsIdrequired | string | PDS ID of account. |
Accounts.Fees | array | Account fees. |
Accounts.Fees.Id | string | Fee ID. |
Accounts.Fees.Rate | double | Fee rate. |
Accounts.Fees.Unit | string | Fee unit, dollar or percent. |
Accounts.Fees.Type | enum | FeeTable = 0, Contribution = 1, Establishment = 2, Termination = 3, Withdrawal = 4, Ongoing = 5. |
Accounts.Models | array | Account models. |
Accounts.Models.Code | string | Model code. |
Accounts.Models.Proportion | double | Proportion of model. |
Accounts.BankAccounts | array | Bank accounts. |
Accounts.BankAccounts.SortCode | string | Bank account sort code. |
Accounts.BankAccounts.AccountNumber | string | Bank account number. |
Accounts.BankAccounts.AccountName | string | Bank account name. |
Accounts.BankAccounts.Bic | string | Bank identifier code (BIC) of your banking institution. |
Accounts.BankAccounts.Iban | string | International bank account number (IBAN) of your banking institution. |
Accounts.BankAccounts.RoutingNumber | string | Routing number of banking institution. |
Accounts.Exclusions | array | Account exclusions. |
Accounts.Exclusions.Security | object | Security code of the exclusion. |
Accounts.Exclusions.Security.Code | string | Security code of the security. |
Accounts.Exclusions.Security.Exchange | string | Exchange code of the security. |
Accounts.InitialInvestment | object | Initial investment of account. |
Accounts.InitialInvestment.Cash | double | Select if the initial investment will include cash. |
Accounts.InitialInvestment.Shares | double | Select if the initial investment will include shares. |
Accounts.InitialInvestment.Methodrequired | enum | ElectronicTransfer = 2, Cheque = 3. |
Accounts.SourceOfFunds | string | Contribution source. |
Accounts.OngoingFeeAmount | double | Ongoing fee amount. |
Accounts.ReinvestIncome | boolean | Reinvest income. |
Accounts.ProductId | string | Product ID. |
Accounts.ProductProviderReference | string | Product provider reference. |
Accounts.RegularContribution | object | Regular cash contributions to the account. |
Accounts.RegularWithdrawal | object | Regular cash withdrawals from the account. |
Accounts.OwnerAdviserId | integer | Owner adviser ID to create the application under. |
Accounts.Region | enum | Australia, UnitedKingdom or International. |
Accounts.CurrencyCode | string | The currency code of the account. |
Accounts.AdviserReference | string | Adviser reference.. |
Accounts.InSpecieCashStockTransfers | array | In specie cash stock transfers. |
Accounts.InSpecieCashStockTransfers.TransferTyperequired | enum | StockAndCash = 0, CashOnly = 1. |
Accounts.InSpecieCashStockTransfers.CedingPartyId | string | Ceding party ID. |
Accounts.InSpecieCashStockTransfers.CedingAccountNumber | string | Ceding account number. |
Accounts.InSpecieCashStockTransfers.InSpecieCashStockTransferDetails | array | In specie cash stock transfer details. |
Accounts.InSpecieCashStockTransfers.InSpecieCashStockTransferDetails.SecurityIsinrequired | string | Security ISIN of stock transfer. |
Accounts.InSpecieCashStockTransfers.InSpecieCashStockTransferDetails.Quantity | double | Quantity of stock transfer. |
Accounts.InSpecieCashStockTransfers.InSpecieCashStockTransferDetails.BookCost | double | Book cost of stock transfer. |
Accounts.InSpecieCashStockTransfers.CashTransferAmount | double | Cash transfer amount. |
Accounts.InSpecieCashStockTransfers.AmountUsedThisYear | double | Amount used this year. |
Accounts.InSpecieCashStockTransfers.FeeAmount | double | Fee amount. |
Accounts.InSpecieCashStockTransfers.FeePercent | double | Fee percent. |
Accounts.IsTradeFreezeOn | boolean | If a trade freeze is on. |
Accounts.TradeFreezeReason | enum | TransferIn = 0, TransferOut = 1, Incident = 2, Deceased = 3, RemovalOfAdviser = 4, AdviserInstructed = 5, Bespoke = 6. |
Accounts.TradeFreezeNote | string | Trade freeze note. |
Accounts.IllustrationData | object | Illustration data. |
Accounts.IllustrationData.CostsAndCharges | array | Cost and charges. |
Accounts.IllustrationData.CostsAndCharges.Type | enum | OneOffCharges = 0, OngoingCharges = 1, TransactionCharges = 2, IncidentalCharges = 3, ThirdPartyPayment = 4. |
Accounts.IllustrationData.CostsAndCharges.Amount | double | Amount of cost and charge. |
Response Examples
# 200 - OK
"ApplicationId": "c1bdac67-39a0-4835-8168-e99f44f01iu7"
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
ApplicationId | string | Unique application ID to be used as an application reference. |
POST INTL Individual Applicant & Individual Savings Account
This endpoint creates an individual applicant and an individual savings account (ISA) in the system.
Header Examples
Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImt...
x-pps-subscription-key: d3e30ecd1ab345...
x-pps-api-version: v1
Header Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Authorizationrequired | string | Access token. |
x-pps-subscription-keyrequired | string | Product subscription key. |
x-pps-api-versionrequired | string | API version of the endpoint. |
Request Parameter - Body Examples
"AdviserId": 123456,
"Applicants": [
"ApplicantType": 0,
"IndividualDetails": {
"Title": "Mr",
"FirstName": "John",
"LastName": "Smith",
"Email": "",
"Phone": "012489235",
"PhoneOther": "012489235",
"Gender": 1,
"BirthCountryCode": "AUS",
"DualNationality": false,
"UsPerson": true,
"Profession": "Software engineer",
"SourceOfWealth": "Secret source",
"TaxResidences": [
"CountryCode": "CAN",
"From": "2020-10-01",
"To": "2020-10-01",
"Identification": "ui9089",
"NoDocument": false
"HomeAddress": {
"Addressee": "Yoki individual",
"Street": "123 Test St",
"Postcode": "BR5 4HL",
"Suburb": "Orpington",
"State": "KENT",
"CountryCode": "UK"
"MailingAddress": {
"Addressee": "Yoki individual",
"Street": "123 Test St",
"Postcode": "BR5 4HL",
"Suburb": "Orpington",
"State": "KENT",
"CountryCode": "UK"
"NationalIdentifier": {
"CountryOfNationality": "USA",
"IdentifierType": 0,
"IdentifierCode": "",
"NoNationalIdentifier": true
"ReceiveCommunicationByPost": true,
"IsPoliticallyExposedPerson": true
"Accounts": [
"Name": "Miss Jane Smith",
"RegisteredName": "Miss Jane Smith",
"ShortName": "Jane",
"AccountType": 1,
"PdsId": "UK5",
"SourceOfFunds": "Loan",
"AdviserReference": "123123",
"OngoingFeeAmount": 2.5,
"ReinvestIncome": false,
"ProductId": "UK96",
"ProductProviderReference": "Praemium International Limited",
"RegularContribution": {
"Amount": 150.5,
"Method": 3,
"Frequency": 0
"RegularWithdrawal": {
"Amount": 120,
"Method": 2,
"Frequency": 0
"Region": 2,
"CurrencyCode": "GBP",
"Fees": [
"Id": "UK21871",
"Rate": 0,
"Unit": "Dollar"
"Models": [
"Code": "UK0001",
"Proportion": 50
"Code": "IN0001",
"Proportion": 50
"BankAccounts": [
"SortCode": "12012",
"AccountNumber": "6555555567",
"AccountName": "Jane Smith"
"Exclusions": [
"Code": "UK0002",
"Exchange": "ASX"
"InitialInvestment": {
"Cash": 132.12,
"Shares": 321.32,
"Method": 0
"IllustrationData": {
"CostsAndCharges": [
"Type": 0,
"Amount": 123.123
"Type": 1,
"Amount": 321.123
"Type": 2,
"Amount": 123.123
"InSpecieCashStockTransfers": [
"TransferType": 0,
"CedingPartyId": "UK29821",
"CedingAccountNumber": "123456",
"InSpecieCashStockTransferDetails": [
"SecurityIsin": "UK000000ROC4",
"Quantity": 123.123,
"BookCost": 3242.32432
"IsTradeFreezeOn": true,
"TradeFreezeReason": 4,
"TradeFreezeNote": "just freeze it"
Request Parameter - Body
Parameter | Type | Description |
AdviserIdrequired | integer | Adviser ID to create the application under. |
OwnerAdviserId | integer | Owner adviser ID to create the application under. |
Applicantsrequired | array | Objects containing the applicant data. There must be at least one applicant for the request to succeed. The array of objects may contain a mix of Individual and Corporate applicants. |
Applicants.OwnerAdviserId | integer | Owner adviser ID to create the application under. |
Applicants.ApplicantType | enum | Individual = 0. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails | object | Used for Individual applicants. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.CitizenshipCountryCode | string | Citizenship country code. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.BirthCountryCode | string | Birth country code. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.HomeAddress | object | Home address of individual applicant. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.HomeAddress.Addressee | string | Addressee. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.HomeAddress.Street | string | Address line 1. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.HomeAddress.Line2 | string | Address line 2. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.HomeAddress.Line3 | string | Address line 3. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.HomeAddress.Postcode | string | Postcode of address. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.HomeAddress.Suburb | string | Suburb of address. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.HomeAddress.CountryCode | string | Country code of address. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.HomeAddress.IsRegistered | boolean | Whether address is registered. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.MailingAddress | object | Mailing address of individual applicant. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.MailingAddress.Addressee | string | Addressee. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.MailingAddress.Street | string | Address line 1. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.MailingAddress.Line2 | string | Address line 2. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.MailingAddress.Line3 | string | Address line 3. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.MailingAddress.Postcode | string | Postcode of address. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.MailingAddress.Suburb | string | Suburb of address. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.MailingAddress.CountryCode | string | Country code of address. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.MailingAddress.IsRegistered | boolean | Whether address is registered. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.Genderrequired | enum | Male = 1, Female = 2. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.UserName | string | User Name of individual applicant. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.UserId | string | User ID of individual applicant. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.TaxResidences | array | Applicant's tax residence. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.TaxResidences.CountryCode | string | Tax residence country code. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.TaxResidences.From | date-time | From date that applicant held tax residence in that country. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.TaxResidences.To | date-time | To date that applicant held tax residence in that country. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.TaxResidences.Identification | string | Tax residence identification. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.TaxResidences.NoDocument | boolean | If the applicant does not hold a identification document. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.UsPerson | boolean | Select if applicant is from the US. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.SourceOfWealth | string | Provide the applicant's source of wealth. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.Profession | string | Provide the applicant's profession. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.Title | string | Title: Mr, Mrs, Ms, Miss, Doctor, Lady, Prof and Sir. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.FirstName | string | First name of individual. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.LastName | string | Last name of individual. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.DateOfBirth | date-time | Date of birth of the individual. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.Email | string | Email address of the individual. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.Phone | string | Primary contact number of the individual. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.PhoneOther | string | Other phone of the individual. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.NationalIdentifier | object | Individual's national identifier. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.NationalIdentifier.CountryOfNationality | string | Applicant's country of national identifier. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.NationalIdentifier.IdentifierType | enum | NoDocument = 0, NationalId = 1, Passport = 2, TaxNumber = 3, LEI = 4. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.NationalIdentifier.IdentifierCode | string | Applicant's national identifier code. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.ReceiveCommunicationByPost | boolean | If you would like to opt out of electronic communications. |
Applicants.IndividualDetails.IsPoliticallyExposedPerson | boolean | Whether applicant is politically exposed. |
Accounts | array | Array of accounts to be opened with the application. Must be linked to an included applicant. |
Accounts.Name | string | Account name. |
Accounts.RegisteredName | string | Account registered name. |
Accounts.ShortName | string | Account short name. |
Accounts.AccountTyperequired | enum | Isa = 0. |
Accounts.PdsIdrequired | string | PDS ID of account. |
Accounts.Fees | array | Account fees. |
Accounts.Fees.Id | string | Fee ID. |
Accounts.Fees.Rate | double | Fee rate. |
Accounts.Fees.Unit | string | Fee unit, dollar or percent. |
Accounts.Fees.Type | enum | FeeTable = 0, Contribution = 1, Establishment = 2, Termination = 3, Withdrawal = 4, Ongoing = 5. |
Accounts.Models | array | Account models. |
Accounts.Models.Code | string | Model code. |
Accounts.Models.Proportion | double | Proportion of model. |
Accounts.BankAccounts | array | Bank accounts. |
Accounts.BankAccounts.SortCode | string | Bank account sort code. |
Accounts.BankAccounts.AccountNumber | string | Bank account number. |
Accounts.BankAccounts.AccountName | string | Bank account name. |
Accounts.BankAccounts.Bic | string | Bank identifier code (BIC) of your banking institution. |
Accounts.BankAccounts.Iban | string | International bank account number (IBAN) of your banking institution. |
Accounts.BankAccounts.RoutingNumber | string | Routing number of banking institution. |
Accounts.Exclusions | array | Account exclusions. |
Accounts.Exclusions.Security | object | Security code of the exclusion. |
Accounts.Exclusions.Security.Code | string | Security code of the security. |
Accounts.Exclusions.Security.Exchange | string | Exchange code of the security. |
Accounts.InitialInvestment | object | Initial investment of account. |
Accounts.InitialInvestment.Cash | double | Select if the initial investment will include cash. |
Accounts.InitialInvestment.Shares | double | Select if the initial investment will include shares. |
Accounts.InitialInvestment.Methodrequired | enum | ElectronicTransfer = 2, Cheque = 3. |
Accounts.SourceOfFunds | string | Contribution source. |
Accounts.OngoingFeeAmount | double | Ongoing fee amount. |
Accounts.ReinvestIncome | boolean | Reinvest income. |
Accounts.ProductId | string | Product ID. |
Accounts.ProductProviderReference | string | Product provider reference. |
Accounts.RegularContribution | object | Regular cash contributions to the account. |
Accounts.RegularWithdrawal | object | Regular cash withdrawals from the account. |
Accounts.OwnerAdviserId | integer | Owner adviser ID to create the application under. |
Accounts.Region | enum | Australia, UnitedKingdom or International. |
Accounts.CurrencyCode | string | The currency code of the account. |
Accounts.AdviserReference | string | Adviser reference.. |
Accounts.InSpecieCashStockTransfers | array | In specie cash stock transfers. |
Accounts.InSpecieCashStockTransfers.TransferTyperequired | enum | StockAndCash = 0, CashOnly = 1. |
Accounts.InSpecieCashStockTransfers.CedingPartyId | string | Ceding party ID. |
Accounts.InSpecieCashStockTransfers.CedingAccountNumber | string | Ceding account number. |
Accounts.InSpecieCashStockTransfers.InSpecieCashStockTransferDetails | array | In specie cash stock transfer details. |
Accounts.InSpecieCashStockTransfers.InSpecieCashStockTransferDetails.SecurityIsinrequired | string | Security ISIN of stock transfer. |
Accounts.InSpecieCashStockTransfers.InSpecieCashStockTransferDetails.Quantity | double | Quantity of stock transfer. |
Accounts.InSpecieCashStockTransfers.InSpecieCashStockTransferDetails.BookCost | double | Book cost of stock transfer. |
Accounts.InSpecieCashStockTransfers.CashTransferAmount | double | Cash transfer amount. |
Accounts.InSpecieCashStockTransfers.AmountUsedThisYear | double | Amount used this year. |
Accounts.InSpecieCashStockTransfers.FeeAmount | double | Fee amount. |
Accounts.InSpecieCashStockTransfers.FeePercent | double | Fee percent. |
Accounts.IsTradeFreezeOn | boolean | If a trade freeze is on. |
Accounts.TradeFreezeReason | enum | TransferIn = 0, TransferOut = 1, Incident = 2, Deceased = 3, RemovalOfAdviser = 4, AdviserInstructed = 5, Bespoke = 6. |
Accounts.TradeFreezeNote | string | Trade freeze note. |
Accounts.IllustrationData | object | Illustration data. |
Accounts.IllustrationData.CostsAndCharges | array | Cost and charges. |
Accounts.IllustrationData.CostsAndCharges.Type | enum | OneOffCharges = 0, OngoingCharges = 1, TransactionCharges = 2, IncidentalCharges = 3, ThirdPartyPayment = 4. |
Accounts.IllustrationData.CostsAndCharges.Amount | double | Amount of cost and charge. |
Response Examples
# 200 - OK
"ApplicationId": "c1bdac67-39a0-4835-8168-e99f44f01iu7"
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
ApplicationId | string | Unique application ID to be used as an application reference. |
GET App Form
This endpoint returns a PDF version of the application form for the specified account. This is a confirmation to the client of the details of their account. The PDF is returned directly as the response.
Header Examples
Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImt...
x-pps-subscription-key: d3e30ecd1ab345...
x-pps-api-version: v1
Header Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Authorizationrequired | string | Access token. |
x-pps-subscription-keyrequired | string | Product subscription key. |
x-pps-api-versionrequired | string | API version of the endpoint. |
Request Parameter - Query Examples
AccountId: AU400000
Recipient: 0
FormType: 0
Request Parameter - Query
Parameter | Type | Description |
AccountIdrequired | string | Account ID. |
Recipient | enum | Adviser = 0, Investor = 1 (INTL only) |
FormType | enum | Digital = 0, Paper = 1 (INTL only) |
Response Examples
# 200 - OK
Complete data stream of the file content.
GET Application Status
This endpoint returns the status of the application. This can be used to check which state an application is in, and the awaiting action.
Header Examples
Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImt...
x-pps-subscription-key: d3e30ecd1ab345...
x-pps-api-version: v1
Header Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Authorizationrequired | string | Access token. |
x-pps-subscription-keyrequired | string | Product subscription key. |
x-pps-api-versionrequired | string | API version of the endpoint. |
Request Parameters - Path Examples
Request Parameters - Path
Parameter | Type | Description |
ApplicationIdrequired | string | Unique application ID to be used as an application reference. |
Response Examples
# 200 - OK
"ApplicationId": "83225a21-1e9e-9ty1-b35a-6f1091c7a434",
"Status": "Submitted",
"AccountsStatus": [
"AccountCode": "SMA00400000",
"Status": "ClosureRequested"
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
ApplicationId | string | Unique application ID to be used as an application reference. |
Status | string | Draft / Submitted. |
AccountsStatus | array | Account status. |
AccountsStatus.AccountCode | string | Account code. |
AccountsStatus.Status | enum | Draft = 0, AwaitingSignature = 1, AwaitingApproval = 2, AwaitingFund = 3, Funded = 4, Trading = 5, ClosureRequested = 6, Closed = 7, Deleted = 8. |
GET User
This endpoint returns user ID by username.
Header Examples
Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImt...
x-pps-subscription-key: d3e30ecd1ab345...
x-pps-api-version: v1
Header Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Authorizationrequired | string | Access token. |
x-pps-subscription-keyrequired | string | Product subscription key. |
x-pps-api-versionrequired | string | API version of the endpoint. |
Request Parameter - Query Examples
Username: john_smith
Request Parameter - Query
Parameter | Type | Description |
Usernamerequired | string | User name. |
Response Examples
# 200 - OK
"UserId": 123456
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
UserId | integer | User ID. |
This endpoint allows creating investor.
Header Examples
Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImt...
x-pps-subscription-key: d3e30ecd1ab345...
x-pps-api-version: v1
Header Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Authorizationrequired | string | Access token. |
x-pps-subscription-keyrequired | string | Product subscription key. |
x-pps-api-versionrequired | string | API version of the endpoint. |
Request Parameter - Body Examples
"Name": {
"FirstName": "Stephen",
"LastName": "Tom",
"Title": ""
"Addresses": [
"Line1": "Unit 1",
"Line2": "123 Test Street",
"Line3": "",
"Country": "AUS",
"Postcode": "3000",
"SuburbOrCounty": "Melbourne",
"TownOrCityOrState": "VIC",
"Type": 0
"AdviserId": 76681,
"DateOfBirth": "1980-11-01T00:00:00.0000000+10:00",
"Email": "",
"Gender": 1,
"GenerateGetStartedToken": true,
"JobTitle": "Developer",
"Location": "Melbourne",
"Phone": "0400000000",
"PhoneOther": "0498765432",
"Team": "Team AB"
Request Parameter - Body
Parameter | Type | Description |
Namerequired | object | The user's name. |
Name.Title | enum | The user's title. Miss = 0, Mr = 1, Mrs = 2, Ms = 3, Dr = 4, Prof = 5, or null. |
Name.FirstNamerequired | string | The user's first name. |
Name.LastNamerequired | string | The user's last name. |
Gender | enum | Male = 1, Female = 2, or null. |
Emailrequired | string | The user's email address. |
DateOfBirth | date-time | For security purposes if we need to identify the user over the phone. |
MothersMaidenName | string | For security purposes if we need to identify the user over the phone. |
Addressesrequired | array | Contains details of the user's address. |
Addresses.Typerequired | enum | Home = 0, Office = 1, Mailing = 2. |
Addresses.Line1required | string | Address detail line 1. |
Addresses.Line2 | string | Address detail line 2 (if applicable). |
Addresses.Line3 | string | Address detail line 3 (if applicable). |
Addresses.SuburbOrCountyrequired | string | Suburb or county details. |
Addresses.TownOrCityOrStaterequired | string | State or town or city details. |
Addresses.Postcoderequired | string | Postcode. |
Addresses.Countryrequired | string | Country code. For example, AUS = Australia. |
Phonerequired | string | The user's phone number. |
PhoneOther | string | An alternative phone number for the investor. |
JobTitle | string | The user's job title. |
AdviserIdrequired | integer | The adviser ID for this user's adviser. |
GenerateGetStartedTokenrequired | boolean | Whether to generate an SSO token for this user to get started. |
Response Examples
# 200 - OK
"Id": 9108602,
"GetStartedToken": ""
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Id | integer | User ID. |
GetStartedToken | string | An SSO token for this user to get started. |
PATCH User Accounts
This endpoint allows linking user to accounts.
Header Examples
Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImt...
x-pps-subscription-key: d3e30ecd1ab345...
x-pps-api-version: v1
Header Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Authorizationrequired | string | Access token. |
x-pps-subscription-keyrequired | string | Product subscription key. |
x-pps-api-versionrequired | string | API version of the endpoint. |
Request Parameter - Body Examples
"UserId": 9091234,
"AccountIds": ["AU400000", "AU400001"],
"UserRole": 4,
"Access": 2
Request Parameter - Body
Parameter | Type | Description |
UserIdrequired | integer | User ID. |
AccountIdsrequired | array | An array of account IDs. |
UserRole | enum | Accountant = 0, Custodian = 1, FinancialPlanner = 2, InvestmentAdviser = 3, Other = 4, Owner = 5. Default to 4. |
Access | enum | Full = 0, Read = 1, Update = 2. Default to 1. |
Response Examples
# 204 - NoContent
GET User Links
This endpoint returns user links for the account.
Header Examples
Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImt...
x-pps-subscription-key: d3e30ecd1ab345...
x-pps-api-version: v1
Header Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Authorizationrequired | string | Access token. |
x-pps-subscription-keyrequired | string | Product subscription key. |
x-pps-api-versionrequired | string | API version of the endpoint. |
Request Parameter - Query Examples
AccountId: AU400000
Request Parameter - Query
Parameter | Type | Description |
AccountIdrequired | string | Account ID. |
Response Examples
# 200 - OK
"UserId": 9183723,
"UserRole": 2,
"Access": 0
"UserId": 9178334,
"UserRole": 5,
"Access": 1
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
UserId | integer | User ID of the user linked to the account. |
UserRole | enum | Accountant = 1, Custodian = 2, FinancialPlanner = 3, InvestmentAdviser = 4, Investor = 5, Owner = 6, AuthorisedRepresentative = 7. |
Access | enum | Full = 0, Read = 1, Update = 2. |
GET Account Links
This endpoint returns account links for the user.
Header Examples
Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImt...
x-pps-subscription-key: d3e30ecd1ab345...
x-pps-api-version: v1
Header Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Authorizationrequired | string | Access token. |
x-pps-subscription-keyrequired | string | Product subscription key. |
x-pps-api-versionrequired | string | API version of the endpoint. |
Request Parameter - Query Examples
UserId: 123456
Request Parameter - Query
Parameter | Type | Description |
UserIdrequired | integer | User ID. |
Response Examples
# 200 - OK
"AccountId": "AU251995",
"UserRole": 2,
"Access": 0
"AccountId": "AU252176",
"UserRole": 5,
"Access": 1
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
AccountId | string | Account ID. |
UserRole | enum | Accountant = 1, Custodian = 2, FinancialPlanner = 3, InvestmentAdviser = 4, Investor = 5, Owner = 6, AuthorisedRepresentative = 7. |
Access | enum | Full = 0, Read = 1, Update = 2. |
GET Accounts
This endpoint returns a list of accounts.
Header Examples
Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImt...
x-pps-subscription-key: d3e30ecd1ab345...
x-pps-api-version: v1
Header Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Authorizationrequired | string | Access token. |
x-pps-subscription-keyrequired | string | Product subscription key. |
x-pps-api-versionrequired | string | API version of the endpoint. |
Request Parameter - Query Examples
# Return all
Page: 1
Size: 100
# Search by string
Search: *01
Page: 1
Size: 100
# Search by account IDs
AccountIds: AU1
AccountIds: AU2
AccountIds: AU3
Request Parameter - Query
Parameter | Type | Description |
Search | string | Account search string. This parameter accepts wildcards (*). |
AccountIds | array | An array of account IDs. If AccountIds are provided, all other parameters will be ignored. |
Page | integer | Page number to return. Default to 1. |
Size | integer | Page size to return. Default to 100. |
Response Examples
# 200 - OK
"Data": [
"Id": "AU251995",
"Code": "240153Cons",
"Name": "Test account 1",
"ConsolidationType": 84,
"AccountType": 0,
"EntityType": 4,
"IsSma": false,
"Status": 0,
"RecalcType": 2,
"RecalcStatus": 0,
"ValuationDate": "2021-04-23T00:00:00+10:00",
"FirstTransactionDate": "2001-08-07T00:00:00+10:00",
"CreatedDate": "1980-01-01T00:00:00+11:00",
"LastRecalcDate": "2021-04-27T14:45:10.943+10:00",
"RecalcRequired": false,
"MarketValue": 1566857.15,
"OwnerUserName": "AAA",
"Product": "Platinum",
"BenchmarkId1": "AU9",
"Benchmark1": "S&P/ASX 200 Accumulation Index",
"BenchmarkMargin1": 4.000000,
"BenchmarkId2": "AU8",
"Benchmark2": "S&P/ASX 200",
"BenchmarkMargin2": 0.000000
"Id": "AU252176",
"Code": "WalshCons",
"Name": "Test account 2",
"ConsolidationType": 84,
"AccountType": 0,
"EntityType": 4,
"IsSma": false,
"Status": 0,
"RecalcType": 1,
"RecalcStatus": 1,
"ValuationDate": "2021-04-23T00:00:00+10:00",
"FirstTransactionDate": "1983-12-31T00:00:00+11:00",
"CreatedDate": "1980-01-01T00:00:00+11:00",
"LastRecalcDate": "2021-04-23T20:15:19.03+10:00",
"RecalcRequired": false,
"MarketValue": 16881784.98,
"OwnerUserName": "ABC",
"Product": "SMSF"
"Id": "AU275166",
"Code": "SMA00275165_EXT",
"Name": "Test account 3",
"ConsolidationType": 78,
"AccountType": 0,
"EntityType": 4,
"IsSma": true,
"Status": 0,
"RecalcType": 1,
"RecalcStatus": 0,
"ValuationDate": "2021-04-23T00:00:00+10:00",
"FirstTransactionDate": "2003-06-30T00:00:00+10:00",
"CreatedDate": "1980-01-01T00:00:00+11:00",
"LastRecalcDate": "2021-04-23T20:06:38.53+10:00",
"RecalcRequired": false,
"MarketValue": 989833.01,
"OwnerUserName": "TEST",
"Product": "DISPUTES",
"BenchmarkId1": "AU8",
"Benchmark1": "S&P/ASX 200",
"BenchmarkMargin1": 0.000000
"Metadata": {
"TotalCount": 58,
"TotalPages": 20
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Data | array | |
Data.Id | string | Account ID. |
Data.Code | string | Account code. |
Data.Name | string | Account name. |
Data.ConsolidationType | enum | None = 78, Portfolio = 80, Transaction = 84, FeeGroup = 85, ShareTrader = 86, SuperFund = 87. |
Data.AccountType | enum | Standard = 0, Sma = 1, Smsf = 3, SuperSmaAccumulation = 4, SuperSmaPension = 5. |
Data.EntityType | enum | Individual = 0, Trust = 1, Corporate = 2, Partnership = 3, Superfund = 4, Joint = 5. |
Data.IsSma | boolean | Whether the account is SMA. |
Data.Status | enum | Unknown = 0, Active = 1, Draft = 2, Closed = 3, Deleted = 4, PendingClosure = 5, AwaitingCashReceipt = 6, ReceiptedNotCleared = 7 |
Data.RecalcType | enum | None = 0, Manual = 1, Auto = 2. |
Data.RecalcStatus | enum | OK = 0, Error = 1. |
Data.ValuationDate | date-time | Account valuation date or asat date. |
Data.FirstTransactionDate | date-time | The first transaction date of the account. |
Data.CreatedDate | date-time | The created date of the account. |
Data.LastRecalcDate | date-time | The run-date of the latest account recalculation. |
Data.RecalcRequired | boolean | Whether this account requires recalculation to accurately calculate all values. |
Data.MarketValue | double | The Valuation of the account on the valuation date. |
Data.OwnerUserName | string | The account owner's username. |
Data.Product | string | The description of the account product. |
Data.BenchmarkId1 | string | The unique ID of the account's benchmark 1. |
Data.Benchmark1 | string | The name of the account’s benchmark 1. |
Data.BenchmarkMargin1 | double | The margin (% p.a.) of the account’s benchmark 1. |
Data.BenchmarkId2 | string | The unique ID of the account's benchmark 2. |
Data.Benchmark2 | string | The name of the account’s benchmark 2. |
Data.BenchmarkMargin2 | double | The margin (% p.a.) of the account’s benchmark 2. |
Metadata | object | |
Metadata.TotalCount | integer | Total number of results found. |
Metadata.TotalPages | integer | Total pages of results. |
GET Child Accounts
This endpoint returns child accounts for the account.
Header Examples
Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImt...
x-pps-subscription-key: d3e30ecd1ab345...
x-pps-api-version: v1
Header Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Authorizationrequired | string | Access token. |
x-pps-subscription-keyrequired | string | Product subscription key. |
x-pps-api-versionrequired | string | API version of the endpoint. |
Request Parameter - Query Examples
AccountId: AU400000
Request Parameter - Query
Parameter | Type | Description |
AccountIdrequired | string | Account ID. |
Response Examples
# 200 - OK
"Id": "AU251995"
"Id": "AU252176"
"Id": "AU275166"
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Id | string | Child account ID. |
GET Recalc Status
This endpoint returns recalc status for the service.
Header Examples
Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImt...
x-pps-subscription-key: d3e30ecd1ab345...
x-pps-api-version: v1
Header Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Authorizationrequired | string | Access token. |
x-pps-subscription-keyrequired | string | Product subscription key. |
x-pps-api-versionrequired | string | API version of the endpoint. |
Response Examples
# 200 - OK
"RecalcAsAtDate": "2021-03-03T00:00:00+11:00"
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
RecalcAsAtDate | date-time | Recalc date. |
GET Holdings
This endpoint returns holdings for the accounts.
Header Examples
Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImt...
x-pps-subscription-key: d3e30ecd1ab345...
x-pps-api-version: v1
Header Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Authorizationrequired | string | Access token. |
x-pps-subscription-keyrequired | string | Product subscription key. |
x-pps-api-versionrequired | string | API version of the endpoint. |
Request Parameter - Query Examples
AccountIds: AU1
AccountIds: AU2
AccountIds: AU3
ValuationDate: 2021-02-23T00:00:00Z
ClassificationType: 1
Request Parameter - Query
Parameter | Type | Description |
AccountIdsrequired | array | An array of account IDs. |
ValuationDaterequired | date-time | Date used to display the data. |
ClassificationTyperequired | enum | AssetClassLookThrough = 1, AssetClassPrimaryClass = 2, MarketType = 3. |
Response Examples
# 200 - OK
"AccountId": "AU112916",
"Valuation": {
"ValuationDate": "2021-02-18T11:00:00+11:00",
"TotalCost": 16647.42,
"TotalValue": 20250.58,
"NetValue": 20250.58,
"TotalGainOrLoss": 3603.16,
"MarketValueGainOrLoss": 3603.16,
"ExchangeRateGainOrLoss": 0.00,
"EstimatedIncome": 427.05,
"Yield": 2.1100
"Holdings": [
"Security": {
"AssetClassDescription": "Cash & Equivalents",
"AssetClassCode": "ASX",
"TypeDescription": "ASX Listed",
"GicsDescription": "SECTOR NOT CLASSIFIED",
"Code": "AAA",
"Exchange": "ASX"
"Quantity": 17.0000,
"UnitCost": 50.2132,
"Cost": 853.62,
"UnitValue": 50.0547,
"UnitPriceDate": "2021-02-18T00:00:00+11:00",
"Value": 851.19,
"PercentTotalValue": 4.200,
"GainOrLoss": -2.43,
"MarketValueGainOrLoss": 0.00,
"ExchangeRateGainOrLoss": -2.43,
"PercentTotalGainOrLoss": -0.28,
"EstimatedIncome": 5.76,
"Yield": 0.6800,
"ValueInSecurityCurrency": 851.19,
"CostBaseUnknown": false,
"TaxCredits": 0.0000,
"EstimatedFrankingCredits": 0.000000,
"EstimatedGrossYield": 0.6800
"Security": {
"AssetClassDescription": "International Shares",
"AssetClassCode": "ASX",
"TypeDescription": "ASX Listed",
"GicsDescription": "SECTOR NOT CLASSIFIED",
"Code": "IAA",
"Exchange": "ASX"
"Quantity": 3.0000,
"UnitCost": 75.8367,
"Cost": 227.51,
"UnitValue": 131.7235,
"UnitPriceDate": "2021-02-18T00:00:00+11:00",
"Value": 395.25,
"PercentTotalValue": 1.9500,
"GainOrLoss": 167.74,
"MarketValueGainOrLoss": 167.74,
"ExchangeRateGainOrLoss": 0.00,
"PercentTotalGainOrLoss": 73.73,
"EstimatedIncome": 3.44,
"Yield": 0.8700,
"ValueInSecurityCurrency": 395.25,
"CostBaseUnknown": false,
"TaxCredits": 0.0000,
"EstimatedFrankingCredits": 0.000000,
"EstimatedGrossYield": 0.8700
"ReceivablesAndPayables": [
"Code": "LOAN_1",
"Description": "Loans",
"TypeDescription": "Loans",
"Amount": 18881.01,
"IncludedInNetValue": 1
"Description": "Income declared but not paid",
"TypeDescription": "",
"Amount": 18881.01,
"IncludedInNetValue": 1
"Subscriptions": {
"Models": [
"ModelCode": "AU00",
"Weighting": 50.1234
"ModelCode": "AU000",
"Weighting": 47.8766
"CashHub": {
"AUD": 2
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
AccountId | string | Account ID. |
Valuation | object | |
Valuation.ValuationDate | date-time | Date used to display the data. |
Valuation.TotalCost | double | The total account cost based on the cost base of unrealised holdings. (Account currency) |
Valuation.TotalValue | double | The total account value based on the quantity and price of unrealised holdings. (Account currency) |
Valuation.NetValue | double | The total account value inclusive of receivables and payables. (Account currency) |
Valuation.TotalGainOrLoss | double | (Account currency) |
Valuation.MarketValueGainOrLoss | double | MarketValueGainOrLoss as a result of the market price (MV) movement of the security. (Account currency) |
Valuation.ExchangeRateGainOrLoss | double | ExchangeRateGainOrLoss as a result of the movement of the exchange rate (FX). (Account currency) |
Valuation.EstimatedIncome | double | Indicative field calculated based on the income of each asset generated over the past twelve months. (Account currency) |
Valuation.Yield | double | The estimated income as a percentage of the market value of the account. |
Holdings | array | |
Holdings.Security | object | |
Holdings.Security.Code | string | Security code of the security. |
Holdings.Security.Exchange | string | Exchange code of the security. |
Holdings.Security.AssetClassDescription | string | A description of the security’s asset class. |
Holdings.Security.AssetClassCode | string | The asset class code of the security’s asset class. |
Holdings.Security.AssetClassCategory | string | The asset class category of the security’s asset class. |
Holdings.Security.TypeDescription | string | The asset type of the security’s asset class. |
Holdings.Security.GicsDescription | string | The global industry classification of the security. |
Holdings.Quantity | double | The number of securities held by the account at the recalculation date. |
Holdings.UnitCost | double | Average unit cost of the holding. This is the actual cost divided by the quantity. (Account currency) |
Holdings.Cost | double | Actual cost is based on the cost base of unrealised holdings. (Account currency) |
Holdings.UnitValue | double | The last price of the holding available at the recalculation date. (Account currency) |
Holdings.UnitPriceDate | date-time | The date of the unit price. (Account currency) |
Holdings.Value | double | Value is calculated based on the unit price multiplied by the quantity. (Account currency) |
Holdings.PercentTotalValue | double | The percentage ratio of the value relative to the total account value. |
Holdings.GainOrLoss | double | (Account currency) |
Holdings.MarketValueGainOrLoss | double | MarketValueGainOrLoss as a result of the market price (MV) movement of the security. (Account currency) |
Holdings.ExchangeRateGainOrLoss | double | ExchangeRateGainOrLoss as a result of the movement of the exchange rate (FX). (Account currency) |
Holdings.PercentTotalGainOrLoss | double | The total gain or loss (TG) expressed as a percentage over the adjusted cost base. |
Holdings.EstimatedIncome | double | Indicative field calculated based on the income of each asset generated over the past twelve months. (Account currency) |
Holdings.Yield | double | The estimated income as a percentage of the market value of the account. |
Holdings.ValueInSecurityCurrency | double | The value based on the quantity and local price of unrealised holdings. |
Holdings.CostBaseUnknown | boolean | Whether cost base is unknown. |
Holdings.TaxCredits | double | The tax credits available on the current holdings of the security. (Account currency) |
Holdings.EstimatedFrankingCredits | double | Amount expected to be received in franking credits. (Account currency) |
Holdings.EstimatedGrossYield | double | Estimated gross yield is based on the sum of the estimated income and franking credits as a percentage of the holding's market value. |
ReceivablesAndPayables | array | |
ReceivablesAndPayables.Code | string | The asset code of the receivable / payable. |
ReceivablesAndPayables.Description | string | A description of the receivable / payable. |
ReceivablesAndPayables.TypeDescription | string | Type of the receivable / payable. |
ReceivablesAndPayables.Amount | double | The total value of the receivable/payable. (Account currency) |
ReceivablesAndPayables.IncludedInNetValue | boolean | Whether included in the account's net value. |
Subscriptions | object | |
Subscriptions.Models | array | |
Subscriptions.Models.ModelCode | string | Model code. |
Subscriptions.Models.Weighting | double | Account’s model weighting at the valuation date. |
Subscriptions.CashHub | object | |
Subscriptions.CashHub.AUD | double | Cash model weighting at the valuation date. |
GET Asset Class Summary
This endpoint returns asset class summary for the account.
Header Examples
Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImt...
x-pps-subscription-key: d3e30ecd1ab345...
x-pps-api-version: v1
Header Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Authorizationrequired | string | Access token. |
x-pps-subscription-keyrequired | string | Product subscription key. |
x-pps-api-versionrequired | string | API version of the endpoint. |
Request Parameter - Query Examples
AccountId: AU400000
IncludeLoans: true
ValuationDate: 2021-02-23T00:00:00Z
Request Parameter - Query
Parameter | Type | Description |
AccountIdrequired | string | Account ID. |
IncludeLoans | boolean | Whether loans should be included. Default to false. |
ValuationDaterequired | date-time | Date used to display the data. |
Response Examples
# 200 - OK
"Valuation": {
"TotalCost": 105741.30,
"TotalValue": 115489.95,
"NetValue": 115489.95,
"TotalGainOrLoss": 9748.65
"AssetClasses": [
"AssetClassDescription": "Domestic Shares",
"Value": 103780.00,
"PercentTotalValue": 89.8600,
"PercentNetValue": 89.8600,
"MinTargetAllocation": 0.0,
"MaxTargetAllocation": 0.0,
"MidPointTargetAllocation": 0.0,
"Variance": 0.8986
"AssetClassDescription": "Domestic Fixed Interest",
"Value": 53849.52,
"PercentTotalValue": 46.6300,
"PercentNetValue": 46.6300,
"MinTargetAllocation": 0.0,
"MaxTargetAllocation": 0.0,
"MidPointTargetAllocation": 0.0,
"Variance": 0.4663
"AssetClassDescription": "Cash & Equivalents",
"Value": -42139.57,
"PercentTotalValue": -36.4900,
"PercentNetValue": -36.4900,
"MinTargetAllocation": 0.0,
"MaxTargetAllocation": 0.0,
"MidPointTargetAllocation": 0.0,
"Variance": -0.3649
"ReceivablesAndPayables": [
"Description": "Income declared but not paid",
"TotalAmount": 20.93,
"IncludedInNetValue": true
"Description": "Unsettled transactions",
"TotalAmount": -50326.38,
"IncludedInNetValue": true
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Valuation | object | |
Valuation.TotalCost | double | The total account cost based on the cost base of unrealised holdings. (Account currency) |
Valuation.TotalValue | double | The total account value based on the quantity and price of unrealised holdings. (Account currency) |
Valuation.NetValue | double | The total account value inclusive of receivables and payables. (Account currency) |
Valuation.TotalGainOrLoss | double | Total Gain/Loss is the nominal difference between the total value and the total cost. (Account currency) |
AssetClasses | array | |
AssetClasses.AssetClassDescription | string | A description of the asset class. |
AssetClasses.Value | double | The total value of the account holdings within the asset class. (Account currency) |
AssetClasses.PercentTotalValue | double | The percentage ratio of the value of this asset class to the total account value. |
AssetClasses.PercentNetValue | double | The percentage ratio of the value of this asset class to the net account value. |
AssetClasses.MinTargetAllocation | double | The minimum asset class allocation target for this asset class entered for the account. |
AssetClasses.MaxTargetAllocation | double | The maximum asset class allocation target for this asset class entered for the account. |
AssetClasses.MidPointTargetAllocation | double | The middle value of the minimum and maximum target allocation for the asset class. |
AssetClasses.Variance | double | The variance of the asset class’s value outside of the target allocation range. |
ReceivablesAndPayables | array | |
ReceivablesAndPayables.Description | string | Description of the receivable / payable holding. |
ReceivablesAndPayables.TotalAmount | double | Amount of the receivable / payable. (Account currency) |
ReceivablesAndPayables.IncludedInNetValue | boolean | Whether included in the account's net value. |
GET Holdings Per Model
This endpoint returns holdings per model for the account.
Header Examples
Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImt...
x-pps-subscription-key: d3e30ecd1ab345...
x-pps-api-version: v1
Header Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Authorizationrequired | string | Access token. |
x-pps-subscription-keyrequired | string | Product subscription key. |
x-pps-api-versionrequired | string | API version of the endpoint. |
Request Parameter - Query Examples
AccountId: AU400000
FromDate: 2021-01-23T00:00:00Z
ToDate: 2021-02-23T00:00:00Z
Request Parameter - Query
Parameter | Type | Description |
AccountIdrequired | string | Account ID. |
FromDaterequired | date-time | The from date used when calculating data for the request. |
ToDaterequired | date-time | The to date used when calculating data for the request. |
Response Examples
# 200 - OK
"Date": "2021-01-28T00:00:00+11:00",
"TotalValue": 0.00,
"HoldingsInModel": [
"ModelCode": "IV0008",
"ModelDescription": "Intelligent Investor Equity Income",
"ModelPercentage": 1.000000,
"Holdings": [
"Value": 184.91,
"Quantity": 184.91
"HoldingsNotInModel": [
"Asset": "AUDCASH",
"ExchangeCode": "UNL",
"Value": 1.85,
"Quantity": 1.85
"Date": "2021-01-29T00:00:00+11:00",
"TotalValue": 74020.56,
"HoldingsInModel": [
"ModelCode": "IV0008",
"ModelDescription": "Intelligent Investor Equity Income",
"ModelPercentage": 0.981300,
"Holdings": [
"Asset": "AUDCASH",
"ExchangeCode": "UNL",
"Value": 810.98,
"Quantity": 810.98
"Asset": "INIF",
"ExchangeCode": "ASX",
"Value": 71826.54,
"Quantity": 28846.00
"ModelCode": "MACAUD",
"ModelDescription": "Managed Account Cash AUD",
"ModelPercentage": 0.008700,
"Holdings": [
"Asset": "AUDCASH",
"ExchangeCode": "UNL",
"Value": 642.83,
"Quantity": 642.83
"HoldingsNotInModel": [
"Asset": "AUDCASH",
"ExchangeCode": "UNL",
"Value": 740.21,
"Quantity": 740.21
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Date | date-time | The date that these holdings relate to. |
TotalValue | double | The total value of the account on the date. (Account currency) |
HoldingsInModel | array | Holdings that are held by the account due to its model subscriptions. |
HoldingsInModel.ModelCode | string | Model code. |
HoldingsInModel.ModelPercentage | double | Percentage of the model. |
HoldingsInModel.Holdings | array | Contains the holdings attributable to the model on the date. |
HoldingsInModel.Holdings.Security | object | |
HoldingsInModel.Holdings.Security.Code | string | Security code. |
HoldingsInModel.Holdings.Security.Exchange | string | Security exchange. |
HoldingsInModel.Holdings.Value | double | The value that is attributable to this model on the date. (Account currency) |
HoldingsInModel.Holdings.Quantity | double | The quantity that is attributable to this model on the date. Please note that this may not be a whole number of shares because we blend holdings within our system in order to give a better investment outcome.. |
HoldingsNotInModel | array | Holdings that are not attributable to a model on the date. This can be due to holding locks or other customisations. The value and quantity of the HoldingsNotInModel relate to the values that are not attributable to any subscribed model. |
HoldingsNotInModel.Security | object | |
HoldingsNotInModel.Security.Code | string | Security code. |
HoldingsNotInModel.Security.Exchange | string | Security exchange. |
HoldingsNotInModel.Value | double | The value that is attributable to this model on the date. (Account currency) |
HoldingsNotInModel.Quantity | double | The quantity that is attributable to this model on the date. Please note that this may not be a whole number of shares because we blend holdings within our system in order to give a better investment outcome.. |
GET Transactions
This endpoint returns transactions for the account.
Header Examples
Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImt...
x-pps-subscription-key: d3e30ecd1ab345...
x-pps-api-version: v1
Header Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Authorizationrequired | string | Access token. |
x-pps-subscription-keyrequired | string | Product subscription key. |
x-pps-api-versionrequired | string | API version of the endpoint. |
Request Parameter - Query Examples
AccountId: AU400000
FromDate: 2021-01-23T00:00:00Z
ToDate: 2021-02-23T00:00:00Z
BuysAndSellsOnly: true
ShowUnconfirmed: true
DateRangeType: 0
OrderBy: 1
Order: 0
Page: 1
Size: 100
Request Parameter - Query
Parameter | Type | Description |
AccountIdrequired | string | Account ID. |
FromDaterequired | date-time | The from date used when calculating data for the request. |
ToDaterequired | date-time | The to date used when calculating data for the request. |
BuysAndSellsOnly | boolean | Whether to includes only Buy, Close position, Sell, Short Sell, Write Opt. to Open, Write Opt. to Close, Buy Opt. to open, Buy Opt. to close. Default to false. |
ShowUnconfirmed | boolean | Whether to show unconfirmed transactions. Default to false. |
DateRangeType | enum | Filter by: Transactiondate = 0, UpdateDate = 1, TransactionDate or UpdateDate = 2. Defaults to 0 |
Page | integer | Page number to return. Default to 1. |
Size | integer | Page size to return. Default to 100. |
OrderBy | enum | TransactionDate = 0, Security = 1. Default to 0. |
Order | enum | Asc = 0, Desc = 1. Default to 1. |
Response Examples
# 200 - OK
"Data": [
"ContractNoteReference": "104729665",
"DeemedAmount": 0.0,
"CostBaseUnknown": false,
"BuyBack": false,
"AveragePriceInTradedCurrency": 4.2419,
"AmountInTradedCurrency": 25052.81,
"TradedCurrency": "AUD",
"SettlementDate": "2020-12-16T00:00:00+00:00",
"AveragePriceInSettlementCurrency": 4.2419,
"AmountInSettlementCurrency": 25052.81,
"SettlementCurrency": "AUD",
"Broker": "Testing Securities Australia",
"GstClaimable": 0.0,
"BrokerageGst": 17.399999618530273,
"BrokerageIncludingGst": 174.02999877929688,
"TransactionId": "AU1636235781",
"Security": {
"Code": "AZJ",
"Exchange": "ASX"
"TransactionDate": "2020-12-14T00:00:00+11:00",
"Quantity": 5906,
"NetAmount": 25052.81,
"Unconfirmed": false,
"AveragePrice": 4.2419,
"DisposalMethod": "",
"Narration": "c/n 104729665",
"TransactionTypeDescription": "Buy"
"ContractNoteReference": "",
"DeemedAmount": 0.0,
"CostBaseUnknown": false,
"BuyBack": false,
"AveragePriceInTradedCurrency": 1.9884,
"AmountInTradedCurrency": 179262.97,
"TradedCurrency": "AUD",
"SettlementDate": "2020-08-10T00:00:00+00:00",
"AveragePriceInSettlementCurrency": 1.9884,
"AmountInSettlementCurrency": 179262.97,
"SettlementCurrency": "AUD",
"Broker": "",
"GstClaimable": 0.0,
"BrokerageGst": 0.0,
"BrokerageIncludingGst": 0.0,
"TransactionId": "AU1607913507",
"Security": {
"Code": "ETL0374AU",
"Exchange": ""
"TransactionDate": "2020-07-31T00:00:00+10:00",
"Quantity": 0,
"NetAmount": 179262.97,
"Unconfirmed": false,
"AveragePrice": 1.9884,
"DisposalMethod": "",
"Narration": "Off Market Transfer from Family Trust",
"TransactionTypeDescription": "Buy"
"Metadata": {
"TotalCount": 4,
"TotalPages": 2
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Data | array | |
Data.ContractNoteReference | string | Unique contract note reference number. |
Data.DeemedAmount | double | The buyback capital value applied for CGT purposes. (Account currency) |
Data.CostBaseUnknown | boolean | Whether cost base is unknown. |
Data.BuyBack | boolean | If the transaction is classified as a buyback. |
Data.AveragePriceInTradedCurrency | double | TradedCurrencyAmount divided by quantity. |
Data.AmountInTradedCurrency | double | Displays the amount traded in an international currency. |
Data.TradedCurrency | string | For International Investments. Displays the currency in which the asset was traded. |
Data.SettlementDate | date-time | The date on which the transaction settled. |
Data.AveragePriceInSettlementCurrency | double | AmountInSettlementCurrency divided by quantity. |
Data.AmountInSettlementCurrency | double | Displays the amount settled in an international currency. |
Data.SettlementCurrency | string | Displays the currency in which the trade was settled. |
Data.Broker | string | The name of the broker against the transaction. |
Data.GstClaimable | double | The total of any GST amount that is payable. (Account currency) |
Data.BrokerageGst | double | The GST amount of any brokerage for the transaction. (Account currency) |
Data.BrokerageIncludingGst | double | The total of any brokerage for the transaction including GST. (Account currency) |
Data.TransactionId | string | The unique identifier of the transaction. |
Data.Security | object | |
Data.Security.Code | string | Security code. |
Data.Security.Exchange | string | Security exchange. |
Data.TransactionDate | date-time | The date on which the transaction occurred. |
Data.Quantity | double | The number of units or shares disposed. |
Data.NetAmount | double | This value should be adjusted (increased for a buy, decreased for a sell) for any brokerage, GST or other charges paid to transact. (Account currency) |
Data.Unconfirmed | boolean | Whether the transaction has not been confirmed. |
Data.AveragePrice | double | Net amount divided by quantity. (Account currency) |
Data.DisposalMethod | string | Tax method used on the security disposal. |
Data.Narration | string | Displays any notes that have added to the transaction. |
Data.TransactionTypeDescription | string | A categorised type of the transaction. |
Metadata | object | Metadata including pagination. |
Metadata.TotalCount | integer | Total number of results found. |
Metadata.TotalPages | integer | Total pages of results. |
GET Cash Transactions
This endpoint returns cash transactions for the account.
Header Examples
Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImt...
x-pps-subscription-key: d3e30ecd1ab345...
x-pps-api-version: v1
Header Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Authorizationrequired | string | Access token. |
x-pps-subscription-keyrequired | string | Product subscription key. |
x-pps-api-versionrequired | string | API version of the endpoint. |
Request Parameter - Query Examples
AccountId: AU400000
FromDate: 2021-01-23T00:00:00Z
ToDate: 2021-02-23T00:00:00Z
IncludePendingUnsettled: true
DateRangeType: 0
Page: 1
Size: 100
Request Parameter - Query
Parameter | Type | Description |
IncludePendingUnsettled | boolean | Whether to include pending unsettled cash transactions. Default to false. |
Page | integer | Page number to return. Default to 1. |
Size | integer | Page size to return. Default to 100. |
DateRangeType | Filter by: Transactiondate = 0, UpdateDate = 1, TransactionDate or UpdateDate = 2. Defaults to 0 | |
AccountIdrequired | string | Account ID. |
FromDaterequired | date-time | The from date used when calculating data for the request. |
ToDaterequired | date-time | The to date used when calculating data for the request. |
Response Examples
# 200 - OK
"Data": [
"Summary": {
"CashBookCode": "+CASH_AUST_TEST",
"CashBookDescription": "Testing 1 - Cash Management Account",
"Currency": "AUD",
"OpeningBalance": 790491.23,
"Deposits": 103301.29,
"Withdrawals": -629218.73,
"ClosingBalance": 264573.79,
"ClosingBalanceInAccountCurrency": 264573.79
"Transactions": [
"TransactionId": "AU0",
"TransactionDate": "2020-07-01T10:00:00+10:00",
"Currency": "AUD",
"TransactionTypeDescription": "Opening Balance",
"Narration": "",
"Deposit": 0.00,
"Withdrawal": 0.00,
"ValueInAccountCurrency": 0.00,
"Balance": 790491.23
"TransactionId": "AU1290146936",
"TransactionDate": "2020-07-02T00:00:00+10:00",
"Currency": "AUD",
"TransactionTypeDescription": "Rebate",
"Deposit": 150.69,
"Withdrawal": 0.00,
"ValueInAccountCurrency": 150.69,
"Balance": 790641.92
"Summary": {
"CashBookCode": "+CASH_INTL_TEST_USD",
"CashBookDescription": "Testing 2 - LLC US Dollar Cash Account",
"Currency": "USD",
"OpeningBalance": 4051.84,
"Deposits": 2918.56,
"Withdrawals": -1949.78,
"ClosingBalance": 5020.62,
"ClosingBalanceInAccountCurrency": 6474.04
"Transactions": [
"TransactionId": "AU0",
"TransactionDate": "2020-07-01T10:00:00+10:00",
"Currency": "USD",
"TransactionTypeDescription": "Opening Balance",
"Narration": "",
"Deposit": 0.00,
"Withdrawal": 0.00,
"ValueInAccountCurrency": 0.00,
"Balance": 4051.84
"Metadata": {
"TotalCount": 2,
"TotalPages": 1
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Data | array | |
Data.Summary | object | |
Data.Summary.CashBookCode | string | The code of the cashbook. |
Data.Summary.CashBookDescription | string | A description of the cashbook. |
Data.Summary.Currency | string | Denominated currency of the cashbook transactions. |
Data.Summary.OpeningBalance | double | Cashbook balance at the FromDate in the denominated currency. |
Data.Summary.Deposits | double | Sum of all credit type transactions for the cashbook in the denominated currency. |
Data.Summary.Withdrawals | double | Sum of all debit type transactions for the cashbook in the denominated currency. |
Data.Summary.ClosingBalance | double | Cashbook balance at the ToDate in the denominated currency. |
Data.Summary.ClosingBalanceInAccountCurrency | double | ClosingBalance of the cashbook. (Account currency) |
Data.Transactions | array | |
Data.Transactions.TransactionId | string | The unique identifier of the transaction. |
Data.Transactions.TransactionDate | date-time | The date on which the transaction occurred. |
Data.Transactions.Currency | string | Denominated currency of the transaction. |
Data.Transactions.TransactionTypeDescription | string | A categorised type of the transaction. |
Data.Transactions.Narration | string | Displays any notes that have added to the transaction. |
Data.Transactions.Deposit | double | The amount in the denominated currency if this transaction is a credit type. |
Data.Transactions.Withdrawal | double | The amount in the denominated currency if this transaction is a debit type. |
Data.Transactions.ValueInAccountCurrency | double | Value of the transaction. (Account currency) |
Data.Transactions.Balance | double | The balance in the denominated currency of the cash book after the transaction has been credited or debited. |
Metadata | object | Metadata including pagination. |
Metadata.TotalCount | integer | Total number of results found. |
Metadata.TotalPages | integer | Total pages of results. |
GET Unsettled Transactions
This endpoint returns unsettled transactions for the account.
Header Examples
Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImt...
x-pps-subscription-key: d3e30ecd1ab345...
x-pps-api-version: v1
Header Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Authorizationrequired | string | Access token. |
x-pps-subscription-keyrequired | string | Product subscription key. |
x-pps-api-versionrequired | string | API version of the endpoint. |
Request Parameter - Query Examples
AccountId: AU400000
FromDate: 2020-01-23T00:00:00Z
ToDate: 2022-01-23T00:00:00Z
Page: 1
Size: 100
OrderBy: 1
Order: 1
Request Parameter - Query
Parameter | Type | Description |
AccountIdrequired | string | Account ID. |
FromDaterequired | date-time | The from date used when calculating data for the request. |
ToDaterequired | date-time | The to date used when calculating data for the request. |
BuysAndSellsOnly | boolean | Whether to includes only Buy, Close position, Sell, Short Sell, Write Opt. to Open, Write Opt. to Close, Buy Opt. to open, Buy Opt. to close. Default to false. |
Page | integer | Page number to return. Default to 1. |
Size | integer | Page size to return. Default to 100. |
OrderBy | enum | TransactionDate = 0, Security = 1. Default to 0. |
Order | enum | Asc = 0, Desc = 1. Default to 1. |
Response Examples
# 200 - OK
"Data": [
"Security": {
"Code": "WBCPK_N",
"Exchange": "ASX"
"TransactionDate": "2021-08-18T00:00:00+10:00",
"TransactionTypeDescription": "Corp. Action",
"Quantity": 258,
"NetAmount": -25800,
"AveragePrice": 100,
"Brokerage": 0,
"Gst": 0,
"DisposalMethod": "",
"Narration": "Tax Date 15/09/2021. Reinvestment Offer: WBCPG resold for A$100.00 and reinvested in WBCPK on a 1 for 1 basis.",
"TradedCurrency": "AUD",
"AmountInTradedCurrency": 25800,
"AveragePriceInTradedCurrency": 100,
"SettlementDate": "2022-12-01T00:00:00+11:00",
"ContractNoteReference": "",
"OtherCharges": 0,
"OtherChargesGst": 0
"Security": {
"Code": "WBCPG",
"Exchange": "ASX"
"TransactionDate": "2021-08-18T00:00:00+10:00",
"TransactionTypeDescription": "Corp. Action",
"Quantity": -258,
"NetAmount": -25800,
"AveragePrice": 100,
"Brokerage": 0,
"Gst": 0,
"DisposalMethod": "",
"Narration": "Tax Date 15/09/2021. Reinvestment Offer: WBCPG resold for A$100.00 and reinvested in WBCPK on a 1 for 1 basis.",
"TradedCurrency": "AUD",
"AmountInTradedCurrency": -25800,
"AveragePriceInTradedCurrency": 100,
"SettlementDate": "2022-12-01T00:00:00+11:00",
"ContractNoteReference": "",
"OtherCharges": 0,
"OtherChargesGst": 0
"Metadata": {
"TotalCount": 2,
"TotalPages": 1
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Data | array | |
Data.Security | object | |
Data.Security.Code | string | Security code. |
Data.Security.Exchange | string | Security exchange. |
Data.TransactionDate | date-time | The date on which the transaction occurred. |
Data.TransactionTypeDescription | string | Transaction type description. |
Data.Quantity | double | The number of units or shares disposed. |
Data.NetAmount | double | This value should be adjusted (increased for a buy, decreased for a sell) for any brokerage, GST or other charges paid to transact. (Account currency) |
Data.AveragePrice | double | Net amount divided by quantity. (Account currency) |
Data.Brokerage | double | Total of any brokerage for the transaction. (Account currency) |
Data.Gst | double | GST amount of any brokerage for the transaction. (Account currency) |
Data.DisposalMethod | string | Tax method used on the security disposal. |
Data.Narration | string | Displays any notes that have added to the transaction. |
Data.TradedCurrency | string | For International Investments. Displays the currency in which the asset was traded. |
Data.AmountInTradedCurrency | double | Displays the amount traded in an international currency. |
Data.AveragePriceInTradedCurrency | double | TradedCurrencyAmount divided by quantity. |
Data.SettlementDate | date-time | The date on which the transaction settled. |
Data.ContractNoteReference | string | Unique contract note reference number. |
Data.OtherCharges | double | Total of any other charges (eg. international transaction processing fees) for the transaction. (Account currency) |
Data.OtherChargesGst | double | GST amount of any other charges for the transaction. (Account currency) |
Metadata | object | Metadata including pagination. |
Metadata.TotalCount | integer | Total number of results found. |
Metadata.TotalPages | integer | Total pages of results. |
GET Income Detail
This endpoint returns income detail for the account.
Header Examples
Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImt...
x-pps-subscription-key: d3e30ecd1ab345...
x-pps-api-version: v1
Header Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Authorizationrequired | string | Access token. |
x-pps-subscription-keyrequired | string | Product subscription key. |
x-pps-api-versionrequired | string | API version of the endpoint. |
Request Parameter - Query Examples
AccountId: AU400000
FromDate: 2021-01-23T00:00:00Z
ToDate: 2021-02-23T00:00:00Z
Request Parameter - Query
Parameter | Type | Description |
AccountIdrequired | string | Account ID. |
FromDaterequired | date-time | The from date used when calculating data for the request. |
ToDaterequired | date-time | The to date used when calculating data for the request. |
Response Examples
# 200 - OK
"TaxWithheld": 0.0,
"Receivable": 0.0,
"CashAmount": 28.74,
"Drp": 0.0,
"IncomeTotal": 28.74,
"Currency": "AUD",
"PaymentDate": "2021-01-29T00:00:00+11:00",
"ExecutionDate": "2021-01-29T00:00:00+11:00",
"Security": {
"Code": "+CASH_AUST_TEST",
"Exchange": ""
"IncomeTypeDescription": "Interest from cash",
"IncomeSource": "Australian",
"IncomeId": "AU88295538",
"ForeignTaxPay": 0.0,
"FrankingCredit": 0.0
"TaxWithheld": 0.0,
"Receivable": 0.0,
"CashAmount": 58.5,
"Drp": 0.0,
"IncomeTotal": 58.5,
"Currency": "AUD",
"PaymentDate": "2020-12-31T00:00:00+11:00",
"ExecutionDate": "2020-12-31T00:00:00+11:00",
"Security": {
"Code": "+CASH_AUST_TEST",
"Exchange": ""
"IncomeTypeDescription": "Interest from cash",
"IncomeSource": "Australian",
"IncomeId": "AU76249491",
"ForeignTaxPay": 0.0,
"FrankingCredit": 0.0
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
TaxWithheld | double | Total tax withheld on the income record. (Account currency) |
Receivable | double | Amount of income yet to be received. (Account currency) |
CashAmount | double | Amount received via cash. (Account currency) |
Drp | double | Amount received via dividend reinvestment. (Account currency) |
IncomeTotal | double | Total value of the income record. (Account currency) |
PaymentDate | date-time | Payment date of the income record. |
ExecutionDate | date-time | Execution date of the income record. |
Security | object | |
Security.Code | string | Security code. |
Security.Exchange | string | Security exchange. |
IncomeTypeDescription | string | Type of income received. |
IncomeSource | string | Whether the income was Australian or foreign based. |
IncomeId | string | Praemium income ID. |
ForeignTaxPay | double | Amount of foreign tax of the income record. (Account currency) |
FrankingCredit | double | Franking credit amount attributable to the income. (Account currency) |
GET Income Schedules
This endpoint returns income schedules for the account.
Header Examples
Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImt...
x-pps-subscription-key: d3e30ecd1ab345...
x-pps-api-version: v1
Header Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Authorizationrequired | string | Access token. |
x-pps-subscription-keyrequired | string | Product subscription key. |
x-pps-api-versionrequired | string | API version of the endpoint. |
Request Parameter - Query Examples
AccountId: AU400000
FromDate: 2021-01-23T00:00:00Z
ToDate: 2021-02-23T00:00:00Z
Request Parameter - Query
Parameter | Type | Description |
AccountIdrequired | string | Account ID. |
FromDaterequired | date-time | The from date used when calculating data for the request. |
ToDaterequired | date-time | The to date used when calculating data for the request. |
Response Examples
# 200 - OK
"CashAmount": 58.40,
"TrustOtherExpenses": 0.00,
"ForeignIncomeTaxOffsetsTotal": 0.00,
"TaxWithheld": 0.00,
"IncomeTotal": 58.40,
"NonAssessableTotal": 0.00,
"TrustCGTDistributionsTotal": 0.00,
"ForeignIncomeTotal": 0.00,
"Drp": 0.00,
"TrustOtherAust": 0.00,
"FrankedTotal": 58.40,
"UnfrankedTotal": 0.00,
"Interest": 0.00,
"TaxDate": "2020-12-18T00:00:00+11:00",
"IncomeTypeDescription": "Dividends",
"IncomeId": "AU72394073",
"FrankingCreditsTotal": 25.03,
"AccruedAmount": 0.00
"CashAmount": 653.45,
"TrustOtherExpenses": 0.00,
"ForeignIncomeTaxOffsetsTotal": 0.00,
"TaxWithheld": 0.00,
"IncomeTotal": 653.45,
"NonAssessableTotal": 0.00,
"TrustCGTDistributionsTotal": 0.00,
"ForeignIncomeTotal": 0.00,
"Drp": 0.00,
"TrustOtherAust": 0.00,
"FrankedTotal": 653.45,
"UnfrankedTotal": 0.00,
"Interest": 0.00,
"TaxDate": "2020-09-22T00:00:00+10:00",
"AssetDescription": "BHP GROUP LIMITED FPO",
"IncomeTypeDescription": "Dividends",
"IncomeId": "AU2962862",
"FrankingCreditsTotal": 280.05,
"AccruedAmount": 0.00
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
CashAmount | double | Amount received via cash. (Account currency) |
TrustOtherExpenses | double | Other expenses related to the income record. (Account currency) |
ForeignIncomeTaxOffsetsTotal | double | Foreign income tax offsets. (Account currency) |
TaxWithheld | double | Total tax withheld on the income record. (Account currency) |
IncomeTotal | double | Total value of the income record. (Account currency) |
NonAssessableTotal | double | Total amount that is non assessable for tax purposes. (Account currency) |
TrustCgtDistributionsTotal | double | Amount received due to distributed capital gains. (Account currency) |
ForeignIncomeTotal | double | Amount received from non-Australian sources. (Account currency) |
Drp | double | Amount received via dividend reinvestment. (Account currency) |
AustralianTrustOther | double | Australian sourced income component that is not classified as one of the other types. (Account currency) |
FrankedTotal | double | Amount received that was franked. (Account currency) |
UnfrankedTotal | double | Amount received that was unfranked. (Account currency) |
Interest | double | Interest amount. (Account currency) |
TaxDate | date-time | Tax date of the income record. |
Security | object | |
Security.Code | string | Security code. |
Security.Exchange | string | Security exchange. |
IncomeTypeDescription | string | Type of income received. |
IncomeId | string | Praemium income ID. |
FrankingCreditsTotal | double | Imputation credits. (Account currency) |
AccruedAmount | double | Income amount that is accrued. (Account currency) |
GET Bulk Income Schedules
This endpoint returns income schedules for all specified accounts.
Header Examples
Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImt...
x-pps-subscription-key: d3e30ecd1ab345...
x-pps-api-version: v1
Header Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Authorizationrequired | string | Access token. |
x-pps-subscription-keyrequired | string | Product subscription key. |
x-pps-api-versionrequired | string | API version of the endpoint. |
Request Parameter - Query Examples
AccountIds: "AU400000"
AccountIds: "AU400001"
FromDate: 2021-01-23T00:00:00Z
ToDate: 2021-02-23T00:00:00Z
Request Parameter - Query
Parameter | Type | Description |
AccountIdsrequired | array | An array of account IDs. |
FromDaterequired | date-time | The from date used when calculating data for the request. |
ToDaterequired | date-time | The to date used when calculating data for the request. |
Response Examples
# 200 - OK
"AccountId": "AU400000",
"IncomeSchedules": [
"CashAmount": 58.40,
"TrustOtherExpenses": 0.00,
"ForeignIncomeTaxOffsetsTotal": 0.00,
"TaxWithheld": 0.00,
"IncomeTotal": 58.40,
"NonAssessableTotal": 0.00,
"TrustCGTDistributionsTotal": 0.00,
"ForeignIncomeTotal": 0.00,
"Drp": 0.00,
"TrustOtherAust": 0.00,
"FrankedTotal": 58.40,
"UnfrankedTotal": 0.00,
"Interest": 0.00,
"TaxDate": "2020-12-18T00:00:00+11:00",
"IncomeTypeDescription": "Dividends",
"IncomeId": "AU72394073",
"FrankingCreditsTotal": 25.03,
"AccruedAmount": 0.00
"AccountId": "AU400001",
"IncomeSchedules": [
"CashAmount": 653.45,
"TrustOtherExpenses": 0.00,
"ForeignIncomeTaxOffsetsTotal": 0.00,
"TaxWithheld": 0.00,
"IncomeTotal": 653.45,
"NonAssessableTotal": 0.00,
"TrustCGTDistributionsTotal": 0.00,
"ForeignIncomeTotal": 0.00,
"Drp": 0.00,
"TrustOtherAust": 0.00,
"FrankedTotal": 653.45,
"UnfrankedTotal": 0.00,
"Interest": 0.00,
"TaxDate": "2020-09-22T00:00:00+10:00",
"AssetDescription": "BHP GROUP LIMITED FPO",
"IncomeTypeDescription": "Dividends",
"IncomeId": "AU2962862",
"FrankingCreditsTotal": 280.05,
"AccruedAmount": 0.00
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
AccountId | string | Account ID. |
IncomeSchedules | array | |
IncomeSchedules.CashAmount | double | Amount received via cash. (Account currency) |
IncomeSchedules.TrustOtherExpenses | double | Other expenses related to the income record. (Account currency) |
IncomeSchedules.ForeignIncomeTaxOffsetsTotal | double | Foreign income tax offsets. (Account currency) |
IncomeSchedules.TaxWithheld | double | Total tax withheld on the income record. (Account currency) |
IncomeSchedules.IncomeTotal | double | Total value of the income record. (Account currency) |
IncomeSchedules.NonAssessableTotal | double | Total amount that is non assessable for tax purposes. (Account currency) |
IncomeSchedules.TrustCgtDistributionsTotal | double | Amount received due to distributed capital gains. (Account currency) |
IncomeSchedules.ForeignIncomeTotal | double | Amount received from non-Australian sources. (Account currency) |
IncomeSchedules.Drp | double | Amount received via dividend reinvestment. (Account currency) |
IncomeSchedules.AustralianTrustOther | double | Australian sourced income component that is not classified as one of the other types. (Account currency) |
IncomeSchedules.FrankedTotal | double | Amount received that was franked. (Account currency) |
IncomeSchedules.UnfrankedTotal | double | Amount received that was unfranked. (Account currency) |
IncomeSchedules.Interest | double | Interest amount. (Account currency) |
IncomeSchedules.TaxDate | date-time | Tax date of the income record. |
IncomeSchedules.Security | object | |
IncomeSchedules.Security.Code | string | Security code. |
IncomeSchedules.Security.Exchange | string | Security exchange. |
IncomeSchedules.IncomeTypeDescription | string | Type of income received. |
IncomeSchedules.IncomeId | string | Praemium income ID. |
IncomeSchedules.FrankingCreditsTotal | double | Imputation credits. (Account currency) |
IncomeSchedules.AccruedAmount | double | Income amount that is accrued. (Account currency) |
GET Dividend Reinvestment Details
This endpoint returns dividend reinvestment details for the account.
Header Examples
Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImt...
x-pps-subscription-key: d3e30ecd1ab345...
x-pps-api-version: v1
Header Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Authorizationrequired | string | Access token. |
x-pps-subscription-keyrequired | string | Product subscription key. |
x-pps-api-versionrequired | string | API version of the endpoint. |
Request Parameter - Query Examples
AccountId: AU400000
Request Parameter - Query
Parameter | Type | Description |
AccountIdrequired | string | Account ID. |
Response Examples
# 200 - OK
"Security": {
"Code": "PLA0002AU",
"Exchange": "FND"
"DrpType": 0,
"FromDate": "1900-01-01T00:00:00+11:00",
"ToDate": "2050-01-01T00:00:00+11:00",
"MaxSharesParticipating": -1.0,
"PercentSharesParticipating": 0.0,
"ExcludeFromDrp": false
"Security": {
"Code": "PER0439AU",
"Exchange": "FND"
"DrpType": 0,
"FromDate": "1900-01-01T00:00:00+11:00",
"ToDate": "2012-07-01T00:00:00+10:00",
"MaxSharesParticipating": 39108.0,
"PercentSharesParticipating": 0.0,
"ExcludeFromDrp": false
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Security | object | |
Security.Code | string | Security code. |
Security.Exchange | string | Security exchange. |
DrpType | enum | Either DRP (Dividend Reinvestment Plan) or BSP (Bonus Share Plan). |
FromDate | date-time | The date that the DRP is active from. |
ToDate | date-time | The date that the DRP is active to. |
MaxSharesParticipating | double | The number of shares held that are requested to participate in the reinvestment plan. |
PercentSharesParticipating | double | The percentage of the DRP to take as shares. Note that this cannot be used in conjunction with MaxSharesParticipating. |
ExcludeFromDrp | boolean | Whether the security is excluded from the account-wide reinvestment plan. |
GET Expense Detail
This endpoint returns expenses for the account.
Header Examples
Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImt...
x-pps-subscription-key: d3e30ecd1ab345...
x-pps-api-version: v1
Header Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Authorizationrequired | string | Access token. |
x-pps-subscription-keyrequired | string | Product subscription key. |
x-pps-api-versionrequired | string | API version of the endpoint. |
Request Parameter - Query Examples
AccountId: AU400000
FromDate: 2021-01-23T00:00:00Z
ToDate: 2021-02-23T00:00:00Z
Request Parameter - Query
Parameter | Type | Description |
AccountIdrequired | string | Account ID. |
FromDaterequired | date-time | The from date used when calculating data for the request. |
ToDaterequired | date-time | The to date used when calculating data for the request. |
Response Examples
# 200 - OK
"ExpenseId": "AU306918771",
"EffectiveDate": "2020-07-08T00:00:00+10:00",
"TaxDate": "2020-07-08T00:00:00+10:00",
"PaymentDate": "2020-07-08T00:00:00+10:00",
"ExpenseIncludingGst": 2802.23,
"ExpenseExcludingGst": 2547.48,
"GstRefundableAmount": 0.0,
"DeductibleAmount": 2802.23,
"NonDeductibleAmount": 0.00,
"ExpenseNarration": "Testing: SMA Model Fee April - June 20",
"ExpenseTypeGroupDescription": "Investment expenses",
"ExpenseTypeDescription": "Portfolio management fees"
"ExpenseId": "AU306918772",
"EffectiveDate": "2020-07-08T00:00:00+10:00",
"TaxDate": "2020-07-08T00:00:00+10:00",
"PaymentDate": "2020-07-08T00:00:00+10:00",
"ExpenseIncludingGst": 127.96,
"ExpenseExcludingGst": 116.33,
"GstRefundableAmount": 0.0,
"DeductibleAmount": 127.96,
"NonDeductibleAmount": 0.00,
"ExpenseNarration": "Testing: Ongoing Adviser Fee April- June 20",
"ExpenseTypeGroupDescription": "Investment expenses",
"ExpenseTypeDescription": "Portfolio management fees"
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
ExpenseId | string | Praemium expense id. |
EffectiveDate | date-time | Date the expense was deemed to have been incurred. |
TaxDate | date-time | Date used for tax action reporting purposes. |
PaymentDate | date-time | Date the expense was paid. |
ExpenseIncludingGst | double | Amount paid including GST. (Account currency) |
ExpenseExcludingGst | double | Amount paid excluding GST. (Account currency) |
GstRefundableAmount | double | Refundable amount of GST the account is eligible to claim for the expense. (Account currency) |
DeductibleAmount | double | Portion of the expense that can be claimed as a tax deduction. (Account currency) |
NonDeductibleAmount | double | Portion of the expense that cannot be claimed as a tax deduction. (Account currency) |
ExpenseNarration | string | Notes attached to the expense. |
ExpenseTypeGroupDescription | string | Expenses categorised as Admin / Investment / Member / Non-investment. |
ExpenseTypeDescription | string | Description of the expense type. Please visit the “Expense Types” pages in Help Centre for a full list. |
GET Realised CGT
This endpoint returns realised CGT for the account.
Header Examples
Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImt...
x-pps-subscription-key: d3e30ecd1ab345...
x-pps-api-version: v1
Header Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Authorizationrequired | string | Access token. |
x-pps-subscription-keyrequired | string | Product subscription key. |
x-pps-api-versionrequired | string | API version of the endpoint. |
Request Parameter - Query Examples
AccountId: AU400000
Request Parameter - Query
Parameter | Type | Description |
AccountIdrequired | string | Account ID. |
Response Examples
# 200 - OK
"LossesCarriedForward": 0.0,
"LossesCurrentYear": -32119.23,
"CgtDisposalsDiscounted": 28724.5,
"CgtDisposalsIndexed": 0.0,
"CgtDisposalsOther": 32552.85,
"CgtDistributionsDiscounted": 0.0,
"CgtDistributionsIndexed": 0.0,
"CgtDistributionsOther": 0.0,
"LossesAppliedDiscounted": 0.0,
"LossesAppliedIndexed": 0.0,
"LossesAppliedOther": -32119.23,
"DiscountApplied": -14362.25,
"NetCapitalGainLoss": 14795.87,
"NetCapitalGainLossDiscounted": 14362.25,
"NetCapitalGainLossIndexed": 0.0,
"NetCapitalGainLossOther": 433.62
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
LossesCarriedForward | double | Any losses from the prior years that have been carried forward. (Account currency) |
LossesCurrentYear | double | The total amount of losses incurred from asset disposals during the tax year. (Account currency) |
CgtDisposalsDiscounted | double | Disposal amounts that have had the discount rate applied. (Account currency) |
CgtDisposalsIndexed | double | Shows the gain between the indexed cost and the disposal value, if applicable. (Account currency) |
CgtDisposalsOther | double | Applies if the asset was disposed within 12 months of acquisition. (Account currency) |
CgtDistributionsDiscounted | double | Distribution amounts that have had the discount rate applied. (Account currency) |
CgtDistributionsIndexed | double | Shows the gain between the indexed cost and the disposal value, if applicable. (Account currency) |
CgtDistributionsOther | double | Applies if the asset was disposed within 12 months of acquisition. (Account currency) |
LossesAppliedDiscounted | double | Losses attributable against discounted gains. (Account currency) |
LossesAppliedIndexed | double | Losses attributable against indexed gains. (Account currency) |
LossesAppliedOther | double | Losses attributable against other gains. (Account currency) |
DiscountApplied | double | The amount of discount allowable. (Account currency) |
NetCapitalGainLoss | double | The account's net capital gain (or loss) for the tax year. (Account currency) |
NetCapitalGainLossDiscounted | double | The account's net capital gain (or loss) related to discounting. (Account currency) |
NetCapitalGainLossIndexed | double | The account's net capital gain (or loss) related to indexing. (Account currency) |
NetCapitalGainLossOther | double | The account's net capital gain (or loss) not relating to discounting or indexing. (Account currency) |
GET Realised CGT Detail
This endpoint returns realised CGT Detail for the account.
Header Examples
Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImt...
x-pps-subscription-key: d3e30ecd1ab345...
x-pps-api-version: v1
Header Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Authorizationrequired | string | Access token. |
x-pps-subscription-keyrequired | string | Product subscription key. |
x-pps-api-versionrequired | string | API version of the endpoint. |
Request Parameter - Query Examples
AccountId: AU400000
Request Parameter - Query
Parameter | Type | Description |
AccountIdrequired | string | Account ID. |
Response Examples
# 200 - OK
"CgtAssetDisposals": [
"CgtGain": 182.04,
"OtherGain": 182.04,
"OptimalCgtCalculationMethod": "Other",
"GrossGain": 182.04,
"SaleProceeds": 4144.74,
"TaxFreeAmount": 0.0,
"ActualCost": 3962.70,
"Quantity": 111.00,
"SaleDate": "2020-08-03T00:00:00+10:00",
"PurchaseDate": "2019-11-01T00:00:00+11:00",
"TaxDate": "2019-11-01T00:00:00+11:00",
"Security": {
"Code": "BHP",
"Exchange": "ASX"
"AdjustedCost": 3962.70
"OptimalCgtCalculationMethod": "Other",
"GrossGain": 0.00,
"SaleProceeds": 73.10,
"CgtLoss": -4.04,
"TaxFreeAmount": 0.0,
"ActualCost": 77.14,
"Quantity": 2.00,
"SaleDate": "2020-09-11T00:00:00+10:00",
"PurchaseDate": "2020-08-24T00:00:00+10:00",
"TaxDate": "2020-08-24T00:00:00+10:00",
"Security": {
"Code": "BHP",
"Exchange": "ASX"
"AdjustedCost": 77.14
"TaxFreeAndTaxDeferredAmounts": [
"Security": {
"Code": "OPS0002AU",
"Exchange": ""
"TaxDate": "2019-11-11T00:00:00+11:00",
"PurchaseDate": "2019-11-11T00:00:00+11:00",
"SaleDate": "2020-07-13T00:00:00+10:00",
"Quantity": 66.0,
"ActualCost": 219.57,
"TaxDeferredAmount": 0.0,
"TaxFreeAmount": 0.0,
"AdjustedCost": 219.48
"Security": {
"Code": "OPS0002AU",
"Exchange": ""
"TaxDate": "2019-11-11T00:00:00+11:00",
"PurchaseDate": "2019-11-11T00:00:00+11:00",
"SaleDate": "2020-07-16T00:00:00+10:00",
"Quantity": 134.0,
"ActualCost": 445.79,
"TaxDeferredAmount": 0.0,
"TaxFreeAmount": 0.0,
"AdjustedCost": 445.60
"TrustCgtDistributions": [
"Security": {
"Code": "OPS0002AU",
"Exchange": ""
"TaxDate": "2019-11-11T00:00:00+11:00",
"GrossGain": 66.0,
"DiscountedGain": 219.57,
"IndexedGain": 0.0,
"OtherGain": 0.0,
"CgtGainLoss": 219.48,
"PreCgtGainLoss": 219.48
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
CgtAssetDisposals | array | |
CgtAssetDisposals.CgtGain | double | Calculated based on what is optimal for the disposal method selected. (Account currency) |
CgtAssetDisposals.OtherGain | double | Equal to the gross gain if applicable. Applies if the asset was purchased within the last 12 months relative to the as at date requested for this section. (Account currency) |
CgtAssetDisposals.IndexedGain | double | Shows the gain between the indexed cost and the market value, if applicable. (Account currency) |
CgtAssetDisposals.DiscountedGain | double | The net of the gross gain and discount applied based on amounts that have had the discount rate applied. If the account is for a company, then the discounted rate applied will be zero. For an individual the discount rate applied is 50%. (Account currency) |
CgtAssetDisposals.OptimalCgtCalculationMethod | string | The disposal method selected to calculate CGT gains. |
CgtAssetDisposals.GrossGain | double | Equal to the market value minus the adjusted cost. Shows the gain before any discounting or indexing is applied. (Account currency) |
CgtAssetDisposals.SaleProceeds | double | The amount the parcel was sold for. (Account currency) |
CgtAssetDisposals.IndexedCost | double | If the security was acquired prior to 30/09/1999 and was held for more than one year, the cost base is increased by applying an indexation factor based on increase in CPI. (Account currency) |
CgtAssetDisposals.CgtLoss | double | Applicable if there is a loss on a tax parcel and the purchase date is post 19 September 1985. (Account currency) |
CgtAssetDisposals.TaxFreeAmount | double | Amount within the parcel that is tax free. (Account currency) |
CgtAssetDisposals.ActualCost | double | The amount the parcel was purchased for less any GST refundable amount. (Account currency) |
CgtAssetDisposals.Quantity | double | The number of units or shares disposed. |
CgtAssetDisposals.SaleDate | date-time | The disposal date. |
CgtAssetDisposals.PurchaseDate | date-time | Typically, this is the same as the Tax date unless a corporate action has occurred, such as a takeover, where CGT rollover relief applies. |
CgtAssetDisposals.TaxDate | date-time | The date of the original purchase of the parcels, as used for tax purposes. |
CgtAssetDisposals.Security | object | |
CgtAssetDisposals.Security.Code | string | Security code. |
CgtAssetDisposals.Security.Exchange | string | Security exchange. |
CgtAssetDisposals.AdjustedCost | double | The actual cost adjusted for any corporate actions, such as tax deferred distributions, or subsequent transactions. (Account currency) |
CgtAssetDisposals.PreCgtGainLoss | double | Gain if Pre-CGT calculation method is selected. (Account currency) |
TaxFreeAndTaxDeferredAmounts | array | |
TaxFreeAndTaxDeferredAmounts.Security | object | |
TaxFreeAndTaxDeferredAmounts.Security.Code | string | Security code. |
TaxFreeAndTaxDeferredAmounts.Security.Exchange | string | Security exchange. |
TaxFreeAndTaxDeferredAmounts.TaxDate | date-time | The date of the original purchase of the parcels, as used for tax purposes. |
TaxFreeAndTaxDeferredAmounts.PurchaseDate | date-time | Typically, this is the same as the Tax date unless a corporate action has occurred, such as a takeover, where CGT rollover relief applies. |
TaxFreeAndTaxDeferredAmounts.SaleDate | date-time | The disposal date. |
TaxFreeAndTaxDeferredAmounts.Quantity | double | The number of units or shares disposed. |
TaxFreeAndTaxDeferredAmounts.ActualCost | double | The amount the parcel was purchased for less any GST refundable amount. (Account currency) |
TaxFreeAndTaxDeferredAmounts.TaxDeferredAmount | double | Amount within the parcel that is tax deferred. (Account currency) |
TaxFreeAndTaxDeferredAmounts.TaxFreeAmount | double | Amount within the parcel that is tax free. (Account currency) |
TaxFreeAndTaxDeferredAmounts.AdjustedCost | double | The actual cost adjusted for any corporate actions, such as tax deferred distributions, or subsequent transactions. (Account currency) |
TrustCgtDistributions | array | |
TrustCgtDistributions.Security | object | |
TrustCgtDistributions.Security.Code | string | Security code. |
TrustCgtDistributions.Security.Exchange | string | Security exchange. |
TrustCgtDistributions.TaxDate | date-time | The date of the original purchase of the parcels, as used for tax purposes. |
TrustCgtDistributions.GrossGain | double | Equal to the Market value minus the Adjusted cost. Shows the gain before any discounting or indexing is applied. (Account currency) |
TrustCgtDistributions.DiscountedGain | double | The net of the gross gain and discount applied based on amounts that have had the discount rate applied. If the account is for a company, then the discounted rate applied will be zero. For an individual the discount rate applied is 50%. (Account currency) |
TrustCgtDistributions.IndexedGain | double | Shows the gain between the indexed cost and the market value, if applicable. (Account currency) |
TrustCgtDistributions.OtherGain | double | Equal to the gross gain if applicable. Applies if the asset was purchased within the last 12 months relative to the as at date requested for this section. (Account currency) |
TrustCgtDistributions.CgtGainLoss | double | The CGT gain is calculated based on what is optimal for the disposal method selected. In some cases the indexed gain is used to optimise the use of losses. The CGT gain calculated from a less than optimal method is shown in italics for information purposes only and is excluded from the totals for the account. NA is shown if a calculation method is not applicable. (Account currency) |
TrustCgtDistributions.PreCgtGainLoss | double | Gain if Pre-CGT calculation method is selected. (Account currency) |
GET Unrealised CGT
This endpoint returns unrealised CGT for the account.
Header Examples
Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImt...
x-pps-subscription-key: d3e30ecd1ab345...
x-pps-api-version: v1
Header Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Authorizationrequired | string | Access token. |
x-pps-subscription-keyrequired | string | Product subscription key. |
x-pps-api-versionrequired | string | API version of the endpoint. |
Request Parameter - Query Examples
AccountId: AU400000
Request Parameter - Query
Parameter | Type | Description |
AccountIdrequired | string | Account ID. |
Response Examples
# 200 - OK
"CostBaseUnknown": false,
"ActualCost": 974774.09,
"AdjustedCost": 974182.83,
"MarketValue": 1182975.30,
"GrossGain": 220253.94,
"DiscountedGain": 54878.41,
"OtherGain": 110497.70,
"CgtGain": 165376.11,
"CgtLoss": -11461.47
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
CostBaseUnknown | boolean | Whether cost base is unknown. |
ActualCost | double | The amount the parcel was purchased for less any GST refundable amount. (Account currency) |
AdjustedCost | double | The actual cost adjusted for any corporate actions, such as tax deferred distributions, or subsequent transactions. (Account currency) |
MarketValue | double | Market Value of the security at the ValuationDate. (Account currency) |
GrossGain | double | Equal to the market value minus the adjusted cost. Shows the gain before any discounting or indexing is applied. (Account currency) |
DiscountedGain | double | The net of the gross gain and discount applied based on amounts that have had the discount rate applied. If the account is for a company, then the discounted rate applied will be zero. For an individual the discount rate applied is 50%. (Account currency) |
IndexedGain | double | Shows the gain between the indexed cost and the market value, if applicable. (Account currency) |
OtherGain | double | Equal to the gross gain if applicable. Applies if the asset was purchased within the last 12 months relative to the as at date requested for this section. (Account currency) |
CgtGain | double | Calculated based on what is optimal for the disposal method selected. (Account currency) |
CgtLoss | double | Applicable if there is a loss on a tax parcel and the purchase date is post 19 September 1985. (Account currency) |
CgtExemptGainLoss | double | The gross gain or loss on tax parcels with that are CGT exempt, including those with a purchase date before the CGT legislation applied. (Account currency) |
GET Unrealised CGT Detail
This endpoint returns unrealised CGT detail for the account.
Header Examples
Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImt...
x-pps-subscription-key: d3e30ecd1ab345...
x-pps-api-version: v1
Header Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Authorizationrequired | string | Access token. |
x-pps-subscription-keyrequired | string | Product subscription key. |
x-pps-api-versionrequired | string | API version of the endpoint. |
Request Parameter - Query Examples
AccountId: AU400000
Page: 1
Size: 100
Request Parameter - Query
Parameter | Type | Description |
AccountIdrequired | string | Account ID. |
Page | integer | Page number to return. Default to 1. |
Size | integer | Page size to return. Default to 100. |
Response Examples
# 200 - OK
"Data": [
"CgtGain": 11.78,
"DiscountedGain": 11.78,
"OptimalCgtCalculationMethod": "Discounted",
"GrossGain": 23.56,
"MarketValue": 105.50,
"AdjustedCost": 81.94,
"TaxFreeAmount": 0.00,
"TaxDeferredAmount": 0.00,
"ActualCost": 81.94,
"CostBaseUnknown": false,
"Quantity": 1.0000,
"PurchaseDate": "2020-03-02T00:00:00+11:00",
"TaxDate": "2020-03-02T00:00:00+11:00",
"Security": {
"Code": "6981",
"Exchange": "TYO"
"CgtGain": 185.71,
"DiscountedGain": 185.71,
"OptimalCgtCalculationMethod": "Discounted",
"GrossGain": 371.41,
"MarketValue": 1688.07,
"AdjustedCost": 1316.66,
"TaxFreeAmount": 0.00,
"TaxDeferredAmount": 0.00,
"ActualCost": 1316.66,
"CostBaseUnknown": false,
"Quantity": 16.0000,
"PurchaseDate": "2020-03-04T00:00:00+11:00",
"TaxDate": "2020-03-04T00:00:00+11:00",
"Security": {
"Code": "6981",
"Exchange": "TYO"
"Metadata": {
"TotalCount": 14,
"TotalPages": 7
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Data | array | |
Data.CgtGain | double | Calculated based on what is optimal for the disposal method selected. (Account currency) |
Data.OtherGain | double | Equal to the gross gain if applicable. Applies if the asset was purchased within the last 12 months relative to the as at date requested for this section. (Account currency) |
Data.IndexedGain | double | Shows the gain between the indexed cost and the market value, if applicable. (Account currency) |
Data.DiscountedGain | double | The net of the gross gain and discount applied based on amounts that have had the discount rate applied. If the account is for a company, then the discounted rate applied will be zero. For an individual the discount rate applied is 50%. (Account currency) |
Data.OptimalCgtCalculationMethod | string | The disposal method selected to calculate CGT gains. |
Data.GrossGain | double | Equal to the market value minus the adjusted cost. Shows the gain before any discounting or indexing is applied. (Account currency) |
Data.MarketValue | double | The amount the parcel is worth using the current market price. (Account currency) |
Data.IndexedCost | double | If the security was acquired prior to 30/09/1999 and was held for more than one year, the cost base is increased by applying an indexation factor based on increase in CPI. (Account currency) |
Data.AdjustedCost | double | The actual cost adjusted for any corporate actions, such as tax deferred distributions, or subsequent transactions. (Account currency) |
Data.TaxFreeAmount | double | Amount within the parcel that is tax free. (Account currency) |
Data.TaxDeferredAmount | double | Amount within the parcel that is tax deferred. (Account currency) |
Data.ActualCost | double | The amount the parcel was purchased for less any GST refundable amount. (Account currency) |
Data.CostBaseUnknown | boolean | Whether cost base is unknown. |
Data.Quantity | double | The number of units or shares held for each tax parcel. |
Data.PurchaseDate | date-time | Typically, this is the same as the Tax date unless a corporate action has occurred, such as a takeover, where CGT rollover relief applies. |
Data.TaxDate | date-time | The date of the original purchase of the parcels, as used for tax purposes. |
Data.Security | object | |
Data.Security.Code | string | Security code. |
Data.Security.Exchange | string | Security exchange. |
Data.CgtLoss | double | Applicable if there is a loss on a tax parcel and the purchase date is post 19 September 1985. (Account currency) |
Data.CgtExemptGainLoss | double | The gross gain or loss on tax parcels with that are CGT exempt, including those with a purchase date before the CGT legislation applied. (Account currency) |
Metadata | object | Metadata including pagination. |
Metadata.TotalCount | integer | Total number of results found. |
Metadata.TotalPages | integer | Total pages of results. |
GET Performance
This endpoint returns performance for the account.
Header Examples
Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImt...
x-pps-subscription-key: d3e30ecd1ab345...
x-pps-api-version: v1
Header Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Authorizationrequired | string | Access token. |
x-pps-subscription-keyrequired | string | Product subscription key. |
x-pps-api-versionrequired | string | API version of the endpoint. |
Request Parameter - Query Examples
AccountId: AU400000
FromDate: 2021-01-23T00:00:00Z
ToDate: 2021-02-23T00:00:00Z
IncludeCash: true
IncludeLoans: true
IncludeExcludedSecurities: false
IncludeTaxCredits: true
DisplayReturns: 0
MultiplePeriods: 2
CalculationMethod: 1
Request Parameter - Query
Parameter | Type | Description |
AccountIdrequired | string | Account ID. |
FromDaterequired | date-time | The from date used when calculating data for the request. |
ToDaterequired | date-time | The to date used when calculating data for the request. |
IncludeCash | boolean | Whether cash should be included. Default to false. |
IncludeLoans | boolean | Whether loans should be included. Default to false. |
IncludeExcludedSecurities | boolean | Whether or not to include any security that has been excluded from performance. Default to false. |
IncludeTaxCredits | boolean | Whether or not to include tax credits. Default to false. |
DisplayReturns | enum | BeforeExpenses = 0, AfterExpenses = 1, Both = 2. Default to 2. |
MultiplePeriods | integer | The periods to return. Default to -1.
CalculationMethod | enum | ApproximateReturns = 0, TimeWeightedReturn = 1. Default to 1. |
Response Examples
# 200 - OK
"HoldingsExcluded": false,
"BeginningMarketValue": 3536974.69,
"EndingMarketValue": 3970907.88,
"NetCapitalMovement": 7576.55,
"NetInternalTransfers": 0.00,
"CashExpenses": 0.00,
"UnallocatedAmount": -1413.01,
"DollarReturn": {
"CapitalAppreciation": 357558.15,
"TotalIncome": 71555.92,
"TaxCredits": 4799.91,
"ForexMovements": -775.54,
"GrossDollarReturn": 433138.44,
"TotalExpenses": 0.00,
"NetDollarReturn": 433138.44
"PercentReturns": [
"PeriodDescription": "1 mth",
"GrossPercentReturn": 1.71,
"NetPercentReturn": 0.00
"PeriodDescription": "3 mths",
"GrossPercentReturn": 5.29,
"NetPercentReturn": 0.00
"PeriodDescription": "1 yr",
"GrossPercentReturn": 12.05,
"NetPercentReturn": 0.00
"PeriodDescription": "Since 01/07/2020",
"GrossPercentReturn": 12.43,
"NetPercentReturn": 0.00
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
HoldingsExcluded | boolean | The number of individual securities excluded from account performance calculations. |
BeginningMarketValue | double | The beginning market value of the account on the From Date. (Account currency) |
EndingMarketValue | double | The ending market value of the account on the To Date. (Account currency) |
NetCapitalMovement | double | The net additions and withdrawals that flowed into and out of the account within the performance period. The transactions that make up this net amount when including cash are available from the Additions and withdrawals report. (Account currency) |
NetInternalTransfers | double | Internal transfers between cash books that are not to be treated as a client addition or withdrawal. (Account currency) |
CashExpenses | double | Expenses incurred by the account within the period, to be paid from either a account cash book or external bank account. (Account currency) |
UnallocatedAmount | double | An unallocated amount will show if the sum of the above does not equal the Movement in value amount - that is, there is a component of the difference between the starting and ending market value that has not been explained. This will usually be because the cash side of a transaction or income event cannot be found. (Account currency) |
DollarReturn | object | |
DollarReturn.CapitalAppreciation | double | Realised and unrealised gains / losses of the account. (Account currency) |
DollarReturn.TotalIncome | double | The total income of the account received within the performance period. Income and tax credits are included in performance calculations when they are first acknowledged in the account. That is, when they are first declared according to the ex-date. (Account currency) |
DollarReturn.TaxCredits | double | The total tax credits of the account received within the performance period. (Account currency) |
DollarReturn.ForexMovements | double | The gain/loss of the account attributable to foreign exchange movements. (Account currency) |
DollarReturn.GrossDollarReturn | double | The sum of all dollar return fields excluding expenses. (Account currency) |
DollarReturn.TotalExpenses | double | The total expenses recorded against the account within the period. The Trading Activity > Income & Expenses > Expense Details page provides the ability to view these expenses. (Account currency) |
DollarReturn.NetDollarReturn | double | The sum of all dollar return fields. (Account currency) |
PercentReturns | array | |
PercentReturns.PeriodDescription | string | A description of the period the returns are calculated for. |
PercentReturns.GrossPercentReturn | double | The performance percentage return excluding expenses. |
PercentReturns.NetPercentReturn | double | The performance percentage return including expenses. |
GET Investment Movement Performance
This endpoint returns investment movement performance for the account.
Header Examples
Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImt...
x-pps-subscription-key: d3e30ecd1ab345...
x-pps-api-version: v1
Header Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Authorizationrequired | string | Access token. |
x-pps-subscription-keyrequired | string | Product subscription key. |
x-pps-api-versionrequired | string | API version of the endpoint. |
Request Parameter - Query Examples
AccountId: AU400000
FromDate: 2021-01-23T00:00:00Z
ToDate: 2021-02-23T00:00:00Z
IncludeTaxCredits: true
CalculationMethod: 1
Request Parameter - Query
Parameter | Type | Description |
AccountIdrequired | string | Account ID. |
FromDaterequired | date-time | The from date used when calculating data for the request. |
ToDaterequired | date-time | The to date used when calculating data for the request. |
IncludeTaxCredits | boolean | Whether or not to include tax credits. Default to false. |
CalculationMethod | enum | ApproximateReturns = 0, TimeWeightedReturn = 1. Default to 1. |
Response Examples
# 200 - OK
"Investments": [
"PercentTotalReturn": 21.51,
"TotalReturn": 50178.57,
"TaxCredits": 6428.57,
"TotalIncome": 15000.00,
"IncomeNotYetPaid": 0.00,
"IncomeCash": 15000.00,
"IncomeDrp": 0.00,
"EndMarketValue": 292500.00,
"PercentCapitalReturn": 14.62,
"GainOrLoss": 28750.00,
"Sales": 0.00,
"Purchases": 0.00,
"BeginningMarketValue": 263750.00,
"IncludedInPerformance": false,
"Security": {
"Code": "PIC",
"Exchange": "ASX"
"NetOtherAmount": 0.00,
"PercentIncomeReturn": 6.89
"PercentTotalReturn": 36.30,
"TotalReturn": 13233.95,
"TaxCredits": 861.45,
"TotalIncome": 2010.05,
"IncomeNotYetPaid": 0.00,
"IncomeCash": 2010.05,
"IncomeDrp": 0.00,
"EndMarketValue": 45262.50,
"PercentCapitalReturn": 30.23,
"GainOrLoss": 10362.45,
"Sales": 0.00,
"Purchases": 0.00,
"BeginningMarketValue": 34900.05,
"IncludedInPerformance": false,
"Security": {
"Code": "RIO",
"Exchange": "ASX"
"NetOtherAmount": 0.00,
"PercentIncomeReturn": 6.07
"CashAndEquivalents": [
"ForexMovements": 0.00,
"Withdrawals": -40940.00,
"Deposits": 70320.07,
"Expenses": -7885.41,
"InternalTransfers": 0.00,
"InterestReceipts": 565.10,
"Income": 600410.76,
"Other": 0.00,
"Purchases": -818359.09,
"OpeningBalance": 367402.13,
"IncludedInPerformance": 1,
"Security": {
"Sales": 93060.23,
"ClosingBalance": 264573.79
"ForexMovements": -927.52,
"Withdrawals": -774.04,
"Deposits": 68.94,
"Expenses": 0.00,
"InternalTransfers": 0.00,
"InterestReceipts": 0.00,
"Income": 5160.29,
"Other": 0.00,
"Purchases": -1979.94,
"OpeningBalance": 5183.01,
"IncludedInPerformance": 1,
"Security": {
"Sales": 0.00,
"ClosingBalance": 6730.74
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Investments | array | |
Investments.PercentTotalReturn | double | Total return for the period in percentage terms. |
Investments.TotalReturn | double | Total dollar return for the period. (Account currency) |
Investments.TaxCredits | double | Tax credit amount receivable within the period.(Account currency) |
Investments.TotalIncome | double | Total income within the period. (Account currency) |
Investments.IncomeNotYetPaid | double | Income declared but not yet paid at the ToDate. (Account currency) |
Investments.IncomeCash | double | Income that was paid to cash. (Account currency) |
Investments.IncomeDrp | double | Income that was reinvested as part of a DRP. (Account currency) |
Investments.EndMarketValue | double | Market value of the security at the ToDate. (Account currency) |
Investments.PercentCapitalReturn | double | Return for the period attributable to capital returns. |
Investments.GainOrLoss | double | Dollar gain / loss in the response period. (Account currency) |
Investments.Sales | double | Sum of sales within the period. (Account currency) |
Investments.Purchases | double | Sum of purchases within the period. (Account currency) |
Investments.BeginningMarketValue | double | Market value of the security at the FromDate. (Account currency) |
Investments.IncludedInPerformance | boolean | Whether the security is included in performance calculations. (Account currency) |
Investments.Security | object | |
Investments.Security.Code | string | Security code. |
Investments.Security.Exchange | string | Security exchange. |
Investments.NetOtherAmount | double | Other net amount within the period. (Account currency) |
Investments.PercentIncomeReturn | double | Return for the period attributable to income returns. |
CashAndEquivalents | array | |
CashAndEquivalents.ForexMovements | double | Movement for the period. (Account currency) |
CashAndEquivalents.Withdrawals | double | Withdrawal amount that the security received in the period. (Account currency) |
CashAndEquivalents.Deposits | double | Deposit amount that the security received in the period. (Account currency) |
CashAndEquivalents.Expenses | double | Expenses charged against the security within the period. (Account currency) |
CashAndEquivalents.InternalTransfers | double | Transfer amount for the period. (Account currency) |
CashAndEquivalents.InterestReceipts | double | Interest amount that the security received in the period. (Account currency) |
CashAndEquivalents.Income | double | Income amount that the security received in the period. (Account currency) |
CashAndEquivalents.Other | double | Other amount that the security received in the period. (Account currency) |
CashAndEquivalents.Purchases | double | Total security purchases within the period. (Account currency) |
CashAndEquivalents.OpeningBalance | double | Opening balance of the security at the FromDate. (Account currency) |
CashAndEquivalents.IncludedInPerformance | boolean | Whether the security is included in performance calculations. |
CashAndEquivalents.Security | object | |
CashAndEquivalents.Security.Code | string | Security code. |
CashAndEquivalents.Security.Exchange | string | Security exchange. |
CashAndEquivalents.Sales | double | Total security sales within the period. (Account currency) |
CashAndEquivalents.ClosingBalance | double | Closing balance of the security at the ToDate. (Account currency) |
GET Daily Returns
This endpoint returns daily returns for the account.
Header Examples
Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImt...
x-pps-subscription-key: d3e30ecd1ab345...
x-pps-api-version: v1
Header Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Authorizationrequired | string | Access token. |
x-pps-subscription-keyrequired | string | Product subscription key. |
x-pps-api-versionrequired | string | API version of the endpoint. |
Request Parameter - Query Examples
AccountId: AU400000
FromDate: 2021-01-23T00:00:00Z
ToDate: 2021-02-23T00:00:00Z
IncludeCash: true
IncludeExcludedSecurities: false
IncludeTaxCredits: true
DisplayReturns: 0
CalculationMethod: 1
Request Parameter - Query
Parameter | Type | Description |
AccountIdrequired | string | Account ID. |
FromDaterequired | date-time | The from date used when calculating data for the request. |
ToDaterequired | date-time | The to date used when calculating data for the request. |
IncludeCash | boolean | Whether cash should be included. Default to false. |
IncludeExcludedSecurities | boolean | Whether or not to include any security that has been excluded from performance. Default to false. |
IncludeTaxCredits | boolean | Whether or not to include tax credits. Default to false. |
DisplayReturns | enum | BeforeExpenses = 0, AfterExpenses = 1, Both = 2. Default to 2. |
CalculationMethod | enum | ApproximateReturns = 0, TimeWeightedReturn = 1. Default to 1. |
Response Examples
# 200 - OK
"Date": "2020-02-19T00:00:00+11:00",
"BeginningMarketValue": 3557278.91,
"EndingMarketValue": 3564165.60,
"NetContribution": 3500.44,
"NetInternalTransfers": 0.00,
"TotalExpenses": 0.00,
"TaxCredits": 0.00,
"PercentageReturn": 0.00,
"NetPercentReturn": 0.00,
"CumulativePercentageReturn": 0.19,
"CumulativeNetPercentReturn": 0.00
"Date": "2020-02-20T00:00:00+11:00",
"BeginningMarketValue": 3564165.60,
"EndingMarketValue": 3568076.47,
"NetContribution": 0.00,
"NetInternalTransfers": 0.00,
"TotalExpenses": 0.00,
"TaxCredits": 0.00,
"PercentageReturn": 0.00,
"NetPercentReturn": 0.00,
"CumulativePercentageReturn": 0.30,
"CumulativeNetPercentReturn": 0.00
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Date | date-time | The date of the return. |
BeginningMarketValue | double | The beginning market value of the account on the Date. (Account currency) |
EndingMarketValue | double | The ending market value of the account on the Date. (Account currency) |
NetContribution | double | The net additions and withdrawals that flowed into and out of the account within the performance period. The transactions that make up this net amount when including cash are available from the Additions and withdrawals report. (Account currency) |
NetInternalTransfers | double | Internal transfers between cash books that are not to be treated as a client addition or withdrawal. (Account currency) |
TotalExpenses | double | The total expenses recorded against the account within the period. The Trading Activity > Income & Expenses > Expense Details page provides the ability to view these expenses. (Account currency) |
TaxCredits | double | The total tax credits of the account received within the performance period. (Account currency) |
PercentageReturn | double | The performance percentage return |
NetPercentReturn | double | The performance percentage return inclusive of expenses. |
CumulativePercentageReturn | double | The cumulative percentage return of the account from the From Date to the DailyReturns Date. |
CumulativeNetPercentReturn | double | The cumulative net percentage return of the account from the From Date to the DailyReturns Date. |
GET Asset Class Performance
This endpoint returns asset class performance for the account.
Header Examples
Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImt...
x-pps-subscription-key: d3e30ecd1ab345...
x-pps-api-version: v1
Header Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Authorizationrequired | string | Access token. |
x-pps-subscription-keyrequired | string | Product subscription key. |
x-pps-api-versionrequired | string | API version of the endpoint. |
Request Parameter - Query Examples
AccountId: AU400000
IncludeCash: false
IncludeLoans: true
IncludeTaxCredits: true
IncludeForeignTaxPaid: false
IncludeExcludedSecurities: true
CalculationMethod: 1
FromDate: 2021-01-23T00:00:00Z
ToDate: 2021-02-23T00:00:00Z
Request Parameter - Query
Parameter | Type | Description |
AccountIdrequired | string | Account ID. |
FromDaterequired | date-time | The from date used when calculating data for the request. |
ToDaterequired | date-time | The to date used when calculating data for the request. |
IncludeCash | boolean | Whether cash should be included. Default to false. |
IncludeLoans | boolean | Whether loans should be included. Default to false. |
IncludeTaxCredits | boolean | Whether or not to include tax credits. Default to false. |
IncludeForeignTaxPaid | boolean | Whether or not to include foreign tax paid. Default to false. |
IncludeExcludedSecurities | boolean | Whether or not to include any security that has been excluded from performance. Default to false. |
CalculationMethod | enum | ApproximateReturns = 0, TimeWeightedReturn = 1. Default to 1. |
Response Examples
# 200 - OK
"AssetClassDescription": "Domestic Shares",
"Benchmark": "",
"StartValue": 99140.0,
"EndValue": 94900.0,
"TotalReturn": -4240.0,
"TotalReturnPercent": 0.00,
"BenchmarkReturnPercent": 0.00
"AssetClassDescription": "Domestic Fixed Interest",
"Benchmark": "",
"StartValue": 53678.0,
"EndValue": 53817.0,
"TotalReturn": 140.0,
"TotalReturnPercent": 0.00,
"BenchmarkReturnPercent": 0.00
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
AssetClassDescription | string | Asset class description. |
Benchmark | string | Asset class benchmark. |
StartValue | double | Market Value of the asset class at the FromDate. (Account currency) |
EndValue | double | Market Value of the asset class at the ToDate. (Account currency) |
TotalReturn | double | Total dollar return for the period. (Account currency) |
TotalReturnPercent | double | Total return for the period as a percentage. |
BenchmarkReturnPercent | double | Total return for the benchmark as a percentage. |
GET Benchmarks
This endpoint returns benchmarks for the service.
Header Examples
Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImt...
x-pps-subscription-key: d3e30ecd1ab345...
x-pps-api-version: v1
Header Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Authorizationrequired | string | Access token. |
x-pps-subscription-keyrequired | string | Product subscription key. |
x-pps-api-versionrequired | string | API version of the endpoint. |
Response Examples
# 200 - OK
"Id": "AU329",
"Code": "ABSRETURN",
"Name": "Targeted Absolute Return"
"Id": "AU363",
"Code": "COMPOSITE",
"Name": "Composite based on portfolio strategy"
"Id": "AU247",
"Code": "ABSINDEX",
"Name": "ABS Australian CPI "
"Id": "AU745",
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Id | string | Praemium ID of the benchmark. |
Code | string | Benchmark code. |
Name | string | Benchmark description. |
GET Benchmark Performance
This endpoint returns benchmark performance for the benchmark.
Header Examples
Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImt...
x-pps-subscription-key: d3e30ecd1ab345...
x-pps-api-version: v1
Header Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Authorizationrequired | string | Access token. |
x-pps-subscription-keyrequired | string | Product subscription key. |
x-pps-api-versionrequired | string | API version of the endpoint. |
Request Parameter - Query Examples
BenchmarkId: AU400000
FromDate: 2021-01-23T00:00:00Z
ToDate: 2021-02-23T00:00:00Z
MultiplePeriods: 1
Request Parameter - Query
Parameter | Type | Description |
BenchmarkIdrequired | string | Praemium ID of the Benchmark as returned in the benchmark endpoint. |
MultiplePeriods | integer | The periods to return. Default to -1.
FromDaterequired | date-time | The from date used when calculating data for the request. |
ToDaterequired | date-time | The to date used when calculating data for the request. |
Response Examples
# 200 - OK
"PeriodDescription": "1 mth",
"PercentageReturn": 0.0915
"PeriodDescription": "3 mths",
"PercentageReturn": 0.1663
"PeriodDescription": "1 yr p.a.",
"PercentageReturn": 1.6120
"PeriodDescription": "Since 19/02/2020 p.a.",
"PercentageReturn": 1.6120
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
PeriodDescription | string | The period the returns are calculated for. |
PercentageReturn | double | The percentage return of the benchmark for the period. |
GET Holdings Excluded
This endpoint returns holdings excluded for the account.
Header Examples
Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImt...
x-pps-subscription-key: d3e30ecd1ab345...
x-pps-api-version: v1
Header Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Authorizationrequired | string | Access token. |
x-pps-subscription-keyrequired | string | Product subscription key. |
x-pps-api-versionrequired | string | API version of the endpoint. |
Request Parameter - Query Examples
AccountId: AU400000
FromDate: 2021-01-23T00:00:00Z
ToDate: 2021-02-23T00:00:00Z
Request Parameter - Query
Parameter | Type | Description |
AccountIdrequired | string | Account ID. |
FromDaterequired | date-time | The from date used when calculating data for the request. |
ToDaterequired | date-time | The to date used when calculating data for the request. |
Response Examples
# 200 - OK
"Security": {
"Code": "APT",
"Exchange": "ASX"
"FromDate": "2020-01-01T00:00:00+11:00",
"ToDate": "2020-12-31T00:00:00+11:00"
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Security | object | |
Security.Code | string | Security code. |
Security.Exchange | string | Security exchange. |
FromDate | date-time | The start date the holding is excluded from performance calculations for the account. |
ToDate | date-time | The end date the holding is excluded from performance calculations for the account. |
GET Publisher Events
This endpoint returns publisher events for the service.
Header Examples
Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImt...
x-pps-subscription-key: d3e30ecd1ab345...
x-pps-api-version: v1
Header Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Authorizationrequired | string | Access token. |
x-pps-subscription-keyrequired | string | Product subscription key. |
x-pps-api-versionrequired | string | API version of the endpoint. |
Response Examples
# 200 - OK
"Id": "AU6306",
"EventName": "Feb_Inv_PAS_PA_Statements",
"CreatedDate": "2021-03-26T04:44:14.95+11:00",
"UpdatedDate": "2021-03-26T04:47:52.45+11:00"
"Id": "AU6219",
"EventName": "Jan21_Inv_PAS_PA_Statements",
"CreatedDate": "2021-02-25T04:49:44.587+11:00",
"UpdatedDate": "2021-03-01T05:57:50.547+11:00"
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Id | string | ID of the publisher event. |
EventName | string | Name of the publisher event. |
CreatedDate | date-time | Date the record was created. |
UpdatedDate | date-time | Date the record was updated. |
GET Publisher Event Detail
This endpoint returns publisher event detail for the publisher event.
Header Examples
Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImt...
x-pps-subscription-key: d3e30ecd1ab345...
x-pps-api-version: v1
Header Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Authorizationrequired | string | Access token. |
x-pps-subscription-keyrequired | string | Product subscription key. |
x-pps-api-versionrequired | string | API version of the endpoint. |
Request Parameter - Query Examples
EventId: AU1234
Request Parameter - Query
Parameter | Type | Description |
EventIdrequired | string | EventId as returned by the report event endpoint. |
Response Examples
# 200 - OK
"FileId": "7F4D7FC6A5E347898DDF8839B382DDC1",
"AccountId": "AU382060",
"FileName": "Test Consol February 2021 Report.pdf",
"GeneratedDate": "2021-03-17T09:46:44.043+11:00",
"PublishedDate": "2021-03-17T10:16:32.403+11:00"
"FileId": "B628DD43338B464FB29799B9F99EBE07",
"AccountId": "AU216967",
"FileName": "February 2021 Report.pdf",
"GeneratedDate": "2021-03-17T09:46:44.043+11:00",
"PublishedDate": "2021-03-17T10:16:17.153+11:00"
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
FileId | string | Unique ID of the generated file. |
AccountId | string | Account ID. |
FileName | string | Generated file name of the file. |
GeneratedDate | date-time | Date the file was generated. |
PublishedDate | date-time | Date the file was published. |
GET File
This endpoint downloads file.
Header Examples
Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImt...
x-pps-subscription-key: d3e30ecd1ab345...
x-pps-api-version: v1
Header Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Authorizationrequired | string | Access token. |
x-pps-subscription-keyrequired | string | Product subscription key. |
x-pps-api-versionrequired | string | API version of the endpoint. |
Request Parameter - Query Examples
FileId: AC2295B5F56D4342A8D057F3DD25C711
Request Parameter - Query
Parameter | Type | Description |
FileIdrequired | string | FileID as returned in the publisher event detail endpoint. |
Response Examples
# 200 - OK
Complete data stream of the file content.
Trading SMA
GET Account Model Weightings
This endpoint returns the account model weightings for the account.
Header Examples
Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImt...
x-pps-subscription-key: d3e30ecd1ab345...
x-pps-api-version: v1
Header Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Authorizationrequired | string | Access token. |
x-pps-subscription-keyrequired | string | Product subscription key. |
x-pps-api-versionrequired | string | API version of the endpoint. |
Request Parameter - Query Examples
AccountId: AU400000
Request Parameter - Query
Parameter | Type | Description |
AccountIdrequired | string | Account ID. |
Response Examples
# 200 - OK
"ModelCode": "MACAUD",
"Percent": 100.0
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
ModelCode | string | Model code. |
Percentage | double | Model percentage. |
PUT Account Model Weightings
This endpoint allows you to modify the account model weightings for the account.
Header Examples
Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImt...
x-pps-subscription-key: d3e30ecd1ab345...
x-pps-api-version: v1
Header Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Authorizationrequired | string | Access token. |
x-pps-subscription-keyrequired | string | Product subscription key. |
x-pps-api-versionrequired | string | API version of the endpoint. |
Request Parameter - Body Examples
"AccountId": "AU400000",
"AccountModelWeightings": [
"ModelCode": "MACAUD",
"Percent": 100
Request Parameter - Body
Parameter | Type | Description |
AccountIdrequired | string | Account ID. |
RebalanceTyperequired | enum | Floating = 0, Fixed = 1. |
AccountModelWeightingsrequired | array | Account Model Weightings. |
AccountModelWeightings.ModelCode | string | Model code. |
AccountModelWeightings.Percentage | double | Model percentage. |
Response Examples
# 204 - NoContent
GET Security Exclusions
This endpoint returns security exclusions for the account.
Header Examples
Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImt...
x-pps-subscription-key: d3e30ecd1ab345...
x-pps-api-version: v1
Header Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Authorizationrequired | string | Access token. |
x-pps-subscription-keyrequired | string | Product subscription key. |
x-pps-api-versionrequired | string | API version of the endpoint. |
Request Parameter - Query Examples
AccountId: AU400000
Request Parameter - Query
Parameter | Type | Description |
AccountIdrequired | string | Account ID. |
Response Examples
# 200 - OK
"CreatedDate": "2019-12-09T15:20:00.237+11:00",
"Security": {
"Code": "WPL",
"Exchange": "ASX"
"CreatedDate": "2020-01-10T10:13:54.67+11:00",
"Security": {
"Code": "S32",
"Exchange": "ASX"
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
CreatedDate | date-time | Date security exclusion was created. |
Security | object | Security name. |
Security.Code | string | Security code. |
Security.Exchange | string | Security exchange. |
PUT Security Exclusions
This endpoint allows you to replace security exclusions for the account. If a blank array of SecurityExclusions is sent as a body parameter, all exclusions will be removed.
Header Examples
Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImt...
x-pps-subscription-key: d3e30ecd1ab345...
x-pps-api-version: v1
Header Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Authorizationrequired | string | Access token. |
x-pps-subscription-keyrequired | string | Product subscription key. |
x-pps-api-versionrequired | string | API version of the endpoint. |
Request Parameter - Body Examples
"AccountId": "AU400000",
"SecurityExclusions": [
"SecurityId": "AU2"
"SecurityId": "AU3"
Request Parameter - Body
Parameter | Type | Description |
AccountIdrequired | string | Account ID. |
SecurityExclusions | array | Security exclusion. |
SecurityExclusions.SecurityIdrequired | string | Security ID. |
Response Examples
# 204 - NoContent
POST Security Exclusions
This endpoint allows you to add security exclusions for the account.
Header Examples
Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImt...
x-pps-subscription-key: d3e30ecd1ab345...
x-pps-api-version: v1
Header Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Authorizationrequired | string | Access token. |
x-pps-subscription-keyrequired | string | Product subscription key. |
x-pps-api-versionrequired | string | API version of the endpoint. |
Request Parameter - Body Examples
"AccountId": "AU400000",
"SecurityExclusions": [
"SecurityId": "AU2"
"SecurityId": "AU3"
Request Parameter - Body
Parameter | Type | Description |
AccountIdrequired | string | Account ID. |
SecurityExclusionsrequired | array | Security exclusion. |
SecurityExclusions.SecurityIdrequired | string | Security ID. |
Response Examples
# 204 - NoContent
DELETE Security Exclusions
This endpoint allows you to delete security exclusions for the account. If SecurityId is provided, the single exclusion will be removed. If SecurityId is not provided, all exclusions will be removed.
Header Examples
Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImt...
x-pps-subscription-key: d3e30ecd1ab345...
x-pps-api-version: v1
Header Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Authorizationrequired | string | Access token. |
x-pps-subscription-keyrequired | string | Product subscription key. |
x-pps-api-versionrequired | string | API version of the endpoint. |
Request Parameter - Query Examples
# Delete single security exclusion
AccountId: AU400000
SecurityId: AU1
# Delete security exclusions
AccountId: AU400000
Request Parameter - Query
Parameter | Type | Description |
AccountIdrequired | string | Account ID. |
SecurityId | string | Security ID. |
Response Examples
# 204 - NoContent
GET Security Substitutions
This endpoint returns security substitutions for the account.
Header Examples
Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImt...
x-pps-subscription-key: d3e30ecd1ab345...
x-pps-api-version: v1
Header Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Authorizationrequired | string | Access token. |
x-pps-subscription-keyrequired | string | Product subscription key. |
x-pps-api-versionrequired | string | API version of the endpoint. |
Request Parameter - Query Examples
AccountId: AU400000
Request Parameter - Query
Parameter | Type | Description |
AccountIdrequired | string | Account ID. |
Response Examples
# 200 - OK
"CreatedDate": "2021-02-16T16:17:07.61+11:00",
"FromSecurity": {
"Code": "SEK",
"Exchange": "ASX"
"ToSecurity": {
"Code": "JBH",
"Exchange": "ASX"
"CreatedDate": "2021-02-16T16:17:09.307+11:00",
"FromSecurity": {
"Code": "CBA",
"Exchange": "ASX"
"ToSecurity": {
"Code": "NAB",
"Exchange": "ASX"
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
CreatedDate | date-time | Date security substitution was created. |
FromSecurity | object | From security. |
FromSecurity.Code | string | Security code. |
FromSecurity.Exchange | string | Security exchange. |
ToSecurity | object | To security. |
ToSecurity.Code | string | Security code. |
ToSecurity.Exchange | string | Security exchange. |
PUT Security Substitutions
This endpoint allows you to replace security substitutions for the account.If a blank array of SecuritySubstitutions is sent as a body parameter, all substitutions will be removed.
Header Examples
Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImt...
x-pps-subscription-key: d3e30ecd1ab345...
x-pps-api-version: v1
Header Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Authorizationrequired | string | Access token. |
x-pps-subscription-keyrequired | string | Product subscription key. |
x-pps-api-versionrequired | string | API version of the endpoint. |
Request Parameter - Body Examples
"AccountId": "AU400000",
"SecuritySubstitutions": [
"FromSecurityId": "AU2",
"ToSecurityId": "AU3"
Request Parameter - Body
Parameter | Type | Description |
AccountIdrequired | string | Account ID. |
SecuritySubstitutions | array | Security substitution. |
SecuritySubstitutions.FromSecurityIdrequired | string | From security ID. |
SecuritySubstitutions.ToSecurityIdrequired | string | To security ID. |
Response Examples
# 204 - NoContent
POST Security Substitutions
This endpoint allows you to add security substitutions for the account.
Header Examples
Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImt...
x-pps-subscription-key: d3e30ecd1ab345...
x-pps-api-version: v1
Header Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Authorizationrequired | string | Access token. |
x-pps-subscription-keyrequired | string | Product subscription key. |
x-pps-api-versionrequired | string | API version of the endpoint. |
Request Parameter - Body Examples
"AccountId": "AU400000",
"SecuritySubstitutions": [
"FromSecurityId": "AU2",
"ToSecurityId": "AU3"
Request Parameter - Body
Parameter | Type | Description |
AccountIdrequired | string | Account ID. |
SecuritySubstitutionsrequired | array | Security substitution. |
SecuritySubstitutions.FromSecurityIdrequired | string | From security ID. |
SecuritySubstitutions.ToSecurityIdrequired | string | To security ID. |
Response Examples
# 204 - NoContent
DELETE Security Substitutions
This endpoint allows you to delete security substitutions for the account. If FromSecurityId and ToSecurityId are provided, the single substitution will be removed. If FromSecurityId and ToSecurityId are not provided, all substitutions will be removed.
Header Examples
Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImt...
x-pps-subscription-key: d3e30ecd1ab345...
x-pps-api-version: v1
Header Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Authorizationrequired | string | Access token. |
x-pps-subscription-keyrequired | string | Product subscription key. |
x-pps-api-versionrequired | string | API version of the endpoint. |
Request Parameter - Query Examples
# Delete single security substitution
AccountId: AU400000
FromSecurityId: AU2
ToSecurityId: AU3
# Delete all security substitutions
AccountId: AU400000
Request Parameter - Query
Parameter | Type | Description |
AccountIdrequired | string | Account ID. |
FromSecurityId | string | Security ID to substitute from. |
ToSecurityId | string | Security ID to substitute to. |
Response Examples
# 204 - NoContent
GET Security Customisations
This endpoint returns security exclusions and substitutions for the account.
Header Examples
Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImt...
x-pps-subscription-key: d3e30ecd1ab345...
x-pps-api-version: v1
Header Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Authorizationrequired | string | Access token. |
x-pps-subscription-keyrequired | string | Product subscription key. |
x-pps-api-versionrequired | string | API version of the endpoint. |
Request Parameter - Query Examples
AccountId: AU400000
Request Parameter - Query
Parameter | Type | Description |
AccountIdrequired | string | Account ID. |
Response Examples
# 200 - OK
"SecurityExclusions": [
"CreatedDate": "2019-12-09T15:20:00.237+11:00",
"Security": {
"Code": "CBA",
"Exchange": "ASX"
"CreatedDate": "2020-01-10T10:13:54.67+11:00",
"Security": {
"Code": "VAN0019AU",
"Exchange": "FND"
"SecuritySubstitutions": [
"CreatedDate": "2021-02-16T16:17:07.61+11:00",
"FromSecurity": {
"Code": "RIO",
"Exchange": "ASX"
"ToSecurity": {
"Code": "CBA",
"Exchange": "ASX"
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
SecurityExclusions | array | |
SecurityExclusions.CreatedDate | date-time | Date security exclusion was created. |
SecurityExclusions.Security | object | Security name. |
SecurityExclusions.Security.Code | string | Security code. |
SecurityExclusions.Security.Exchange | string | Security exchange. |
SecuritySubstitutions | array | |
SecuritySubstitutions.CreatedDate | date-time | Date security substitution was created. |
SecuritySubstitutions.FromSecurity | object | From security. |
SecuritySubstitutions.FromSecurity.Code | string | Security code. |
SecuritySubstitutions.FromSecurity.Exchange | string | Security exchange. |
SecuritySubstitutions.ToSecurity | object | To security. |
SecuritySubstitutions.ToSecurity.Code | string | Security code. |
SecuritySubstitutions.ToSecurity.Exchange | string | Security exchange. |
PUT Security Customisations
This endpoint allows you to replace security customisations for the account. If a blank array of SecurityExclusions and/or SecuritySubstitutions is sent as a body parameter, all exclusions and/or substitutions will be removed.
Header Examples
Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImt...
x-pps-subscription-key: d3e30ecd1ab345...
x-pps-api-version: v1
Header Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Authorizationrequired | string | Access token. |
x-pps-subscription-keyrequired | string | Product subscription key. |
x-pps-api-versionrequired | string | API version of the endpoint. |
Request Parameter - Body Examples
"AccountId": "AU400000",
"SecurityExclusions": [
"SecurityId": "AU1"
"SecurityId": "AU1"
"SecuritySubstitutions": [
"FromSecurityId": "AU2",
"ToSecurityId": "AU3"
Request Parameter - Body
Parameter | Type | Description |
AccountIdrequired | string | |
SecurityExclusionsrequired | array | |
SecurityExclusions.SecurityIdrequired | string | Security ID. |
SecuritySubstitutionsrequired | array | |
SecuritySubstitutions.FromSecurityIdrequired | string | From security ID. |
SecuritySubstitutions.ToSecurityIdrequired | string | To security ID. |
Response Examples
# 200 - OK
"SecurityExclusions": [
"CreatedDate": "2019-12-09T15:20:00.237+11:00",
"Security": {
"Code": "CBA",
"Exchange": "ASX"
"CreatedDate": "2020-01-10T10:13:54.67+11:00",
"Security": {
"Code": "VAN0019AU",
"Exchange": "FND"
"SecuritySubstitutions": [
"CreatedDate": "2021-02-16T16:17:07.61+11:00",
"FromSecurity": {
"Code": "RIO",
"Exchange": "ASX"
"ToSecurity": {
"Code": "CBA",
"Exchange": "ASX"
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
SecurityExclusions | array | |
SecurityExclusions.CreatedDate | date-time | Date security exclusion was created. |
SecurityExclusions.Security | object | Security name. |
SecurityExclusions.Security.Code | string | Security code. |
SecurityExclusions.Security.Exchange | string | Security exchange. |
SecuritySubstitutions | array | |
SecuritySubstitutions.CreatedDate | date-time | Date security substitution was created. |
SecuritySubstitutions.FromSecurity | object | From security. |
SecuritySubstitutions.FromSecurity.Code | string | Security code. |
SecuritySubstitutions.FromSecurity.Exchange | string | Security exchange. |
SecuritySubstitutions.ToSecurity | object | To security. |
SecuritySubstitutions.ToSecurity.Code | string | Security code. |
SecuritySubstitutions.ToSecurity.Exchange | string | Security exchange. |
GET Minimum Trade Size
This endpoint returns minimum trade size for the account.
Header Examples
Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImt...
x-pps-subscription-key: d3e30ecd1ab345...
x-pps-api-version: v1
Header Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Authorizationrequired | string | Access token. |
x-pps-subscription-keyrequired | string | Product subscription key. |
x-pps-api-versionrequired | string | API version of the endpoint. |
Request Parameter - Query Examples
AccountId: AU400000
Request Parameter - Query
Parameter | Type | Description |
AccountIdrequired | string | Account ID. |
Response Examples
# 200 - OK
"Amount": 10.0,
"Percentage": 20.5128,
"Units": 2.0
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Amount | double | Rebalance tolerance amount. Prevents trades of a value less than this figure. |
Percentage | double | Rebalance tolerance percentage. Prevents trades unless they exceed this figure as a percentage of the portfolio’s value. For example, if this is set to 5, only trades that exceed five percent of the portfolio’s total value are performed. |
Units | double | Rebalance tolernace number of units. Prevents trades of a quantity less than this figure. |
PATCH Minimum Trade Size
This endpoint allows you to update minimum trade size for the account.
Header Examples
Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImt...
x-pps-subscription-key: d3e30ecd1ab345...
x-pps-api-version: v1
Header Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Authorizationrequired | string | Access token. |
x-pps-subscription-keyrequired | string | Product subscription key. |
x-pps-api-versionrequired | string | API version of the endpoint. |
Request Parameter - Body Examples
"AccountId": "AU400000",
"Amount": 10.0,
"Percentage": 20.5128,
"Units": 2.0
Request Parameter - Body
Parameter | Type | Description |
AccountIdrequired | string | Account ID. |
Amountrequired | double | Minimum trade size amount. Prevents trades of a value less than this figure. |
Percentagerequired | double | Minimum trade size percentage. Prevents trades unless they exceed this figure as a percentage of the portfolio’s value. For example, if this is set to 5, only trades that exceed five percent of the portfolio’s total value are performed. |
Unitsrequired | double | Minimum trade size number of units. Prevents trades of a quantity less than this figure. |
Response Examples
# 204 - NoContent
GET All ESG Categories
This endpoint returns all categories for environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG).
Header Examples
Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImt...
x-pps-subscription-key: d3e30ecd1ab345...
x-pps-api-version: v1
Header Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Authorizationrequired | string | Access token. |
x-pps-subscription-keyrequired | string | Product subscription key. |
x-pps-api-versionrequired | string | API version of the endpoint. |
Response Examples
# 200 - OK
"Id": "weapons",
"Name": "Controversial weapons"
"Id": "animalsNonPharma",
"Name": "Animal testing (non-pharmaceutical)"
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Id | string | ESG category ID. |
Name | string | ESG category name. |
GET Account ESG Categories
This endpoint returns ESG categories for the account.
Header Examples
Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImt...
x-pps-subscription-key: d3e30ecd1ab345...
x-pps-api-version: v1
Header Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Authorizationrequired | string | Access token. |
x-pps-subscription-keyrequired | string | Product subscription key. |
x-pps-api-versionrequired | string | API version of the endpoint. |
Request Parameter - Query Examples
AccountId: AU400000
Request Parameter - Query
Parameter | Type | Description |
AccountIdrequired | string | Account ID. |
Response Examples
# 200 - OK
POST Account ESG Categories
This endpoint allows you to add ESG categories for the account.
Header Examples
Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImt...
x-pps-subscription-key: d3e30ecd1ab345...
x-pps-api-version: v1
Header Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Authorizationrequired | string | Access token. |
x-pps-subscription-keyrequired | string | Product subscription key. |
x-pps-api-versionrequired | string | API version of the endpoint. |
Request Parameter - Body Examples
"AccountId": "AU400000",
"CategoryIds": [
Request Parameter - Body
Parameter | Type | Description |
AccountIdrequired | string | Account ID. |
CategoryIdsrequired | array | An array of ESG category IDs. |
Response Examples
# 204 - NoContent
PUT Account ESG Categories
This endpoint allows you to replace ESG categories for the account. If a blank array of CategoryIds is sent as a body parameter, all account ESG categories will be removed.
Header Examples
Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImt...
x-pps-subscription-key: d3e30ecd1ab345...
x-pps-api-version: v1
Header Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Authorizationrequired | string | Access token. |
x-pps-subscription-keyrequired | string | Product subscription key. |
x-pps-api-versionrequired | string | API version of the endpoint. |
Request Parameter - Body Examples
"AccountId": "AU400000",
"CategoryIds": [
Request Parameter - Body
Parameter | Type | Description |
AccountIdrequired | string | Account ID. |
CategoryIds | array | An array of ESG category IDs. |
Response Examples
# 204 - NoContent
DELETE Account ESG Categories
This endpoint allows you to delete ESG categories for the account. If CategoryId is provided, the single ESG category will be removed. If CategoryId is not provided, all account ESG categories will be removed.
Header Examples
Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImt...
x-pps-subscription-key: d3e30ecd1ab345...
x-pps-api-version: v1
Header Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Authorizationrequired | string | Access token. |
x-pps-subscription-keyrequired | string | Product subscription key. |
x-pps-api-versionrequired | string | API version of the endpoint. |
Request Parameter - Query Examples
# Delete single ESG category
AccountId: AU400000
CategoryId: animalsNonPharma
# Delete all ESG categories
AccountId: AU400000
Request Parameter - Query
Parameter | Type | Description |
AccountIdrequired | string | Account ID. |
CategoryId | string | The category ID as returned by the all ESG categories endpoint. |
Response Examples
# 204 - NoContent
This endpoint returns BPAY reference numbers for the accounts.
Header Examples
Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImt...
x-pps-subscription-key: d3e30ecd1ab345...
x-pps-api-version: v1
Header Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Authorizationrequired | string | Access token. |
x-pps-subscription-keyrequired | string | Product subscription key. |
x-pps-api-versionrequired | string | API version of the endpoint. |
Request Parameter - Query Examples
AccountIds: AU1
AccountIds: AU2
AccountIds: AU3
Request Parameter - Query
Parameter | Type | Description |
AccountIdsrequired | array | An array of account IDs. |
Response Examples
# 200 - OK
"AccountId": "AU400000",
"BillerCode": 320592,
"ReferenceNumber": "4000001",
"BpayType": 1
"AccountId": "AU400001",
"BillerCode": 310294,
"ReferenceNumber": "4000005"
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
AccountId | string | Account ID. |
ReferenceNumber | string | Customer reference number. |
BillerCode | integer | BPay biller code. |
BpayType | enum | Personal = 1, Spouse = 2, Downsizer = 3, SpecialPersonal = 4. |
GET Cashflow Instructions
This endpoint returns cashflow instructions for the account.
Header Examples
Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImt...
x-pps-subscription-key: d3e30ecd1ab345...
x-pps-api-version: v1
Header Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Authorizationrequired | string | Access token. |
x-pps-subscription-keyrequired | string | Product subscription key. |
x-pps-api-versionrequired | string | API version of the endpoint. |
Request Parameter - Query Examples
AccountId: AU400000
Request Parameter - Query
Parameter | Type | Description |
AccountIdrequired | string | Account ID. |
Response Examples
# 200 - OK
"Id": "AU243904",
"CashflowInstructionType": 5,
"FrequencyType": 0,
"StartDate": "2021-05-05T00:00:00+10:00",
"EndDate": "2200-01-01T00:00:00+11:00",
"Value": 0.00,
"Allocations": [
"ModelCode": "MACAUD",
"Sequence": 1,
"Percentage": 100.000000
"Id": "AU253714",
"CashflowInstructionType": 3,
"FrequencyType": 0,
"StartDate": "2021-05-12T00:00:00+10:00",
"EndDate": "2021-05-12T00:00:00+10:00",
"Value": 16.32,
"Allocations": [
"ModelCode": "AB0001",
"Sequence": 1,
"Percentage": 100.000000
"Id": "AU253778",
"CashflowInstructionType": 2,
"FrequencyType": 2,
"StartDate": "2021-06-24T00:00:00+10:00",
"EndDate": "2021-09-24T00:00:00+10:00",
"Value": 16.32,
"Allocations": [
"ModelCode": "AB0001",
"Sequence": 1,
"Percentage": 50.000000
"ModelCode": "ProRata",
"Sequence": 2,
"Percentage": 50.000000
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Id | string | Cashflow instruction ID. |
CashflowInstructionType | enum | Regular contribution = 1, Regular withdrawal = 2, One-off direct debit = 3, One-off withdrawal = 4, Income reinvestment = 5, Expenses = 6, Pension payment = 7 (Only allowed for SuperSMA pension accounts), All contributions and rollovers = 8 (Only allowed for SuperSMA accumulation accounts), Other withdrawals = 9, Term deposit maturity = 10, Term deposit order = 11, Superfund withdrawals and rollovers = 16 (Only allowed for SuperSMA accumulation and pension accounts), Insurance premiums = 17 (Only allowed for SuperSMA accumulation and pension accounts). |
FrequencyType | enum | Adhoc =0, Monthly = 1, Quarterly = 2, SixMonthly = 3, Annually = 4, Daily = 5, Weekly = 6. |
StartDate | date-time | Start date of the cashflow instruction. |
EndDate | date-time | End date of the cashflow instruction. |
Value | double | Value of the cashflow instruction. |
TaxType | enum | PersonalNon = 3 (Non-concessional personal), ExemptCgtRetire = 4, ExemptCgt15 = 5, ExemptPerInjury = 6, Spouse = 7, Downsizer = 11. (Only applicable for SuperSMA accumulation accounts and one-off direct debit) |
Allocations | array | Cashflow instruction details. |
Allocations.ModelCode | string | Model code. (Model code ProRata means pro rata across existing models) |
Allocations.Sequence | integer | Sequence to apply. (Starting from 1 as highest priority, then 2, 3 ...) |
Allocations.Percentage | double | Model percentage. (Only applicable for regular contribution, income reinvestment, one-off direct debit) |
POST One-off Cashflow Instructions
This endpoint allows you to add one-off cashflow instruction for the account.
Header Examples
Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImt...
x-pps-subscription-key: d3e30ecd1ab345...
x-pps-api-version: v1
Header Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Authorizationrequired | string | Access token. |
x-pps-subscription-keyrequired | string | Product subscription key. |
x-pps-api-versionrequired | string | API version of the endpoint. |
Request Parameter - Body Examples
"AccountId": "AU400000",
"CashflowInstructionType": 3,
"Amount": 16.32,
"Allocations": [
"ModelCode": "AB0001",
"Sequence": 1,
"Percentage": 50.1
"ModelCode": "MACAUD",
"Sequence": 1,
"Percentage": 49.9
Request Parameter - Body
Parameter | Type | Description |
AccountIdrequired | string | Account ID. |
Allocationsrequired | array | Cashflow instruction details. |
Allocations.ModelCoderequired | string | Model code. (Model code ProRata means pro rata across existing models) |
Allocations.Sequence | integer | Sequence to apply. (Starting from 1 as highest priority, then 2, 3 ...) |
Allocations.Percentage | double | Model percentage. (Only applicable for regular contribution, income reinvestment, one-off direct debit) |
CashflowInstructionTyperequired | enum | OneOffDirectDebit = 3, OneOffWithdrawal = 4. |
Amount | double | Amount of the one-off cashflow instruction to apply. |
TaxType | enum | PersonalNon = 3 (Non-concessional personal), ExemptCgtRetire = 4, ExemptCgt15 = 5, ExemptPerInjury = 6, Spouse = 7, Downsizer = 11. (Only applicable for SuperSMA accumulation accounts and one-off direct debit) |
Response Examples
# 204 - NoContent
DELETE One-off Cashflow Instructions
This endpoint allows you to delete one-off cashflow instruction for the account. (Only allowed for one-off direct debit)
Header Examples
Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImt...
x-pps-subscription-key: d3e30ecd1ab345...
x-pps-api-version: v1
Header Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Authorizationrequired | string | Access token. |
x-pps-subscription-keyrequired | string | Product subscription key. |
x-pps-api-versionrequired | string | API version of the endpoint. |
Request Parameter - Query Examples
AccountId: AU400000
CashflowInstructionId: AU1
CashflowInstructionType: 3
Request Parameter - Query
Parameter | Type | Description |
AccountIdrequired | string | Account ID. |
CashflowInstructionIdrequired | string | Cashflow instruction ID returned by GET cashflow instructions endpoint |
CashflowInstructionTyperequired | OneOffDirectDebit = 3. |
Response Examples
# 204 - NoContent
PUT Regular Cashflow Instructions
This endpoint allows you to update regular cashflow instruction for the account.
Header Examples
Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImt...
x-pps-subscription-key: d3e30ecd1ab345...
x-pps-api-version: v1
Header Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Authorizationrequired | string | Access token. |
x-pps-subscription-keyrequired | string | Product subscription key. |
x-pps-api-versionrequired | string | API version of the endpoint. |
Request Parameter - Body Examples
"AccountId": "AU400000",
"Amount": 16.32,
"CashflowInstructionType": 2,
"FrequencyType": 1,
"Allocations": [
"Percentage": 50,
"Sequence": 1,
"ModelCode": "AB0005"
"Percentage": 50,
"Sequence": 2,
"ModelCode": "ProRata",
"StartDate": "2021-06-24T00:00:00+10:00",
"EndDate": "2021-09-24T00:00:00+10:00",
"FrequencyType": 2
Request Parameter - Body
Parameter | Type | Description |
AccountIdrequired | string | Account ID. |
Allocationsrequired | array | Cashflow instruction details. |
Allocations.ModelCoderequired | string | Model code. (Model code ProRata means pro rata across existing models) |
Allocations.Sequence | integer | Sequence to apply. (Starting from 1 as highest priority, then 2, 3 ...) |
Allocations.Percentage | double | Model percentage. (Only applicable for regular contribution, income reinvestment, one-off direct debit) |
CashflowInstructionTyperequired | enum | Regular contribution = 1, Regular withdrawal = 2, Income reinvestment = 5, Expenses = 6, All contributions and rollovers = 8 (only allowed for SuperSMA accumulation accounts), Other withdrawals = 9, Superfund withdrawals and rollovers = 16 (Only allowed for SuperSMA accumulation and pension accounts), Insurance premiums = 17 (Only allowed for SuperSMA accumulation and pension accounts). |
FrequencyTyperequired | enum | Monthly = 1, Quarterly = 2, SixMonthly = 3, Annually = 4. |
StartDate | date-time | Start date of the cashflow instruction. (Only applicable for regular withdrawal) |
EndDate | date-time | End date of the cashflow instruction. (Only applicable for regular withdrawal) |
Amount | double | Amount of the cashflow instruction to apply. (Only applicable for regular contribution and regular withdrawal) |
Response Examples
# 204 - NoContent
DELETE Regular Cashflow Instructions
This endpoint allows you to delete regular cashflow instruction for the account. (Only allowed for regular contribution and regular withdrawal)
Header Examples
Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImt...
x-pps-subscription-key: d3e30ecd1ab345...
x-pps-api-version: v1
Header Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Authorizationrequired | string | Access token. |
x-pps-subscription-keyrequired | string | Product subscription key. |
x-pps-api-versionrequired | string | API version of the endpoint. |
Request Parameter - Query Examples
AccountId: AU400000
CashflowInstructionType: 1
Request Parameter - Query
Parameter | Type | Description |
AccountIdrequired | string | Account ID. |
CashflowInstructionTyperequired | RegularContribution = 1, RegularWithdrawal = 2. |
Response Examples
# 204 - NoContent
GET Securities
This endpoint returns the security details for the service. If using search term, only top 10 results will be returned.
Header Examples
Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImt...
x-pps-subscription-key: d3e30ecd1ab345...
x-pps-api-version: v1
Header Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Authorizationrequired | string | Access token. |
x-pps-subscription-keyrequired | string | Product subscription key. |
x-pps-api-versionrequired | string | API version of the endpoint. |
Request Parameter - Query Examples
# Search by string
Search: BHP
PdsId: AU123
# Search by security IDs
SecurityIds: AU1
SecurityIds: AU2
SecurityIds: AU3
# Search by security codes
SecurityCodes: BHP.ASX
SecurityCodes: PPS.ASX
Request Parameter - Query
Parameter | Type | Description |
Search | string | Search term based on security code or security description. If Search is provided, SecurityIds and SecurityCodes will be ignored. |
PdsId | string | PDS ID. (AU only) |
SecurityIds | array | A list of security IDs to search. If SecurityIds are provided, Search and SecurityCodes will be ignored. |
SecurityCodes | array | A list of security codes to search. If SecurityCodes are provided, Search and SecurityIds will be ignored. |
Response Examples
# 200 - OK (AU response)
"Id": "AU94",
"Code": "BHP",
"Description": "BHP GROUP LIMITED FPO",
"Isin": "AU000000BHP4",
"Exchange": "ASX",
"Currency": "AUD",
"IsAllowedByApl": true
# 200 - OK (INTL response)
"Id": "UK1000000993",
"Code": "ROC",
"Description": "ROC OIL CO LTD NPV",
"Isin": "AU000000ROC4",
"Exchange": "LON",
"Currency": "GBP"
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Id | string | Security ID. |
Code | string | Security code. |
Description | string | Description. |
Isin | string | ISIN of security. |
Exchange | string | Exchange of security. |
Currency | string | Currency of security. |
IsAllowedByApl | boolean | Is the security allowed by the Approved Product List. (Only returned when PdsId is supplied) (AU only) |
Model Manager
GET Models
This endpoint returns models for the model provider.
Header Examples
Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImt...
x-pps-subscription-key: d3e30ecd1ab345...
x-pps-api-version: v1
Header Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Authorizationrequired | string | Access token. |
x-pps-subscription-keyrequired | string | Product subscription key. |
x-pps-api-versionrequired | string | API version of the endpoint. |
Response Examples
# 200 - OK
"Id": "AU529",
"Code": "TE0001",
"Description": "Test Diversified Income",
"Status": 0,
"FactSheetUrl": "",
"ProviderName": "TestProvider",
"UpdatedDate": "2020-10-14T11:33:16.937+11:00",
"LastTransactionDate": "2020-06-30T00:00:00+10:00"
"Id": "AU530",
"Code": "TE0002",
"Description": "InvestSMART Conservative",
"Status": 0,
"FactSheetUrl": "",
"ProviderName": "TestProvider",
"UpdatedDate": "2020-08-19T15:46:48.55+10:00",
"LastTransactionDate": "2020-06-30T00:00:00+10:00"
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Id | string | Praemium unique model Identifier. |
Code | string | Model code. |
Description | string | A description of the model. |
Status | enum | Open = 0, Closing = 1, Closed = 2. |
FactSheetUrl | string | Fact sheet URL. |
ProviderName | string | Model provider name. |
UpdatedDate | date-time | Model status update. Note that this date refers to an update of the model description, not the model weights. |
LastTransactionDate | date-time | Model weights update date. |
GET Model Approximate FUM
This endpoint returns approximate FUM for the model.
Header Examples
Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImt...
x-pps-subscription-key: d3e30ecd1ab345...
x-pps-api-version: v1
Header Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Authorizationrequired | string | Access token. |
x-pps-subscription-keyrequired | string | Product subscription key. |
x-pps-api-versionrequired | string | API version of the endpoint. |
Request Parameter - Query Examples
ModelId: AU1234
ValuationDate: 2021-02-23T00:00:00Z
Request Parameter - Query
Parameter | Type | Description |
ModelIdrequired | string | The model ID as returned by the model endpoint. |
ValuationDaterequired | date-time | Date used to display the data. |
Response Examples
# 200 - OK
"NumberOfAccountsLinked": 2,
"TotalTargetFum": 63569.37,
"TotalApproximateFum": 62957.98,
"ApproximateFumForAccounts": [
"AccountId": "AU316168",
"TotalValue": 230996.36,
"ModelWeight": 18.87,
"TargetFum": 43600.29,
"ApproximateFum": 43200.27
"AccountId": "AU328554",
"TotalValue": 20144.78,
"ModelWeight": 99.13,
"TargetFum": 19969.08,
"ApproximateFum": 19757.71
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
NumberOfAccountsLinked | integer | Number of accounts linked to the model. |
TotalTargetFum | double | Target FUM for all accounts. (AUD) |
TotalApproximateFum | double | Approximate FUM for all accounts. (AUD) |
ApproximateFumForAccounts | array | |
ApproximateFumForAccounts.AccountId | string | Account ID. |
ApproximateFumForAccounts.TotalValue | double | Total market value of the account. (AUD) |
ApproximateFumForAccounts.ModelWeight | double | Account weight in the requested model. |
ApproximateFumForAccounts.TargetFum | double | Target FUM of the account. (AUD) |
ApproximateFumForAccounts.ApproximateFum | double | Approximate FUM of the account. (AUD) |
GET Model Performance
This endpoint returns performance for the model.
Header Examples
Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImt...
x-pps-subscription-key: d3e30ecd1ab345...
x-pps-api-version: v1
Header Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Authorizationrequired | string | Access token. |
x-pps-subscription-keyrequired | string | Product subscription key. |
x-pps-api-versionrequired | string | API version of the endpoint. |
Request Parameter - Query Examples
ModelId: AU1234
FromDate: 2021-01-23T00:00:00Z
ToDate: 2021-02-23T00:00:00Z
Request Parameter - Query
Parameter | Type | Description |
ModelIdrequired | string | The model ID as returned by the model endpoint. |
FromDaterequired | date-time | The from date used when calculating data for the request. |
ToDaterequired | date-time | The to date used when calculating data for the request. |
Response Examples
# 200 - OK
"DailyPercentageReturns": [
"Date": "2021-02-01T00:00:00+11:00",
"PercentageReturn": 0.0581
"CumulativePercentageReturn": 0.0581
"Date": "2021-02-02T00:00:00+11:00",
"PercentageReturn": 0.5749,
"CumulativePercentageReturn": 0.5749
"Date": "2021-02-03T00:00:00+11:00",
"PercentageReturn": 0.5085,
"CumulativePercentageReturn": 0.5085
"PercentageReturns": [
"PeriodDescription": "1 mth",
"GrossPercentageReturn": -1.0963,
"NetPercentageReturn": 0.0000,
"Annualised": false
"PeriodDescription": "3 mths",
"GrossPercentageReturn": -1.8790,
"NetPercentageReturn": 0.0000,
"Annualised": false
"PeriodDescription": "1 yr",
"GrossPercentageReturn": 12.5027,
"NetPercentageReturn": 0.0000,
"Annualised": false
"PeriodDescription": "Since 01/02/2021",
"GrossPercentageReturn": -1.1234,
"NetPercentageReturn": 0.0000,
"Annualised": false
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
DailyPercentageReturns | array | |
DailyPercentageReturns.Date | date-time | The date used to calculate performance data. |
DailyPercentageReturns.PercentageReturn | double | The performance percentage return. |
DailyPercentageReturns.CumulativePercentageReturn | double | Cumulative percentage return from the FromDate to Date. |
PercentageReturns | array | |
PercentageReturns.PeriodDescription | string | A description of the period the returns are calculated for. |
PercentageReturns.GrossPercentageReturn | double | The performance percentage return excluding expenses. |
PercentageReturns.NetPercentageReturn | double | The performance percentage return including expenses. |
PercentageReturns.Annualised | boolean | Whether the return is annualised. |
GET Model Holdings
This endpoint returns holdings for the model.
Header Examples
Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImt...
x-pps-subscription-key: d3e30ecd1ab345...
x-pps-api-version: v1
Header Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Authorizationrequired | string | Access token. |
x-pps-subscription-keyrequired | string | Product subscription key. |
x-pps-api-versionrequired | string | API version of the endpoint. |
Request Parameter - Query Examples
ModelId: AU1234
ValuationDate: 2021-02-23T00:00:00Z
Request Parameter - Query
Parameter | Type | Description |
ModelIdrequired | string | The model ID as returned by the model endpoint. |
ValuationDaterequired | date-time | Date used to display the data. |
Response Examples
# 200 - OK
"Security": {
"Code": "AAA",
"Exchange": "ASX"
"TargetValuePercentage": 55.5806,
"ActualValuePercentage": 55.5300
"EstimatedYield": 5.84
"Security": {
"Code": "VGS",
"Exchange": "ASX"
"TargetValuePercentage": 32.8733,
"ActualValuePercentage": 32.5500,
"EstimatedYield": 1.37
"Security": {
"Code": "AUDCASH",
"Exchange": "CAS"
"TargetValuePercentage": 11.5461,
"ActualValuePercentage": 11.9200,
"EstimatedYield": 0.77
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Security | object | |
Security.Code | string | Security code. |
Security.Exchange | string | Security exchange. |
TargetValuePercentage | double | Target value in the model for the security. |
ActualValuePercentage | double | Percentage that was implemented allowing for market movements and minimum cash. This is record in the model shadow account for the model. |
EstimatedYield | double | Estimated yield of the security. |
GET Model Weight Adjustment
This endpoint returns weight adjustment for the model.
Header Examples
Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImt...
x-pps-subscription-key: d3e30ecd1ab345...
x-pps-api-version: v1
Header Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Authorizationrequired | string | Access token. |
x-pps-subscription-keyrequired | string | Product subscription key. |
x-pps-api-versionrequired | string | API version of the endpoint. |
Request Parameter - Query Examples
ModelId: AU1234
Request Parameter - Query
Parameter | Type | Description |
ModelIdrequired | string | The model ID as returned by the model endpoint. |
Response Examples
# 200 - OK
"Security": {
"Isin": "",
"Code": "AUDCASH",
"Exchange": "UNL"
"Target": 0.9760
"Security": {
"Isin": "AU0000005902",
"Code": "INIF",
"Exchange": "ASX"
"Target": 99.0240
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Security | object | |
Security.Code | string | Security code of the security. |
Security.Exchange | string | Exchange code of the security. |
Security.Isin | string | International securities identification number of the security. |
Target | double | The current percentage weight of the security in the model. |
PUT Model Weight Adjustment
This endpoint can schedule weight adjustment for the model.
Header Examples
Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImt...
x-pps-subscription-key: d3e30ecd1ab345...
x-pps-api-version: v1
Header Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Authorizationrequired | string | Access token. |
x-pps-subscription-keyrequired | string | Product subscription key. |
x-pps-api-versionrequired | string | API version of the endpoint. |
Request Parameter - Body Examples
"ModelId": "AU646",
"ModelWeightAdjustments": [
"SecurityId": "AU111",
"Target": 100.0000
Request Parameter - Body
Parameter | Type | Description |
ModelIdrequired | string | The model ID as returned by the model endpoint. |
ModelWeightAdjustmentsrequired | array | |
ModelWeightAdjustments.SecurityIdrequired | string | Security ID. |
ModelWeightAdjustments.Target | double | The target percentage weight of the security in the model. |
Response Examples
# 202 - Accepted